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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. What time are you guys normally on? I'll try and get on then.
  2. Do it on a friend or relative's iphone, that's what I did.
  3. So I played this morning with DarthSexy and a group of igta guys. I unlocked the Titan job, so I invited them all into it. Was pretty fun imo. That mission is worth $10k a piece, not too shabby.
  4. I was yesterday. I came home ready to play, and instead I got a cloud wall for the rest of the evening. ..
  5. Some pickups in death matches and various game modes carry over to freeroam. I managed to keep the gatling gun from the last wave of boneyard the other day.
  6. Nope, that was Massacres apartment. You probably found your way to his basement.
  7. Why is it that the cloud is down on this side of the pond when you guys are on.... I'm missing out on all the igta shenanigans!
  8. I got a nice closeup of one of them ufo's. The noise coming from it was like something from war of the worlds.
  9. I upgraded from the 87k property to the 200k, and got back 60k from my old one. The two cars I had came with. I wouldn't know what would happen if you downgraded garage size though. As for what you can do in the apartment, well all of above, telescope, enjoy the views from each window. Anf hopefully use it to plan heists in your crew.
  10. My interior is the same as the $400k apartment.
  11. I have that plane heist on my job list atm, rank 24. It's the one from the GTAO gameplay trailer i believe. R* did state hey'd roll heists out later. But with all these bugs, it's probably been pushed back.
  12. If they aim & shoot from outside, they can shut the store and then enter with their gun and shoot up the joint.
  13. My character came back in the end and I've spent yhe last couple of days grinding for a new property. I bought the $200k Del Peiro condo with the 10 car showroom. I am very happy with it.
  14. Mine is DuPz0r in the app, but i don't see any changes in the game... V or Online. Do you have to go to LS Customs or something?
  15. Your number plates worked? damn i never got that to work in game...
  16. My character was back this morning, he lost a bit of progression and money, but it's better than full deletion i guess. The best advice is just don't continue past the character selection screen, always back out and wait for the cloud to come back - until they fix it that is.
  17. It ain't lost unless you make a new character in the same slot. Your money could be lost of you purchased it right before your character went missing though.
  18. Well, I made some time to play GTA V last night and achieved 100% whilst I've had this downtime. The annoying thing about it is I've still been getting a steady stream of job requests whilst I've been playing offline, some people are still playing fine! lol
  19. Okay i just got a notification saying R* Cloud is down atm, so progress will not be saved. And took me to the character screen without any characters. Is this what people have been talking about? I assume it's just a temporary downtime, and i backed out back to story. I'l try periodically to see if it's back. If not, then i'll start a new.
  20. That's a good point. The whole area out of LS is property-less. Like missions, they could unlock with time.
  21. I think the biggest suggestion for Online will be more homes/properties & interiors. R* seemed very open to change with this project. Lets bombard them with requests once it's all fixed!
  22. I'm level 18 and some interesting missions are starting to come in, also from what i heard from a level 49 friend, that plane heists mission is available to me soon. How can people say they're done? GTAO right now is probably 100% better than GTA IV online. Even with the fuck ups and bugs/character losses imo... Once they've fixed the bugs (it's only been 5-6 days since release) then they're going to start rolling out new content. They're amateurs at online gaming, and especially MMO's since it's their first. They didn't bother to open beta test it whilst GTA V was released. So they have to deal with this like it's a beta run for now. Either play it and enjoy the progress, treat it like a beta run until it's all fixed. Or wait for how ever long it takes, and play it then. I'm actually enjoying it, apart from the laggy loading screens, i'm not getting disconnections or character loss yet though.
  23. I completed the boneyard levels 10 last night and got $21k for it. If you're all crew members you also get a crew % increase in RP. You also get an achievement/trophy for beating survival mode. Also a couple of tips: - in the pause menu in options, you can set your property as your default spawn point every time you enter a server. - Crew titles. In the options menu you can swap between default and crew rank titles. Custom titles always sound better and more unique than the defaults imo.