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About 0bs3n3

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  1. So, what race did well end up going? I picked dark elf on the spur of the moment. I kinda regret it, wish I went Nord and had a kick ass beard. Whatever, definitely not restarting now. Below is on my progress, nothing major really but put tags just in case:
  2. Guys am I the only one about to be heartbroken if it's just one city? The countryside was literally my favourite part about SA, and I'm sick of having just one sprawling metropolis (from IV). They're proved they can do a megacity well, why do it again
  3. Lol, pre-owned killing the video game industry. Modern Warfare 2 brought in 1 billion dollars. A BILLION!
  4. I hope these motherfuckers are running on Aust. time. ONLY ONE HOUR TO GO. Ahhhhh, a man can dream.
  5. OH MY FREAKING GOD! Couldn't have chosen a better day to finally visit the old forums again. Sweeeeeeeeeet!