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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Damn DiO, i have a whole playlist of yours to play tonight xD. Keep 'em coming!
  2. I finally got around to making this. I wanted to get one out before they decide to patch it up. It's a standard deathmatch inside the FIB building with up to 14 players. There's not a lot of room for spawns, so expect carnage! Oh and i chucked in a couple of parachutes beside the windows just for the lolz. http://rsg.ms/1i7DQGB Deathmatch 2-14 players. Fight amongst the destruction inside the FIB building.
  3. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Yeah Rob, when the update first became available earlier today, the missions hadn't even been put on the server. Now they appear as briefcase icons on the map.
  4. Holy Fuck, snow in Vinewood! My stats are still pretty balanced. Luckily my gift wasn't a major one.
  5. Does it happen every time you try or only sometimes? I just tried PCJ Playground online, and it happened to me on the first two jumps... Which it didn't do offline. Could it be some "online" issue like lag, or miss-synchronization or something? Hmm, i think i'll do some research. /edit We're not the only ones. It appears that since patch 1.08, the large ramps have had issues. http://support.rockstargames.com/hc/communities/public/questions/200550306-Ramps-in-created-race You can sort of make it up them by pulling a wheelie before impact, but that's just annoying to do, especially if you have a high speed jump that needs maximum speed in order to reach the checkpoint.
  6. Oh really? Damn. It didn't happen to me in creation mode, i spent ages making the ramps and landing spots flawless... I've not tried it online yet though, as i made it all as Micheal on the bike. Is it only the one ramp, or more than one? That sucks if it isn't a glitch, coz that means i'll have to change it all.
  7. Rob if you dump it all on your new character, I'll send a mugger after you
  8. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Go now then! "Salty Snatch" O_O hahahahaha!
  9. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Totally would, but i'm way too tired! :'( We've had our fun, i'm happy with all the screenshot memories backed up on my hard drive!
  10. I've learnt a lot from my last bike stunt race (Rock your Bati) and have decided to make a neo-retro "PCJ Playground". This one is full of high speed ramps, highway, rooftop, and alleyway jumps. Hope you like. http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/AVT1NS17s0WMSIFt_xhFBg?platformId=2 Bike Race 1-16 players. The ultimate test in bike stunt racing. Take on these high speed jumps and tight alleyway corners in the legendary PCJ 600!
  11. Nice backstories 'Smith. I wish they made creations cross platform! Here's my new love child. It comes in two flavors; Deathmatch or a three-way Team Deathmatch. Both a fun as fuck. It takes place in mirror park, and surrounding buildings. Lots of good sniping opportunities around the outer egdes of the map, and a good amount of heavy fire power towards the middle. PS3 only. DM:http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/1doxSQL_Dk-rRnStXLEuzg?platformId=2 TDM:http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/mQGaRTCVu0mG-dlNXl2S7Q?platformId=2 3-16 players Take a walk down to Mirror Park. You may come out alive, but probably not.
  12. Fuck dirty jackal Ace, that act of terror demoted you to dirty Arab...
  13. Yeah I like how it turned out. A nice selection of crew members past through last night, I wonder how many people we actually had overall. I wish we could have filled that 2-18 player deathmatch glitch...
  14. My snaps from tonight: bOnEs with my snow covered iGTA Z-Type. Ghostman dropping a security truck into NY for our enjoyment. Police chase aftermath. Dem snow details! DiO and me got drunk, and gtagrl's jeans turned into a pencil skirt. Dat crew. DAT CREW! Shenanigans.
  15. Nice scene man. I love those sunset shots. I always try and get ambient sunset scenes for my content created stuff, to make them stand out lol. I wish we had the same camera tools on our phone as we do in the content creator. Like the FOV and focal length. Or just give us a camera in our inventory.... @DiO Your panorama's are as cool as ever. Do you just mash them together yourself in photoshop or to you use a tool/app to combine them?
  16. @Rob, yeah it's a pretty hard one. I know some of you hate it already haha. Just need to brush up on your bike skills and use the right bike, and it's more enjoyable. I have no idea why it let Otiz and Ghotsman (i think) use the Hexer, it's set to Bati & Sanchez only (I've only tested the track with those two, and i know they work). Anyway thanks for the feedback man. I have two spanking new races to add to the list. The first has had a fairly good reception so far, and the second I've not played with anyone yet, so i'm curious to see how it plays online. http://socialclub.ro...HQ?platformId=2 Bike Race 1-16 players. Multiple high speed jumps in and around the LS River. http://socialclub.ro...Hg?platformId=2 Plane Race 1-6 players. Ride the rolling hills and sculpted cliffs of the east coast.
  17. I wanna see how big the dump truck looks beside the beaver. I just wanna drive my "truck" into the "beaver".
  18. We should find a cargobob and pick up a dump truck and take it to NYankton for the lols, or any other exotic vehicles.
  19. Good feedback guys. I agree. I think I've already seen a few melee battles on this island, so I may just replace them with guns and make it a bit more fair.
  20. This deathmatch was planned way before the CC was even out. I finally got it to a publishable state, and it's probably one of my favorite TDM arenas of mine. This could even become a CTF match once they release creation tools for that too. The weapons are pretty well balanced in my opinion, and there's plenty of cover scattered around the map. Gordo's Gambit (PS3) http://socialclub.ro...Vi02mEWaJGhKVvw TDM - 2-16 Players The drugs are ready to be shipped, get down there and hold your ground, the stash is yours now, or is it?
  21. Hell yep im in. North Yankton is like our home away from home. Get the Nog shots lined up!
  22. I extended 'Rock your Bati' as i wasn't happy with how it ended. And i polished the checkpoint placement, so you almost always spawn in the right position for the next stunt. http://socialclub.ro...OA?platformId=2 Give it a go, rate it, tell me what you think. I'll be reviewing a load of the ones you guys have made on the 'igta content creator' page shortly.