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Everything posted by RedRooster

  1. I'll be gettin it for ps3. fuck changin disc's, can't be bothered with that shiiit. But for all we know it could be comin out on the next consoles. doubt it though.
  2. Lol, no. Not even going to bother pointing out why that is so obviously not GTA V. You should know better. I am very disappointed in you. GTA never have had real cars, thought you would have realised that as soon as you look at that pic. tut tut..
  3. Wait a second... You NEED cheats to complete the game? If so, you should definitely not be playing games, especially GTA which has no difficulty levels. I always do the first run without any cheats, then I create a new save to cheat on and fuck around. I don't need cheats to beat the game, but used to use car cheats n stuff. I don't care bout trophies n shit.
  4. Not really. much easier bashin in the health cheat rather than buyin a hotdog and driving to the gun store for armour
  5. The cops should have stinger strip's like in SA again. Maybe tazer gun's aswell.
  6. Well in V im gonna try do without them. See how i get on , unless there's kickass cheats like jetpack n stuff
  7. I was just thinkin could you imagine GTA without cheats. I've never played any gta game without using cheats, I reckon alot of you haven't either. But would it really hurt playing the game without cheats? What's your thoughts?
  8. Yeah true , perhaps a plane tour maybe, or if the maps really big if you could get a plane from one end of the map to the other, say hop onto a plane, choose destination, and either take in the views on your journey or skip just like the taxi's in IV..
  9. The more descructable the better i reckon. maybe not building's as such but if they respawn well why not eh.
  10. I think if the cops could actually catch you for once whilst running i'm saying, and tackle you to the floor. Maybe a pain in the ass but it'd be fun. Also what marcus mentioned, if you could bribe them that'd b sweet too. Wonder if there gonna be some bad-ass cop in V like TenPenny ...
  11. I'm not very fond of 3rd person view, but it'll never happen in gta anyways
  12. No phone? What kind of proud american are you? How else is the protagonist supposed to get information from clients? Did you not play GTAIV? Do you think they are going to take a step back from the previous game(s) and not give you a cell phone. Jesus Christ, I can't believe the scottish idiots that post here. Just saying I wouldn't mind if there ain't a phone you prick, and that some of the things ppl would like on their phone in V is just idiotic...
  13. I wouldn't even care if there wasn't a phone. Can't believe some of the faggy shit i'm readin here Only thing that was good about the mobile phone was u could store cheats
  14. Yeah dynamic gun-fights would be awesome. But one thing I didn't really like in SA was "defend your hood!" It's a cool idea, but whenever it came up I was like "FUCK" cuz it was such a hassle. Yeah that was a bit annoying, but if you could manage the amount of gang members to patrol the turf it would have been better, sorta like godfather. not sure if we'll have to take over gangs territory in V, but maybe crime rings , business's n shit.
  15. I think the car damage in IV was fine, perhaps losing your wheels n stuff should be somethin that could happin in V.
  16. Ain't really bothered about cheats tbh, i'm gonna try do without em.
  17. Really look forward to exploring the map and getting up to all sorts of shit
  18. Never know, might have something to do with terrorists in the game, seems the game evolves round the mentality of present time, economy hit america n that shit. In the trailer you see alot of shops n that shut down.
  19. would be pretty funny if the cops chased you if you were seen pickin up a prostitute lol, but yeah i think more realistic the better
  20. hope most buildinds are interactive, and you can rob most places. b sweet if we could own are own business's also
  21. might see some missions involving the prison again, if there is one that is.