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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r

    Classic Titles

    Most decent emulators these days have colour & CRT filters to make them look authentic anyway...
  2. Sweet. That would be great. And probably entertaining to watch when we all get together xD
  3. DuPz0r

    Keypad Secret?

    I've not played a keypad mission in a while. They used to be fairly easy at the time, but if they've sped it up like 'smithy said, then I can see it being a tedious mission objective. I lost interest in jobs the second patch to be honest. Payouts are still ridiculously low. And I only have like 30k cash left...
  4. I wish i had a recording device for my ps3. I'd totally do youtube spotlights to add to the news posts, so people could actually see them in action. They'd probably get more plays if they can see them first.
  5. My Crew Sentinel. It's matte grey with blue pearl.(paintjob glitch) which makes it look iridescent. And a ultra-blue secondary. And i want this as my party house!
  6. My bad, i meant base logo with the jackal, and have stuff happening around it, seasonal themes etc. Not just the text.
  7. Yes. I've discussed this with you , bOnEs, Fitty, Mass, and probably countless other people on the forums and over headset, and I for one, definitely want to see this happen. The first batch of R* Verified was nothing but viral successors, and about 80% of them weren't that good at all. I wished that they would put more time in playing custom content, and actually chose quality over numbers. Media Molecule did a great job on LBP's spotlighting, R* need to take a page from their book. But yeah, i'd be happy to test content each week, if that's what it takes. As long as we can set up a time to play with multiple players for the bigger games, in order to vote them up fairly, i'm all for it.
  8. I was gonna keep it quiet for a bit, but i've seen that other people have already figured out how to do it too. So here you go, and enjoy: This is how i figured it out: 1. All you have to do is drop an object into the scene, then another one of that type near by (for tutorial purpose we'll use an empty train carriage). 2. Move to one of the objects with your corona and press edit to pick it up. 3. Now you're in edit mode, you're able to place the carriage on top of the other one. (Some objects are fussier than others, and may take a bit of moving around or fiddling to drop into an acceptable spot, but you get used to it, and do it quicker once you know each object's placement difficulty). That's all there is to it. You can create stacks miles high, you can create extreme ramps which go from the road into the sky, over skyscrapers. And you can even delete from underneath leaving you with floating platforms if you wish. Your only limitation is the 50 props and the item limits. Now go make something original with it and post it back here!
  9. I was more fascinated with the UFO hovering over the golf course than the space docker... I want access to hidden props in CC!
  10. I had pork char sui with egg noodles yesterday too. Damn. Was a nice lunch.
  11. Dem hackers. 360: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/AsqlUHBemkSK5qKmWrOdtw?platFormId=1 PS3: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/Fj3g47Qpf0aIScuDCOuQZw?platFormId=2
  12. was everyone on late last night or something? I waited around til about 1am playing on public servers and didnt see anyone playing online. Or was that igta night?
  13. The Adder is the fastest , but the Entity has the best acceleration. So, it depends on the tracks you're racing. If you're on a track with a lot of corners or turns, go with the Entity, if it's a straight line, the adder will dust anything. Personally, i own the Entity with my first character because it just looks a lot nicer. My second character has an Adder. Both good, fast cars.
  14. DuPz0r


    How does this "snapshot system" modify existing games? I don't understand that patent fig. I sort of understand how the emulator could adjust data automatically in 2D era classics, but not fully 3d game worlds...
  15. Nice pearl. The colour that gets me hard is Wine Red with Gasoline pearl! It makes it look black with a green/blue iridescent tone.
  16. I'm interested in this. I loved the original Alien movie. And if this game feels anything like the sense of isolation in the movie, I will definitely enjoy it.
  17. I found a way to stack props/vehicles/weapons/spawns by accident whilst making a deathmatch in Grapeseed. So, I've now made use of this & literally built my own scrapyard arena in the Grand Senora Desert. There's plenty of places to hide for cover, and I've made good use of the arena and its surroundings. I decided to make this one a grenade/sticky & pistol match only, as it just seems right for this. Scrapyard Shenanigans (Can't save snaps in job, so i had to post the actual photo from the socialclub so you can see it) http://socialclub.ro...1g?platformId=2 TDM or DM 2-16 players. It's a lot of fun, even with only two people, but the more the better, so group up! And for good measure, i made a "Bomb Da Base" too! http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/K_eHlbNmn0ijsyKXz7WvUg?platformId=2 DM or TDM 2-16 players.
  18. I bailed early last night coz it was my son's first day back at school today, and i needed to make sure i woke up. Fun night though. Some interesting and fun things in the playlist this week for sure. We still need to do an "iGTA Verified" spotlight for the best stuff imo, and then facebook/tweet them, to help boost their plays and help them reach R* Verified success.
  19. Damn, we still haven't had any snow here yet. Winter hasn't truly arrived. It's just been wet and windy. Well, good luck your end bOnEs, hopefully you'll get snowed in rather than snowed out igta night
  20. I like the idea of having the base logo with different things going om around it for each contest or something...
  21. At least someone else still appreciates the comit!
  22. Thanks bOnEs, i like a good crit. Rock your Bati & PCJ Playground were ruined by that ramp glitch. Upstream Struggle is probably my favorite race so far. Whoever I've played it with, I've gotten a good laugh out of it so far. It was a bitch to make, because the checkpoints were damn impossible to plant. I figured out a glitch though, if you sort of pull a wheelie in the seashark, the checkpoint flashed yellow really quickly no matter what the angle of the terrain. So i managed to stick a few lucky checkpoints all the way up that stream. That seashark is a monster, i tested different Zancudo streams, and it can climb small waterfalls!
  23. DuPz0r

    GTAO Wishlist

    Items on flat ground is annoying granted, but there is ways and areas where you can get away with placjng items in uneven ground, including checkpoints. GTAO is a new experience for R*. We're used to waiting for a very long time to get a well polished GTA experience. With GTAO they can't do that. People want things immediately, and that's a tough demand to provide. I beleive that with time, GTAO will be the experience that we all want and dream of, we just need to be vocal and keep demanding the things we want from GTAO.
  24. The race starts outside, ramps to get in. There is some areas inside that checkpoints can place though, I've added 3 or 4 checkpoints inside there.
  25. I had to try it. A 16 player police chase through the airbase and into the wilderness... http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/P5lFQOK0CU-rq_yv2tK19A?platformId=2 Police chase (Race) 1-16 players. Provoke the law by trespassing on the airbase and escape with a hefty wanted level. Crawler's Clutch seemed pretty popular from a sandbox point of view (not a serious, competitive race). So here's the sequel, Chainski Trial is harder than it's predecessor in some places, so chose your path carefully (Damn, i love making challenging races). http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/UBxM2LUxA0G-bJdW-3BDVQ?platformId=2 Rock Crawl (Race) 1-16 players. Crawl your Sandking across San Andreas's most unforgiving rock faces from San Chainski to Mt Gordo.