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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Yeah lets do this every Monday until people start getting bored...
  2. Great game last night, and some awesome pics here. One of those first group pics that Otiz took, should be our official crew image. Enough likes and it will be the one on our crew page.
  3. Only just seen this on the actual .../v/online webpage. http://www.rockstarg...AOnline/content So that's 2 more vehicles than i expected, and a fuckload more items...
  4. I want to successfully fill a titan and fly it up (and all parachute out). There's even an award for filling a titan on the stat screen....
  5. There's plenty of awesome deathmatch locations, but we need a big 16 player one if possible. Here's some i know of: - Concrete: 4-16 player - Rooftop: 8-16 player - The Richman Hotel: 8-16 player - Sandy Shores: 4-16 player - Governmental: 8-16 player If you bookmark one before the match, you can playlist and get them from the start menu rather than traveling to the location.
  6. DiO in his BF falling from the Sky. Another of one of my crew members My Hotknife Up town. My Hotknife Downtown. I blew up some fuckers car with a sticky who was chasing me around in freeroam shooting at me. This was what was left rolling down the hill... And a Gene' member took this of me just now.
  7. Have you used dat Carbon RS? It's not as fast as the bati or the akuma unfortunately, so I never use it for races online. I do have one for Freeroams though.
  8. I see slipstream as atactical element. You chose the right time to overtake or risk spinning out or hitting an environmental object. If the cars are evenly matched then we will be using it a lot, no one should get too far ahead.
  9. I'm really starting to enjoy deathmatches now I've experienced full games. Some of the locations are brilliantly placed too. I'm sure these events will go on for years.
  10. b0nes quick, accept that as a request to join the deathmatch!
  11. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    You want CJ that much, go make him in the character creator. He can't be that hard to mate, I've seen plenty of characters online that look like him and wearing the same jeans/vest combo.
  12. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I think there should be a selection if gloves...
  13. I've found my impounded vehicles have spawned upside down many times. Sometimes on top of other's vehicles.
  14. Failed attempt to show off my 'Asylum MC logo...
  15. My friend completed both Oblivion and Skyrim the day after release... Only the story though. How can you absorb the world and it's lore in such little time. He did get platinum on Skyrim in less than 5 days though somehow. Oblivion was good, but it's not a game i'd go back to. Skyrim on the other hand...
  16. DuPz0r


    The Division and Destiny are all i care about so far, so when they hit the shelves, my eyes will turn. Until then, i'm happy to sit and jerk my life away on GTAO.
  17. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    "Xbox 720". Xbox One games in the first quarter of release to be running at 720p 30fps... Whereas all PS4 games are running at 1080p. What's up with that? Either they were meant to be released on xbox 360 and got ported last minute to jump platforms, or they are really struggling to make this next gen console powerful enough. I would have thought 60fps at 720p would be a breeze by now. Dead Rising 'One, isn't even on any other platforms and is still regulated at 720p 30fps...
  18. Had a messy stripclub crawl with DiO & Kuz last night. It lasted about 5 seconds. My character is now dressed like Tony Montana (Pre-ultra-rich-attire). And that's my Type Z in crew colour behind.
  19. It seems to change from time to time. It's not a fixed rate like it used to be. Criminal Records only gets me 600 rp for winning atm...
  20. Hmm, R* have nerfed the race rp earnt by half it would seem. Another reason to cheat...
  21. I just made a female character and bought apartment 101, Weazel plaza. I only have a candy pink buffalo at the moment though, i'm low on cash. Fuck me, Female characters get much more personalisation than male's...