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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I took some pics using my phone a few times. But I'd rather try and recreate them im digital form. This game is beyond amazing. Spent way too much time just walking driving flying around, more tham I've spent on story missions. I'm still yet to try diving though.
  2. I'm pissed I tried over and over to catch awesome moments but they fail every time...
  3. lmao dat selfy indeed! I keep getting maintenance errors when taking photos ingame...
  4. First impressions are unbelievable. The gsme feels unmistakably GTA. Cars handle perfectly fine. And so far the characters feel spot on. After a few story missions I took my first roadtrip in a bullet I found in vespucci. And took it around malibu way anf looped back around to vinewood. Fucking amazing journey and the scale was way bigger than I even expected...
  5. Damn am i the only one still watching Dexter around here these days? I just got the latest book by Jeff Lindsay. So far so good. Regarding the final season episode 11: I guess i am.
  6. ...or a chiliad loop. If we do a spotlight it would consist of quality tracks with variety.
  7. possibly, we may do a spotlight pick list if there is a high enough demand for it.
  8. Using the first creation tools provided by R*, you will be able to create your own custom courses or circuits. Use this thread to share, like and race each others fabulous creations.
  9. Mondays are normally great for me. And a great way to start the week after a horrible shift at work. But this Monday falls on GTA V's midnight launch. So i will be in queue as we would normally be playing. Obviously there's a good 4-6 hours longer wait for you guys across the pond (USA), so you could probably still play GTA IV and then go queue. And the Aus + NZ members would already be playing GTA V anyway...
  10. Can i just ask. Who here actually left out pre-ordering GTA V with hope that they would win this?
  11. I got a brand new TB P11 headset specifically for GTA Online today... Was sick of my little bluetooth earpiece, which my kitten stole and hid behind my sofa. Its sound quality was poor, and it was pretty uncomfortable. Anyway, i'll use my new headset tomorrow night as a test run!
  12. I am, but GTA V is overshadowing any hype i had for any other game right now... (apart from MGS V, i'm still very much anticipating that.)
  13. From what they've said about car customization, this game's gonna have more than Midnight club DUB edition... So i can see myself really going to town and really looking after my hard earned vehicles.
  14. Canceling a pre-order because of one game element is so melodramatic. If the guys at R* have been working on the game for over 5 years, then don't you think they would have been tweaking the shit out of the driving mechanics all the way along that time period. If R* are happy with the way cars move, then so am i...
  15. I assumed i'd be using it as a wallet or a coin bag. But it seems it's more like a man bag... Fuck it, first time for everything, I'll wear it with pride!
  16. In my opinion, the rendered screenshots reflect the Next-Gen graphics for this game. I expect that level of fidelity on PS4 & XbOne.
  17. Welcome back dude, it's been a long time.
  18. I hope you can have bald with goatee combo. I want to make Micheal look like Walter White once I've completed the main story.
  19. I joke. I just wanted to see QD's nipples lactate. Good luck spammers!