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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Yeah that's true. Well we have 5 names down on the list. We need 6 more, and possibly a stand in double for me, so we have more than one chance of going viral. On the other hand, i'm sure gtagrl would be happy to take some snaps? She doesn't have a male alt does she?
  2. Cool. I'm thinking; Kuz - Matt Damon; Ace - Bernie Mack; DiO - Scott Caan; Ghostman - Carl Reiner. ...and that leaves us two more guys Providing they want to be those characters, and if they even want to participate. DiO might need to provide us with some fluckit guys... Once we have a complete list, we'll discuss the best day & time to do this. And this is a good chance for us to do some other peoples photo-op ideas at the same time, make a session of it.
  3. Okay, i'll put your name down. The (possible) List: DuPz0r - Elliott Gould (Red Suit, Cigar) Rob - Brad Pitt (Grey Suit, Red Shirt) bOnEs - George Clooney (dark grey suit, no tie) Diablo - Casey Affleck? (red suit, red tie) Otiz -Qin Shaobo (Asian dude)
  4. Be the Chinese dude. Get some Oriental make-up, and some Asian looking hair, you'll be fine
  5. Which actor do you think your character could pull off from O11? Casey Affleck? (red suit, red tie). Yeah Godfather crossed my mind. But i think since the Valentines dlc, there's been a lot of mafia gangster related snaps, that i think it'll get lost in the crowd rather than go viral. O11 was too hard to pull off before, because of the lack of suit and tie colours. Not anymore. Otiz i see you lurking. You can be in it if you want. Who needs arms!
  6. I bought the Alpha and the Jesta. Didn't take long to grind, and considering how generous the resale value is on bought cars now, i managed to get 600k for my Cheetah. I wont be buying the jet, i just don't need it. And i'm not sure, but is the Turismo R as fast as the Adder? because i wont need it for anything other than speed. That may be a long term purchase, but I've tried it offline, and i don't need one right now. I was gonna mention the guy in the heist room, didn't see anything about it here. Pretty cool. The flood of masks, the guy in the heist room, the renaming of 'home' to 'apartment number' makes me think that The Business Pack is only the start of something bigger. Wasn't it first called The Dangerous Business Pack? I think they held back a few features for whatever reason.
  7. This shouldn't be too hard to get together. We just need to get the right clothes (or as close as), all male characters (gtagrl do you have an alt?) and a couple of black characters. And then i'll tell people where to stand or who-ever else wants to take the photo too. So bOnEs, who would you be from O11?
  8. Anyone know any locations with pool tables? I know Yellow Jack's has one.
  9. Thanks buddy. You should have got a ps3 man, you're always here, you'd be an asset to the crew over on the PS3 side! I was thinking, we need 12 people. If two of us dress the same, then that means two of us can take photos and been in the photo, giving us a better chance of going viral...
  10. Any cool ideas for the #Business snapmatic contest? I was thinking of trying to re-enact something from a movie? We need to get together to do this before Sunday the 9th. A group of us could dress up and do a scene from Oceans Eleven...? Find a Pool Table and crowd around it. That's if we can get 11 people plus a photographer to it do before the end of the weekend... If you wanna do it, put your name down here, along with the character you wish to dress as? The (possible) List: DuPz0r - Elliott Gould (Red Suit, Cigar) Rob - Brad Pitt (Grey Suit, Red Shirt) bOnEs - George Clooney (dark grey suit, no tie) Diablo - Casey Affleck? (red suit, red tie) Otiz -Qin Shaobo (Asian dude) I think i can pull off the character with the cigar with my middle aged character. So i'll chose him. Shall we just go by the new movie, seeing as we have clothing colours to dress match?
  11. Kuz, let it go buddy. I think it's about time to lock this topic, night has been and gone, people have posted all their images and past-times. It was a good two nights. See you all next week! Unless we can be civil.
  12. DuPz0r

    Mad Max

    Any news on this game? Not heard anything from it in a while.
  13. Let it go Diablo. It's all a bit of fun. Lets not ruin that.
  14. My Snapmatic always seems to have issues in-game and out.
  15. People are complaining on the Newswire about losing the Gusenberg Sweeper after the patch. Anyone experienced this so far?
  16. I do favour the Aldmeri Dominion. But they are limited to Alliances, unless you get the Imperial pre-order content.
  17. I could still play without downloading the 60gb it would seem. I made a secondary character to play around with.
  18. DuPz0r


    No need for auto-lock. The analog sticks are sensitive enough, with the settings turned up. Think of the sensitivity on the analog settings like the DPI settings on a mouse. With a controller you feel like you're at the center of the aiming reticule because of how close together the sticks are to each other. With a mouse, you always feel lopsided, like you're aiming from one side...
  19. DuPz0r


    I got my PS4 last month. And so far, the only game that truly looks "next gen" that's out to buy now, is Killzone. Here's a couple of screenshots i took in-game with the share button:
  20. Parker, stop sharing songs on the SC that we've all heard a million times... Wall of songs.
  21. It takes a couple of in-game days for the ? to appear sometimes. It did for me anyway.
  22. I vote Monday. I think we should stick to igta night Monday and keep Tuesday fluid. The less people for photo ops the better imo... I have some ideas if we get the right items of clothing. We only need 4-6 people imo. We should do an open lobby on Tuesday, whoever turns up... joins in.