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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I'm gonna delete this thread if you don't hurry up and chose a winner
  2. Since we already know what we'll be getting from the Collector's Edition... dem feels... I jizzed.
  3. I wanna see pics of Massacre queuing for a Midnight release of Just Dance 2014! Also, i cannot wait for dem snapback feels! ;_;
  4. Oh yeah, in the UK the game is an 18* which is when you finish highschool now. Used to be 16.
  5. If you have school the next morning, you're clearly too young ("legally") to play the game. I've got to get my son up at 7:30am and take him to school, and i will be playing all night
  6. I doubt it's the websites been hacked. I think it's probably just bad adverts. This is why regulars should buy GOLD memberships, so we don't need ads (for at least a year or two) amiright?
  7. Nahw, fuck standard edition, I've got a Collectors Edition to pick up on Monday!
  8. At least 600 copies in that one cage. There were more too.
  9. Guess what arrived where I worrk this morning!
  10. Selected shops are opening at midnight especially for GTA V launch. It's not like game shops are open that late normally...
  11. Hopefully they continue to add vouchers/promo's for all sorts of things, and not just for GTAV, but for Online to.
  12. Wasn't the disc install file meant to be 8gb, but around 16gb if you're digital downloading? Either way, it wont take long. We'll be playing it by 12:30-45 give or take the time it takes you to get home!
  13. I've been to a couple of Midnight launches, SA was my favorite, they don't get better than a gta event! Other game events haven't been as "big". Anyway, I got my plan. Goto work, come home get changed go straight to the queue at 10:30ish. Play V for a few hoirs, take my som to school, sleep for a few hours before I pick him up. Then I have a couple of days off work to spend im Los Santos!
  14. Possibly real. Like the official artworks, the dog/character is more detailed than the loose background painting style. Even some of the brushwork looks the same, as in same brushes as R*'s artist. Bigger version /edit - oh you already posted the big version on the newspage...
  15. I get this warning on occasions using chrome. This website is safe and harmless to your computer/portable devices.
  16. Don't post the official map leaks here until R* do, or until the game is out please.
  17. They did say, but i've seen it. But i'm not about to post an official R* map unofficially. So, just wait til they reveal it, or when you get the game.
  18. So the official map in the case is two sided. LS County on one side, and Blaine County on the other.
  19. I can't change up my kids appearance when i get bored... I like the fact they use a gene pool for creation. You probably will be able to get the chance to change them, but it will probably cost a lot of money in-game. I think the point of the character online is that it's a persistent avatar that you learn to appreciate, and your friends get to learn your face, and know how you look, as one of the crew members and all that. Changing your character every coupe of days or so will make the experience slightly less enjoyable for me. I would prefer to have a face for each of my crew members/peers, rather than having to look for their names. Maybe it's a level of role playing i'm after in GTAO, i don't know. My personal opinion, i'm sure there's a conflicting opinion coming up.
  20. Boom yah, respec' a nigga' rollin' on them tens wid' a fine pussy ridin' shotgun yo.