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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. This really interests me. An infinite universe with procedural planets... Damn.
  2. Wait, so was the strip club above the train right there, and you glitched through the floor?
  3. I gone done me a couple of instagramatic snaps.
  4. damn, well we'll have to start half an hour later then.
  5. Dunno if DiO turned them on or not when we played it last night, but i got 'dem stars. Thanks for noticing anyway, i'll make those changes shortly.
  6. ah so I did. That's what happens when you publish things at 3am lol. Adding scooter beach now!
  7. Nice race bOnEs. The entrance and exits are much better than my first attempt lol. I've learnt from that now. I really enjoyed your playlist there DiO. Some nice races there. Kalahari Quarry was probably my favorite. The ramp was the only snag there. Unless you get enough speed, you just hit that curb/step. Happened to me both laps. There's something about that Fort.... I had to make a circuit out of it! Add to Game: http://rsg.ms/1aLCJIv 16 players. Race. Race around inside the most dangerous circuit in San Andreas. It has it all. Jumps, Straights, Tight hairpin turns, and a heavy military presence to keep the traffic flowing. I chose a selection of vehicles for this. But only one car per class, to make it even for everyone.
  8. I listened to everyone's feedback on the Skydie deathmatch, and I've overhauled the layout of the map. Skydie: A Good Day to Die First of all, I've created a DNA style structure in the sky using wrecked bus halves, which should also provide you with more cover from other enemies. I decided to do this because 1. there's a 50 prop limit (so i can't create proper structures for all 16 players, and 2. some people prefer to camp in the sky and just have a shootout up there until they run out of ammo. Micro-Uzi's instead of handguns now, makes parachute popping easier. I've also made some changes to the ground. There's now more heavy snipers & also Micro Uzi's instead of just standard snipers in and around the prison. It makes shooting at chuter's more enjoyable. There's helicopters and planes around the prison too, if you wish to climb back up to the action. Add to game: http://rsg.ms/1mw8cAA 16 player Deathmatch (DM advised, Teams may not respawn in the sky). If you find yourself in the sky, make a dash for your 'chute, and jump. No chute? Bad luck. On the ground? Grab a sniper' from the prison and look to the skies! I tested it last night with DiO and a fairly large group. The spawn points worked great, you always spawn up in the sky now. But the only problem i think people were having, was waiting for parachutes to respawn. I saw a few people just falling to their deaths out of boredom or impatience xD. Other than that i found it to be a great experience. Definitely one of my favourite "unique" DM's now, up there with Dust Devils & Dodgems.
  9. DuPz0r

    GTAO Wishlist

    Great idea ginge. Maybe after you've successfully "completed" a given job it should be added to a job list. People will spam the better ones obviously, but the best ones usually require a high level anyway, so the RP and money shouldn't be classed as a quick grind. Even so, there's probably a way that R* could implement a "You can't do this job for 10 more minutes, try again later." notification, if they don't want people grinding the same jobs over and over again.
  10. Wow, i can't even pick one. I don't like the way they look.
  11. For you Massacre. We burnt Ace and his rag-red hearse, whilst DiO's drunk body cowered in the corner sobbing. And the shenanigans unfold. bOnEs being circumcised up there. Diving Stunts. DiO's self-immolation stunt (bOnEs got the better angle).
  12. Yeah it took long, i just hope it turns out to be fun in large groups, and people don't just spawn kill given the chance. The prop and spawn point limitation really made this one a bitch to create. I still wish to make it higher, so there's a longer free-fall, and people can decide when to pull their chutes, but it's just so time consuming. It took me about 4 hours over the last couple of days just to get those structures set up that high off the ground. I wanted to test the waters at this weeks igta night, and see what people think. If it's enjoyable, then i'll go for a re-publish but use the sky altitude limit.
  13. Nice use of interior space DiO. I liked it. Skydie http://rsg.ms/LBy0jP TDM, 16 Player. If you find yourself in the sky, make a dash for your 'chute, and jump. On the ground? Grab a sniper' from the prison and look to the skies! The concept is that you start with pistols only. And you spawn in the sky on floating platforms. You jump off with your chute and shoot at eachother in the sky. Try to aim for the prison because that's where the snipers are. If you end up on the ground or respawn there, then grab a sniper from inside the prison and either snipe skydivers or battle on the ground (until you die and respawn back in the sky).
  14. http://rsg.ms/LBy0jP - Skydie. TDM, 16 Player. If you find yourself in the sky, make a dash for your 'chute, and jump. On the ground? Grab a sniper' from the prison and look to the skies! The concept is that you start with pistols only. And you spawn in the sky on floating platforms. You jump off with your chute and shoot at eachother in the sky. Try to aim for the prison because that's where the snipers are. If you end up on the ground or respawn there, then grab a sniper from inside the prison and either snipe skydivers or battle on the ground (until you die and respawn back in the sky).
  15. I should have a 'deathmatch' done by today, would like to try it out with you guys see if it works.
  16. Keep the no arm guy, make a second character if you want arms (unless you have already)