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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I watch it on Netflix. The ending went the only way it could go really. Predictable, but it brought closure. I will miss this amazing TV series. Now there's fuck all to watch on TV again, I might as well just play GTA more. The final scene was classy, I enjoyed that a lot.
  2. I've gained about 15mil in two days with piswasser... I got 8 million over night in just 8 hours. I've gone all in wih all three characters and I'll probably cash in tonight after work.
  3. I don't know. I'm not that rich. I've only got £30mil per character from £21mil, and that's playing the stock market all week... Tip off - Share pool happening with Pisswasser atm on Bawsaq. Reddit and GTAForums are in it i believe. They're doing it until 10pm est Monday.
  4. Apparently $2,147,483,647 (2.1bil) is the maximum integer figure that you can have in cash, due to code/language limitations. So if you're on the stock market try to avoid going this high because the limit means your total cash will flip into negative and become unspendable. So unless you want some serious bankruptcy don't play the stock market once you've become a billionaire.
  5. Carl0s's girlfriend Tiana... I had my way with her corpse as promised.
  6. I straight went for the steal. That's what Micheal would do!
  7. So, who finished these side missions the "right way"?
  8. I did order a cheap uv blacklight torch on amazon last week, but it was from Hong Kong, so god knows how many months later i'll get that. I think these alien icon locations tie in with the epsilon tracts. There's plenty of theories floating around to read about.
  9. Rumors floating around saying it could be a big easter egg hunt to find a jet pack...
  10. A better look at the blueprint map under uv light.
  11. it's like delayed or something either way I go by the highest and lowest point for reference mainly. I just earnt 3.5 million thanks to FlyUS!
  12. Anyone actually seen these flying ufos? im not at 100% yet
  13. Yeah, for making their child a spoilt fuck. People with more money than sense will be buying all the best shit on the first day. Anyway this isn't pay to win, it's pay to look superior.
  14. There's infinite possibilities with GTAO. And especially since R* are going to be molding it around what we like and dislike. I'd expect there will be more buyable properties/homes as time goes on.
  15. I found this a useful starting guide to understand how the stock market works: http://m.uk.ign.com/wikis/gta-5/Stock_Market
  16. Well if R* say it doesn't imbalance the game, then i hear that. Mass, i'm totally in. If i see any fucker with top end shit in the first couple of days, i'll be gunning for them hard. Blowin' up their vehicles, shittin' on their moms, hide yo' cash, hide yo' life, steal yo' stash, rape yo' wife!
  17. Just go all in with your final heist complete when the shares are at their lowest, and as long as you wait you will make money from it. It's a waiting game mixed with a bit off luck. You can only lose money if you're impatient... That's it. The luck it whether or not it rockets and you earn the motherlode. Also another tip. Using Bawsaq (the realtime socialclub stock market) can earn you a lot more money, but it's a bit riskier. As people tend to trend buy and sell, you will see patterns emerge in the graphs.
  18. What was the character creation like? Did you get to dabble in the creation tools, and if you did, how much control did you have? Were you able to do group heists, and were they different/ unique from the story? I know they stated they would be patched in, but i thought you may have had a teaser of that stuff.
  19. DuPz0r

    Eurogamer Expo

    Eurogamer Expo 2013. I'm not doing any reviews this year, mainly because i want to play GTA V more than write about other games... But i did get a hands on with the PS4 after a two hour wait in queue, and played multiple games to get a feel for the new system. The first game was Driveclub. And it's the first time i got the controller in hand. It felt great to hold, it just wasn't the PS3 controller, it felt chunkier, and textured more like a powertool, But the hands did feel right around it. The game was very pretty looking, but the controls did feel a little clumsy. Maybe it was just me getting my head around the new controller, or maybe i've been playing far too much GTA V recently. But it was good. I also played Killzone: Shadow Fall, but it was only competitive and i wasn't really keen on that at all. It's like Crysis 3, i loved the story, but last year i only got to play multiplayer which was a let down. Also, the sensitivity and the movement with the new controller felt very sharp, but again, i dunno if that was just me being a n00b or not... I played 15 minutes of Elder Scrolls Online which felt like the elder scrolls series, so don't worry about it not feeling right. And the character creation is still pretty cool. Other games i played briefly, but not long enough to really say anything about because i ran low on time, and just wanted to try 5 minutes of each; Dying Light Black Flag BF4 Tearaway. Queuing here at eurogamer is like a theme park. You need to chose your queues wisely and only go on what you really wanna go on, because you'll be there for hours!
  20. Well, i'll be stalking rich fucks with all the money, and jack their ass. Steal all their hardly earn't shit, including that detailed full body tattoo!
  21. Admittedly my gum to tooth ratio when i smile isn't attractive. Like Cyan i refused to get a mortgage out for braces.