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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Anyone else think they should have given you the option in deathmatches to "start with no weapons" or "start with pistols only" so you can only use what's readily available on the map? That would make it easier to tailor custom deeathmatches to make them evenly matched.
  2. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I find it to be the opposite myself. I find much more potential "arenas" when strolling around on a bmx than i do in a car or by air.
  3. For those of you on xbox or that have not played online with us on PS3. The mascot is an inside joke, exclusive to iGTA event players, the Dirty Jackal is basically Ace though. Ace is our mascot lol I wouldn't mind seeing it on a few pictures next week. Yeah i agree. Although the jackal would have to be smaller, otherwise it'd be wider than the text without the 5.
  4. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    R* said they want us to be making our own missions/jobs eventually. But the base Creator (on the disc) only allows you to create deahmatches and race tracks at the moment. They may have upgraded, and added more since then though, so don't feel too dissappointed. I'd be totally happy with just those tools to be honest. I have so many points of interest scattered across my map online ready fr this shit. My body is ready!
  5. Err, at the iGTA crew event on Monday just gone, we all spent a good half an hour parkouring 1 jump. It has its time and place, just like bike stunting, and other forms of extreme activities.
  6. Says the fool that moved to the UK from sunny Portugal... It's his first time. He needs to get a feel for the places he visits before he starts wondering into peoples homes and eating with their families, or hanging with the locals. Just listen to your gut instinct, and stay within your comfort zone (however broad that may be). And try to find people from your own country, or English native, as they may have been there more than once, and know where all the best places are. And it's just easier to make conversation.
  7. Me & ma' nigga (JFK) at the bank. Air rapin' ma' nigga. aka Flying Gay Fuck. JFK did an MJ, skin bleach Ma dusche nigga. Me in the bank vault room. Dat sunset Watt watt in the butt? Downtown from the ghetto.
  8. Play it safe and stick to the commercial holiday towns. Although you may get ripped off with prices, you'll more than likely be safer than if you were to wonder into the wrong areas.
  9. DuPz0r


    We have a NEEEEEEEEEEEEEW RECOOOOORD! + Posted by Andrew House // President and Group CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment http://blog.us.plays...l-sales-update/
  10. He didn't really want the prison, he wanted revenge. He didn't care about the people he was with, he just wanted strength in numbers.
  11. Ideas for next weeks mulletplayer event. Bounty Survival. At random, we all pick a person to be a bounty hunter. The person with the highest amount of votes takes it like a man. The rest of us will then all have a bounty placed on our heads, and the hunter has to try and take us on. However, the bount'ees can't fight back, only run or hide. The last bount'ee wins. Bottle fights. Take turns fighting one-on-one in our custom "fightclub arena" using only bottles. Person that lasts the longest, wins. Bottles of Beer on a Wall. A group of us line up on a wall somewhere, whilst a random goes off and picks one off from a distant unknown location. Then the remaining of the people on the wall get one chance to fire a rocket in their direction and try to kill them, before he picks off another, until they all die, or he fails and gets killed first. Anyone else got any ideas to liven up freemode?
  12. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I hope this just makes them hurry up and release it lol. I want this more than heists. Here's anther one. Anyone tried adding them to game, see if it works? http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/KX3utcwIXk28gLVaR07U3g
  13. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    ERR, how the fuck are people releasing their own custom race courses on the social club?! http://socialclub.ro...TS0-mqNOkaaAyOQ
  14. I had to sleep. But here's some of my snaps. DiO Parkour Stuntman bOnEs FireTrap Freeway Flops Photobombing
  15. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Leaked Content Creator from which is already on the GTA V disc (will probably be deleted soon, so watch it quick!). If asked by a higher mod, i'll delete this. I just thought i'd post it as I've not heard about it until just now. I found out via a game news app on my phone...
  16. Yay, it happened! Well that was the sort of action i wanted from the whole season! I hate the fact they save all the good bits for the first and last/mid episodes, and the rest is filler.
  17. DuPz0r


    Nothing since the Gameboy was innovative from Nintendo. They are like that of Disney though, they have the high caliber titles, just very crap consoles to play them on. The DS/3DS/2DS is the only thing keeping their heads above water in the hardware front. On topic:
  18. DuPz0r


    Ah well, it's bound to happen to a minority of consoles, it always does. In other news, PS4 is the "fastest-selling" console in UK's history, ever. Eurogamer Poor Mario :'( Nintendo need to either release a new console next year, focused on graphics, and simplicity, not giant tablet controllers. Or they need to think about releasing Mario and other Nintendo games on other systems, including phones... Like Sega.
  19. DuPz0r


    damn. I'm sort if glad I held back on buying a release console. From previous experience I've learnt to be patient and wait for at least enough time to sort out any major bugs amd wait for decent games. I will be getting warranty thisbtime around, I don't want to be paying for 4 or more consoles this time around.
  20. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Nice audio. Listed things from the audio, if you haven't got time to listen:
  21. Who's host this week? Because they need to create a playlist.
  22. DuPz0r


    Lol PS4 stampede. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM7GSNI_Iyc http://www.neogaf.co...127&postcount=1
  23. Lawless. I was expecting good acting from Hardy, and it was. I enjoyed the movie overall, i just hate Le Beouf's retarded face, which semi-ruins any movie. Overall i give it a 7/10