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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Okay it's not a snapmatic, but i want my emblem on my jacket so much!
  2. I think we should be able to own more than one garage as mentioned before. 10 cars it not enough for the amount of time i'm going to be spending on this game. And there's so many lower end cars i want to keep for sentimental reasons. You like the old school design? Why not get the Pagassi Monroe then? Is a bit of a cross between the Ford GT and the Lamborghini Miura. I like the classic chassis.
  3. I have a mess of cars atm. I'm planning on buying a few, so i'll post me current set, and my wishlist set. Currently have: Hotknife Kameleon Sandking Oricle Buffallo Fugative Elegy RH8 Entity XF Bati 801RR Eventually want: Hotknife Stinger GT Feltzer Vacca Cheetah Fugative or Sentinel XS / Super Diamond Entity XF Z-Type Bati 801RR
  4. Might as well use it as a buying guide here (which kind of makes this thread slightly redundant). That's only the 10 car apt's though.
  5. JFK is an OG lurker. Do you remember Dopeman on the original forums? he's been lurkin ever since.
  6. Say that again when you need to get to one side of the map to the other for a mission objective online. Supercars make the map feel smaller for good reasons.
  7. DiO and his Crew logo Rockin' my new Genetically Superior logo.
  8. I know this is slightly unrelated but it doesn't fit In the offline glitch thread, and I can't be bothered to start a new thread. So I've encountered a garage glitch in my 10 car garage. When my garage is full, I wanted to get rid of some cars so I just chucked them in the sea. But the insurance company keeps them stored, and the slots aren't usable. So I'm out and about in a vehicle I own, then I see another car I want, so I jump out and grab the new one and Spray it etc. whrn promted to replace a car in my garage I chose one of the destroyed cars. I take it back to the garage, and the car I wanted to replace was still there and instead it replaced the car I was in last, the one I left outside... This has happened to me twice. So if you see a nice car spawn whilst you are out, and you are in an expensive car, don't stop and get it if your garage is full, or it will replace the car you are using instead... I'm going to report this bug to R* coz it sucks and I lost a fair bit of cash because of it.
  9. Piefail should be at the bottom imho... then GTFO LOC! Okay, a real attempt: Lurker Passing Through Asylum Seeker Opinionated Backseat Mod Contributor Regular Abuser Rehab Required Beyond Repair Dem Fine People
  10. DiO piloting the Titan we found on the airfield. We need full party to do a mass skydive together at some point. Get some awesome pics! And Rage running from the back trying to fit a car In the Titan's anus.
  11. DuPz0r

    Giving cash

    Either that or you haven't successfully robbed a store with someone helping?
  12. When I made the Genetically Superior rank titles, I noticed that there is a character limit so long titles are out of the window.
  13. $500g is only a 3-4 day grind. I don't see why they are handing that much out though, unless they plan to add buyable content.
  14. bOnEs you need to buy dat skull bike helmet!
  15. I just skydived beneath/inside Mt. Chiliad by accident whilst freeroaming online... And it worked again and again. I'll show you guys if i ever happen across you in a freeroam.
  16. DuPz0r

    Giving cash

    Hold Select> Inventory> Cash> Split Cash (or something like that) You can share a percentage of what you earned in the last robbery with people that actually got involved. You can also give cash to people out of your own pocket from that menu i believe.
  17. Number plate finally worked on this car only... Fugitive, one of my favorite sedans. Random. When i can afford the crew colour i'l spray my car that colour.
  18. This is why I never get on when you guys do. I waited up til 3am and you guys look like you were on from 4am onward. I saw Dio a bit earlier and tried joining your game, but it was full each time I attempted.
  19. Oh yeah my bad, darth habit. Sorry dude. I know it was you. It was fun either way!