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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Last night's shenanigans inspired these two new deahmacthes, directly. Monster Mash http://rsg.ms/1nNqRuU 2-16 players. Find a way to destroy your competitors in this demolition monster derby! Dump Jump http://rsg.ms/1nNrkxl 2-16 players. Take a dump... and jump.
  2. Here's my photos from last night's shenanigans. bOnEs played with my Rebel, and it came back to me half the size... Travelator explosion. We had way too much fun with those dump trucks. I found Vagina Rock. The Moshpit skydive... was fucking hilarious. And last night's shenanigans also inspired these two new deahmacthes, directly. Monster Mash http://rsg.ms/1nNqRuU 2-16 players. Find a way to destroy your competitors in this demolition monster derby! Dump Jump http://rsg.ms/1nNrkxl 2-16 players. Take a dump... and jump.
  3. I'm slowly losing interest in this game for some reason. I think the novelty has worn off before I've even had a chance to play it. I will wait though, there could be a few more surprises still to come which may change my mind.
  4. space of aids... I like it. Keep that name. Small turnout this week. We'll have to do something special in shenanigan morgan freemode.
  5. DiO, i think some of your deathmatches inspired this one. It's a team based melee brawl on the middle/top floors of one of Downtown construction site. You all start with baseball bats, and i've included crowbars, knives and molotovs, gas grenades to toss around. Pretty fun when in groups. Add to Game: http://rsg.ms/MNkdHh 2-16 players TDM or DM All wrong, who put this together? Destroy everything, destroy everyone involved!
  6. Sweet grove, the layout of the circuit looks pretty cool. I'll add to game now and try it tonight. We definitely need more builders around here. I like playing custom content, I'd like to see more variety in people contributing
  7. Well, i pre-ordered the imperial edition for PS4 today out of impulse. Call me a mug if you will, but i just love the universe and everything in it. I can't see them fucking it up that badly, even if it has a rocky start as all MMO/RPG games do. But as it's more expensive than WoW overall, yearly (if you include PS+), then it better offer some decent co-op gameplay and intense boss style battles as well as complimentary classes, that actually need each other to defeat things. I like promoting co-op play, it makes it all that more immersive.
  8. One does not say swears whilst publicly speaking. *Invites ghostman to game* *Sees he is playing ACIV instead* "OOOOOH SHIIIIIT" "Dup, you just swear? dafuq man..."
  9. DuPz0r

    GTAO Wishlist

    I want a simple video camera for my phone. Even something as simple as a vine rip off would get creative people editing awesome videos together imo.
  10. This one was made to be a satirical creation (but also fun to play), to make fun of all the "grove street" creations out there. Add to Game: http://rsg.ms/MIBBx0 GTA Race 1-16 players. Hop over the urban shanty of south central on a BMX, with a 'gat in hand. There's nothing more Gangsta'. This one is a bit like my previous Vinewood bike race (Two Wheel Wipeout), but more road, and more speed! Add to Game: http://rsg.ms/MICg1q GTA Race 1-16 players. The historic Vinewood Loop circuit, with a twist.
  11. I think consoles are cross-platform. But PC is definitely PC only.
  12. I'm still a little sketchy on the ps4 service though. So we have to pay for the game initially ($59.99/£59.99 - What kind of bullshit is this? I'm buying it in 'Merica), like any other game, then we have to pay for playstation plus (£39.99 for a year) just to play online, then we have to pay a monthly subscription for TESO ($14.99/£8.99 a month). That's gonna set me back over £200 for a year of gameplay... I hope it's worth it. Who else is thinking of getting this on PS4?
  13. Not a bad glitch. I accidentally did something like this before, with my female character, but i chose the scarf not the watch, and i got my crew logo floating on my skin, so it looked like a tattoo If we can manage to recreate this, i think DiO needs to start creating torso tattoos for the shirt lulz crew!
  14. I haz ESO beta on PC. Played it for two days in January. I'm 100% sure I'll be getting it for PS4 though.
  15. Finally, FINALLY, I found the car I've been looking for, for such a long time online. It must be one of the rarest vehicles (for me anyway), or I was just looking in the wrong places ( i found it on the northbound freeway beside Grapeseed. Either way I have my Zirconium Stratum, and it tunes up really well, with great speeds for what it is, and decent handling. such a great gem among the station wagons!
  16. Some random pics from last night. My #LSCarShow snaps
  17. My best snaps from last night: Entered this in the #LSCarShow
  18. da kid notorious is already in the igta crew, has been for a while, unless Massacre deleted him. I also have him in my Gene' Crew.
  19. Racing for pinkslips may still happen, I can see trade rigging goings on, unless they just allow trading and selling vehicles by then.
  20. Forgot to post this the other day. I noticed it had a few plays already, but here it is: Add to Game: http://rsg.ms/Mhm86X 1-16 players. A high octane GTA bike race around the iconic Vinewood sign. Watch your cornering, and use it to your advantage .
  21. The Bus Range Add to Game: http://rsg.ms/Mhi86g 2-16 players. TDM or DM (Teams preferred) Pick your targets in this well crafted makeshift sniper range at a bus station. Use the cover provided to stop you from being a mark.