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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I want to get a picture of a shark at the top of mt.Chiliad. igtA-Team assemble! Shame it can't be done online.
  2. I never found out how people got sharks on land...
  3. This has the potential to go viral. MAKE IT HAPPEN http://rsg.ms/LniO9C I agree, that's one awesome shot.
  4. As much of a cliche it would be, i'd love to incorporate a Breaking Bad scenario (as a nod to R*N, and their influence from film & TV). But using our crew, not actual characters from Breaking Bad. It could be the smallest plot detail, but planted as an obvious nod. ...Just saying.
  5. I'm down for some MC role playing. Hell, all I've been dong since GTAO was released is role play, that's the magic. The Content Creator also aids this role play feeling, and it will do even more when the Mission Tools come out. There's loads of films i want to recreate epic scenes from, just like R* have done in the past GTA games. Even if the tools are limited at first, the enjoyment we all get when we have a full party is priceless, and that's the moment you realise you're part of an awesome crew in an awesome sandbox world!
  6. Jesus QD, you sound like a 5 year old moaning over spilt milk. It will take a lot for me to hate R* games or "knock them off my favourite list". It's all down to lack of knowledge, and amateur behavior. These guys have been making single player GTA games over 2 decades, and have mastered the sandbox. But now they've tried to make something ambitious enough, that their own status as a top developer has over-hyped it. Not to mention their advertisement resources. It's a fun game, which does what you'd expect it to do. The only drawbacks are lack of understanding of what makes an MMO work in its entirety. Rockstar North have just listened to the publishers and tried to give them what they want and then tried to balance that with what the fan wants, which has turned out to be a slow and painstaking process. The money and cashcard thing clearly wouldn't have been R*Norths intentions, and because of that one aspect alone, the whole game has stopped to a standstill because of hackers, and spoilt people wanting more money and items. If the game was completely free to begin with, and cash cards weren't being pushed into our faces, then the game wouldn't have been broke by hackers. And i'm sure we would have seen a lot more content for the game by now. Heists, Stock Markets and all that stuff would have been available to us, if the team had more time to develop content instead of tackle the problems caused by 1. bad programming to start with, 2. the hackers fucking the game up, and 3. those damn shark cards. I have faith in Rockstar's goal, that they want to create the biggest and most ambitious GTA game online. They promised to keep adding to it over time, and they need the fans to support and keep playing, or it will flop, and no longer be profitable to keep updating. Then you'll see GTAO turn into GTA IV online (on ps3 anyway), an empty shell of potential which never got any updates. I for one want to keep playing GTAO for years, but i also want new content to keep my playing, just like everyone else. But people these days are just too damn spoilt and demanding. The digital era is full of "i want, i get, right now!" kind of people, which is sad, it makes game development a tough world, and this is why stupid mobile and social gaming is on the rise...
  7. Well according to my SC garage, 5 of my cars have gone. I wont trust it until the maintenance process is over. What i have on SC page: What is missing: Bati 801 Entity XF Sultan RS Cheetah Stinger GT
  8. DuPz0r

    igtA-Team comic

    You have one? Damn Fitty. Don't do other stuff, Do GTAO! lol
  9. Someone has had a similar idea here. It looks pretty successful due to its topical content.
  10. Kojima posted some interesting Remote play screenshots from PS4 to Vita via twitter today. I ordered a PS4 online today, along with this game (was going to order a ps4 anyway), as my Birthday present from the wife. And I've already got a Vita gathering dust on my shelf. So i'm almost ready for this game and the new generation! Now i just need GTAO so i don't have to keep going between consoles...
  11. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Damn 'smith, i'm surprised this hasn't had that much attention around here. This stuff keeps getting stealthed in with each update i assume, those sneaky awesomes. Cannot wait for this to drop though! A small glimpse of the Mission Creation tools in the creator:
  12. This DLC may be the last thing i buy for PS3 (for myself, children not included) before i jump onto the new generation. I'd happily pay Naughty Dog for any game they make, as they've stepped up this generation, and really shown some amazing stuff. And back on topic, here's an interview with Ashley Johnson (Ellie's voice actor) about the upcoming DLC. As announced in November last year, Naughty Dog is currently hard at work on Left Behind – a new single player story expansion for its hugely acclaimed PS3 adventure The Last of Us. Acting as a prequel of sorts, the add-on will centre around Ellie and her best friend Riley (played by newcomer Yaani King) as they attend a military boarding school in the Boston quarantine zone, prior to meeting Joel and the events in the main campaign of The Last of Us. We’ll be revealing much more about what to expect from Left Behind later this week, but to whet your appetite I sat down with actress Ashley Johnson, who so brilliantly brings Ellie to life. Read on to find out more about where the new chapter takes the character. Source.
  13. Nah I don't mind at all Kuz, I was just saying. it's a good idea. Great minds think alike. The lack of headset probably made me a bit dull to hang with. It's just an awkward night to shout down the headset as it's the beginning of my wife's working week. Some great pics everyone. I can't believe I actually stayed for a couple of playlists. I've not stayed on that long for a while.
  14. I only got a couple of shots of us getting ready for the Ghost' hunt. Which would have been awesome if Ghostman played by the rules! And i caught DiO faceplant after he jumped off the ship lol Ghostman. Dat shot... It's beautiful. Also, Kuz. I made a pirate ship style deathmatch just like yours about two weeks ago. I posted it in the deathmatch creation thread. It's basically the same as yours but i allowed up to 3 teams, rocket launchers and snipers.
  15. I've not been very active this week online, I've had a busy week. Can't wait til tomorrow now!
  16. lol, i somehow got to this from your video hussain in the same window. Was pretty funny to watch drogo and the hound's new found connection lmao. Maisie is annoying though. (contains early season spoilers). On another note, this was pretty funny. *WARNING* Major season 3 spoilers in this clip btw.
  17. Pre-orders are now available for the Ground Zeros Prologue. Here's the cheapest I've found it atm: £22.99 on PS3 £30.00 on PS4 If you go by asda direct you can use coupon code 'Games5' to reduce it to £25... I'm tempted to pre-order it on PS4 and i don't even have one yet. Playstation versions of the game get a free "Deju Vu" mission DLC staring "Classic Snake" (literally classic, pixels & all). Xbox versions will get "Jamais Vu" Mission DLC Staring Raiden. Here's how the game looks on PS3/360. Apart from the clear aliasing and lower resolution textures, the game looks pretty nice even for last gen. And then the PS4/One version comparison:
  18. Someone's getting warm apple pie!
  19. Whatnis this, a new socialclub hack? Can you make the plate anything? I'd love to have just: 1
  20. Well if DiO doesn't want to do it, I'll do it.