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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. 3k or 30k? I have about 20k atm. Spent 10k on shit already like clothes, ammo and dying.
  2. Might have to invest online soon. So what's the word on Bawsaq atm? Piswasser or Wiz now?
  3. Nah, just a 2 car garage. It's on the Dynasty website. And the free cars are on the legendary motors website. But i'm pretty sure the CE came with a free 10 car garage full of cars didn't it?
  4. Just noticed there's "Crew Rank Titles" in Crew Management now. Sweet!
  5. I know who's pad I'll be chillin out til i get my paper. Mass, make sure it has a basement.
  6. I got a free two car garage via dynasty8 and 5 cars free online. Although I'm not sure the garage is the free one you get with CE.
  7. I got my eyes on a few properties. But it is going to be a long time before I can actually afford them. I still haven't found my collector's edition extras yet...
  8. What time were you guys playing? I probably missed you by an hour or so.
  9. Might as well post my character. Anyone tried applying makeup/facepaint to their characters?
  10. Seems like the British are getting the best luck with connection at he moment.
  11. I figured it out on my own. I was missing just one parachute jump. And that unlocked Dom's outro.
  12. Well seems to be working now. I've done a few store robberies, and stole/resprayed/tracked/insured myself a green sabre. Sorry Barry i couldn't accept your job request as i have work now. I'll be on later though.
  13. It says in my stat screen I have 19 of 20 strangers and freaks. Is there a way to see which one I'm missing for 100% ?
  14. Well we've already had a report of corrupted data from one of our own members. I reminded people in the launch topic to back up thier data also. Any fucked up data is on your own heads if you don't back up your shit.
  15. Every triple-A MMO style game ends up fucking up in release. It's not just GTAO. Just finish up on GTAV and get that 150mil whilst we wait it out.
  16. I like the fact that your lifestyle stat choices affect what clothes and cultural appearance they have to start with. There is quite a broad variety of outcomes if you ask me.
  17. Well that was fucked up. I had a claude gene character creation in a suave suite. Reloaded game after it crashed and the cloud had me saved as the wrong gender and completely bald.... fucked up shit.
  18. Yeah, they need seem to be activating small pockets of servers worldwide atm, test running it live I guess.
  19. Trust me, the game is hardly connective atm, probably wont get to play it properly for a few hours at least.
  20. I've bacled up my savefile onto a USB in case of any fuckups.
  21. Second time it worked fine. About to go online! .
  22. Okay well I already got my first crash and that was on patch installation... Hard rest required.
  23. Would be awesome if R* purposely cause stock market crashes every so often.
  24. I've had to put my 100 % 'ing on hold whilst this stock market has been gaining me money. Hopefully after my withdrawal i should be able to get 100% before GTAO!
  25. it's still gaining momentum I don't think anyone wants to pull out, considering it is a low percentage and has so much more headroom for easy money...