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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I tried joining some of guys last night, unsuccessfully...
  2. Yeah so, my PS3 died. If it was just for me i would have just held off and got the ps4 on launch. But, my Son also plays the PS3 when i'm at work, and we got him a couple of games as Christmas presents already... So we needed to buy another one (I'm such a mug, thanks Sony). At least i don't have to buy a PS4 until next year now, and i can still play GTAO for the most part.
  3. I left all my characters all in at a 50% profit with HAL last I checked. Now I can't play it until I repair or replace my ps3. I'm guessing that 100million on each character will mature nicely.
  4. I was fuckin around at the research labs with a 5 star wanted level online in freeroam. And i fell off the roof of block 8, and fell into the underworld beneath the floor. I tried getting down in there, but i ended up hitting invisible walls before i was thrown back into the overworld.
  5. As much as R* Nerf have pissed me off already, I'm an honest gamer and enjoy succeding the right way. Where I totally agree that the grind Is boring and the world isn't as populated with jobs and stuff as I hoped, I believe they will come up with much more content eventually. And I'll be waiting around until they do. I'm in this for the long haul.
  6. I made it. Can't buy dat shit anywhere! just need to do some last minute blood and sfx and it'll look sweet.
  7. Apparently R* have only halfed mission earnings after the first play. So the first time you play a job mission, you'll still get the original amount. Still sucks for the grind, but it encourages you to try new missions. Hopefully they'll be adding new mission content soon.
  8. Halloween costume sorted this year. Excuse my messy home.
  9. They seemed to have made it so that if it happens whilst you're playing, it tries to save again regularly until successful. Which is good.
  10. I finally managed to scrimp together some money to replace my lost Bati... I went for the regular bati this time.
  11. About 70 hours of legit playing. Which would have probaly takem double if they intended for us to get as much rewards as we get now. So just to put things back on topic, which mode is now the best waybto make money on? I assume it's more rewarding to win multiple races in succession than It is to do missions now?
  12. Yeah but what about the legit players on here, the guys who farmed hundreds of missions to get to level 40 or 50 etc and now have to grind twice as much to get that and the big money. If R* intended for the game to be played this way well then they should have marked the first two weeks as beta and not launch a hardly balanced game.
  13. I'm not sure. I only noticed the money atm. Here's a list of some of the other patched things:
  14. I was totally happy grinding away until this patch. Now I have to spend twice as much time eanring money I'm getting a lot less interested in the grind. The rewards don't seem worth all the effort at this stage.
  15. I didn't read about it. I've been playing all morning and witnessed it for my self.
  16. Well they halfed earnings from jobs, so im pissed off. More inclined to cheat... The cheaters have already cashed in and bought up all their shit, so this wont even affect them. It only affects the legit players which seems like the opposite of a solution. What the fuck happened to "cheater pools" being put in the same games... Nah instead they make all of us work twice as hard for money. Does this bike glitch still work, I want to try it now?
  17. So they be patchin up dem hacks today, anyone wanna see if the exploits have been nerfed?
  18. The last thing i needed for 100% was to provide a private cab ride. I always skipped them all the time during the game, and didn't know it counted towards 100%. Then when i finally found out i needed it, i didn't get a phone call from Cab co for ages. I thought it broke, but i just saved it a few times in the safehouse, and it eventually called back.
  19. Yeah, they know people want more content, always. So i think there will be a steady stream. And not to forget the fact they can patch in islands anywhere at any time, which could have buyable homes on too. That makes this such an exciting prospect.
  20. I used the emblem import exploit for that one. The iGTA one i made took way too long.
  21. The Z-Type is FWD, so it handles like a trolley cart. But it's good once you know how to handle it around corners.
  22. Here's a list of all the Rank levels and RP required 1-999 Level Cap: