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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Apparently scaled using the measurement bars & units converted into pixels in 3DSMAX. Not 100% accurate as the screenshot is not digital and the page isn't 100% flat. Still not convinced that Vice City is taller than GTA IV... Wat u fink?
  2. Now we have a better understanding of how the character creation works in the start of Online... Wat u fink?
  3. This has me even more excited, so much to look forward to after we've completed GTA V. Also, regarding GTAO expansion, I'm guessing GTA IV's Liberty City is going to be first in line for GTAO DLC, as it's practically ready to be implemented, Unless they've got secret plans to add older maps. I wonder how it'll work. Will it be a simple go to airport and catch a flight there (to a separate sandbox) , or an open world where you can physically fly there? However they do it, i'm looking forward to the future of GTAO!
  4. Great Job Fitty. I think you got more accurate shape details than mine. All round, pretty close as expected, i never doubted the size of the map. Constructing the map made the wait a whole lot more bearable for me too. Something to spend an hour or so on each night. Mission two. Construct the seabed in 3D! xD nah, i'm glad it's finally come to an end, so i can actually play the fucker. It's crazy how much i'll know about the map going into it before I've even played it. I be like 'oh yeah that's there, as i recall...' lol Oh, and does this help people understand the scale a little better? /edit -typing on smartphones sucks!
  5. Not sure about that one. It did take a long time to traverse from one end to the other though. I did it online with friends back in the day. Took like 15 minutes flat out in the best cars. This reminds me off all the people complaining about the map size all over the interwebs:
  6. Okay, if that is accurate, then the landmass in the blue, so that doesn't include the underwater, sea or the z axis, then look how the flat landmass falls into this chart in Miles Squared. Remember these? It's quite possibly bigger than Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion . Remember how big that was? Pretty huge. So it's bigger than Skyrim.
  7. Found this on GTAForums. No sure if it's accurate. I haven't sat and tried to work it out myself.
  8. Is our screenshot the only one with a new flyable vehicle in it?
  9. Why worry about islands, when you've got plenty of underwater terrain still to discover!
  10. Oh btw this isn't the official map, as it's in a BradyGames guide, they tend to do their own thing with it, so keep your eyes peeled for the "R* Games Official Map", which will probably be released now this has surfaced.
  11. I knew the base was there for a while, i just hadn't seen a decent enough view of it to be mapped in. Also, it appears i was wrong. Malibu was named Chumash/Ghumash. Pacific Bluffs was the areas near Del Perro.
  12. So i think i'm gonna call it a day with this map, seeing as the game is out in 7 days, and we'll have the real map then, there'll be no use for this one. Fan Map Complete. (As complete as i can get it)
  13. Who in NZ or Aus is getting the CE midnight launch? Be the first in the world to post pics of your loot on iGTA5.com!
  14. I first heard the CVG guys using it after they had a preview recently. They even said they saw a Malibu town called Pacific Bluffs, before we got that screenshot.
  15. Each fansite has a screenshot that fits their personalities. For example: GTAV.net gets the Vinewood shot, because they're the "famous" GTA fansite, gtagaming gets the cop chase because they're tailing behind the leading gta fansites, GTAPlace get the trevor smashing window shot because niggas be smashin up their joint, iGTA5 gets the military one because we gonna intrude your ass without you knowing until it hits you. etc...
  16. Yeah totally looking forward to this more than any other TV series next week!
  17. So, this looks like the Zancudo River, facing West. Mt. Josiah to the right, and the Vineyards to the top left. And in the distance beyond the far left mountain is Pacific bluffs.