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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. @bOnEs - Essentially you need to take it apart, and reflow the board's solder using a heat gun. You need to heat up the two cell chipsets from the back of the board after you have removed the crap from the cpu. Then once you've had a good heatup and then cool down, reapply the cpu with some decent thermal paste. Should do the trick for 1-4 months if you're lucky. You probably wanna give it a shot just seeing as you need to recover your disc out at least though?
  2. Oh shit, that's the first time it happened to you right? Damn man... That sucks. You gonna wait for the PS4 now? The YLOD is fixable if you have the right equipment mind you. It's only a temp fix though, and only lasts a couple of months from my experience. Damn and you said this like yesterday as well... You tempted fate man! I hope you do get back on GTAO, we've had some good times, but it's still too early for you to depart!
  3. Yeah so that beach hut picture kind of failed, due to the police presence. Still looks cool though. gtagrl's pre-corpse. (DiO's pre-corpse went way over my head) Ghostman set himself on fire with the beach fire. A snap Parker took of me:
  4. weazel tower? That's my pad, I love dat veiw.!
  5. Race RP was nerf patched. Seems like R* are pushing more people towards Deathmatch and LTS now.
  6. Yeah. I thought it was pretty nice actually. The taste reminds me of squid and prawn mixed together. They're only small so i had a few.
  7. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    Build a pc nerd. http://www.logicalincrements.com I have a decent pc I built, its outlasted all my ps3's (with a few components replaced over the years) But I'm ready for a new build soon. Still doesn't change the fact I want a console. I prefer them for gaming, and I like the tailor made games which you can't get on PCs.
  8. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    As expected, it's not just some of the PS4's having problems out of the gate. The XBone is having some issues too. http://kotaku.com/reports-of-xbox-one-disc-drive-issues-increase-1470495704 Consoles just aren't built to last these days (or in these cases, not built correctly to start with). My Original Sega Megadrive still runs flawless, whilst i'm struggling to own a current/last gen console for more than a year and a half before it gets replaced.
  9. I did. He hasn't been around since gta-sanandreas.com, so I dunno if he ever will.
  10. JFKsFlappyToupee wants to join in and asked me to refer him. I said he can if there's spaces after people put their names down? He's part of the igta crew and spends more time on gta than I do...
  11. Anyone got any ambitious ideas for crew photos this week?
  12. ah didn't know you could join half way through.
  13. I love stunting, I'll have to join you guys for a session some time.
  14. I b der. And yeah you can create a playlist on the social club and it uploads to the game. Then when we play them all in a row as a playlist it adds up points/score, so we still get an overall weekly winner.
  15. DiO, i think they may have fixed jacket emblems. Well they don't seem to be locked anymore for me, but when i did tried it briefly before work earlier, the logo was invisible... So something changed (unless it was just another glitch). I'll try again shortly.
  16. Yep, i'm rockin' the pork pie with glasses and round goatee.
  17. I think there will be a biker dlc like beachbums, I also think they'll do a hood crew dlc and maybe even a eastern European mafia crew dlc. Here's hoping anyway lol. They could go in the opposite direction and go with more standard lifestyles like hipsters, and athletic dlcs and what not.
  18. Escape from New York is awesome, but Kojima has already taken a lot from Snake Plissken's premise. I like the idea of an open-world apocalyptic New York or even L.A., But would it look too much like GTA or even Manhunt? I guess they managed to do the Warriors pretty well, so it's a decent idea. (i'd be happy as fuck if they made it into a game tbh) There's plenty of 80's cultural classics which R* could make into a game: Quadrophenia; Karate Kid;Blade Runner; Die Hard, and so many more. I don't know if they'd do that again though, i'm thinking that R* want to make unique home made titles.
  19. DuPz0r


    What game did you play? I played a handful of games at Eurogamer this year, and a couple of the games looked okay, where-as others looked great.
  20. It's been a while since i checked in on MGS, thanks to GTA V/O. To my surprise there's a gameplay video of Ground Zeros & it's being released in Spring 2014 on PS3 & PS4... (no date was given on the video for Xbox)