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Everything posted by ViceMan

  1. First thought was this: Really? My first thought was this.
  2. Nah brah, it's all wrong. Trust me, i'm a Rockstar employee. Look at it... The headlights are completely the wrong shape, the Comet's body is sloped more towards the back whereas the red car is a lot straighter and stiffer looking, it also has great big flared wheel arches that the Comet doesn't have. Look at the boot uh, "trunk" of the red car, look how flat it is. Look at it, just look at it... Would you just look at it? (Also why does resizing the images in the post editor never actually do anything? I made them smaller, posted and they're back to their original size, fucking pointless...)
  3. You should shoop bOnEs' face on there.
  4. Well it certainly isn't the Comet. Look at the headlights, all wrong.
  5. The question is; would you, would any of us pay that much to get GTA V a few days early? As great as the game will be my answer would be no.
  6. It wouldn't be so bad if they'd paid that much to actually buy a decent game, but fucking Call of Duty?
  7. You can mention in scene 17 that it's the walk of fame he's driving down, a star is very briefly seen on the path in the foreground. And the car in scene 22 I think we've all agreed is the Phoenix. Definitely not a Coquette since that was based on the new Corvette. (Just adding these as I spot them) The red car isn't a Comet. The car looks more like a Nissan 350Z. Think it's new. I'm not sure if the blue car is a Feltzer either as in GTA IV it is made by a different company, check the badge on the front against these.
  8. My take on this, R* are saying it's their "biggest" project to date. So bigger than SA, RDR, GTA IV and L.A. Noire. However that just applies to the map, not the city. The city I think will probably be slighty smaller or at least feel smaller than IV. Liberty City was more of a compacted vertical mass of buildings much like New York is (duh,) whereas Los Santos/LA is more of a sprawling low-rise city. So the city may be bigger in terms of area covered, but not in density. Then we have to add the surrounding coutryside which I think should be around three times as large as the city, at least that's what would feel natural to me. We don't know about other cities yet but I would expect one or two backwater towns at the least. I mentioned elsewhere that if we took L.A. Noire's map, condensed it so it's half the size (R* never fully recreate cities to their full size in GTA games) and plonked it in the middle of RDR's wilderness we might have a good idea of what to expect.
  9. Round here it means somebody's missing a pair of shoes.
  10. Some reviewer from either IGN or Gamespot that made the mistake of upsetting Marney. Mainly due to the fact she was a woman.
  11. You could get banned quicker by calling Duff a poof. Duff, you're a... hmm, better not.
  12. It's been asylumified. We've all suckled on those fine breasts, even those of us who didn't want to. Your day will come soon. QD will find you.
  13. Well I think R* learned a lot with RDR's multiplayer and we'll see quite a bit of it implemented into GTA V's MP mode. Fucking hell, an on-topic post...
  14. I did reason that out with logic, R* North is a Scottish company and are therefore part of Britain.
  15. I must admit, you've come far in your stay here considering you started off as an annoying little prick. (No offense of course, we're all homies together now.) Oh wait I thought this was in the asylum, oh well... fuck it anyway.
  16. It did that years ago. I play ViceMan, a quiet but kinky scientist who previously worked for Massacre's now defunct Warlord Industries (formerly Warlord Inc.) Now I am a freelance Assassin's Creed-inspired scriptwriter and all round pervert. My main hobbies include licking QD's plump nipples and trying to create my own cloning research facility with the backstory that my former boss always thwarts my plans, to which I am always most disheartened and suicidal.
  17. The Audi doesn't have a front license plate either. Also that one looks like a Nissan GT-R
  18. Before or after he was banned? Yeah I did think that. Pre-bannination Stoic was a lot more epic, shame how the system keeps a brother down.
  19. Yes it added some of the fun elements back in, which will probably return in GTA V.
  20. < Has done permanent damage to his teeth. But I'm trying... Just live by the motto: WWSD - what would Stoic do?
  21. Maybe Liberty City is the state as well as the city. Like New York, New York. Although it would be silly having a state with "City" in it wouldn't it?