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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. Because LS is in the state of San Andreas. San Andreas is R*'s version of California. On the Trailer the sign said Los Puarta. Could Puarta be R*'s Version of the word Puerto? Looking at a map of Cali, the nearest Puerto is, Puerto Peñasco, Mexico. Could we see a little bit of over the border like RDR? Puerta means door. Can you say puerta? Say puerta, puerta, puerta, FUCKING PUERTA!! SAY IT BITCH!
  2. That's actually a good point about the water, all GTA games - even those set in just one city - have restricted your access to parts of the map with water. To me LS looks like one continuous city, so the only thing I can see being blocked off at the begining of the game is some of the countryside. But for it to be blocked off there'd have to be a justifiable reason, so i'd imagine there'd be missions and possibly safehouses out there.
  3. ViceMan


    I can get to sleep no problem. *is glad he's more normal than Marney*
  4. ViceMan


    But it makes no sense... They never make any sense.
  5. ViceMan


    Had another one inspired by GTA V and Assassin's Creed. I think it was set in Jamaica and the character was a Rastafari, there were a couple of other gang members following him around. Then they climbed up some of the small buildings and sat on top looking over the city. I seem to remember one of the weapons he picked up was a piece of spiked iron railing, then he hid in the back of an ironmonger's shop in the shadows and jumped on the unsuspecting owner with it. I have no fucking idea either, just recalling what I remember. On the plus side, since I work for Rockstar I can tell you it's all true and going to be in GTA V.
  6. Since AC is apparently now coming in yearly installments i'd expect the third next November. *crosses fingers for a 16th century Japanese setting*
  7. Of course I did, that's not the point.
  8. Wait? Wait for what? Wait for someone to add something constructive to a topic round here? *pulls up a chair*
  9. There hasn't been a third yet.
  10. Yeah, sadly they're still here. Welcome. Yeah why's Psy still here? He hasn't done anything constructive for the last five years.
  11. We don't know if it's just LS or not, the announcement from R* did say "Los Santos and surrounding countryside" but obviously if there were other cities they wouldn't reveal them just like that. At the moment i'm 50/50 on the matter, part of me thinks there will be at least one other major city, it just makes sense to me. All we can do is sit back and wait to see if the next trailer reveals more, R* usually send out some screenshots to the fansites too, plus we may get some in magazines if we're lucky.
  12. I preordered mine from a random man in the street, I gave him £50 and he said he'd bring it round next week with my 1p change. *sets noob bait*
  13. You couldn't model a piece of shit with your anus. Hah!
  14. Well it's the official announcements that cause most of the leaking... i've already done that joke in some form or another but fuck it anyway.
  15. It is, but in a different format... "Uncle Massy's Sodomy Shop V"
  16. They just said "fuck it, you all know best, you can make the game yourself. Here's the modelling software, here's a 3000 page book on coding, go nuts."
  17. I was just talking in general terms, not in regards to the map. R* did release the SA map in parts. But I doubt the same will happen here, we might get to see it on the flash site a month before release.
  18. I doubt it, another month or two... That's official info. I'm sure we'll be getting leaks every day saying completely different things.
  19. I assume "ramping" is the gay term for going balls deep on a first date. And "huge hills" is pretty obvious.