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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Sorry a bit late notice for me. I'll be more then happy to play next Sunday night but not Monday because I'll be queuing for GTA V at the usual time. ..
  2. It's cool, only took me a couple of minutes with the skin heal brush lol.
  3. Now these have been new'd, i'll share them with the rest of you
  4. https://maps.google.pl/maps?q=Symonds+Street++auckland+nowa+zelandia&hl=pl&ll=-36.861176,174.763995&spn=0.002773,0.011362&sll=-36.84846,174.763332&sspn=0.783544,1.454315&t=h&gl=pl&hnear=Symonds+St,+Auckland,+Nowa+Zelandia&z=17&layer=c&cbll=-36.861254,174.761905&panoid=1aAsd2Nz1GoKzVt4-Zwx3g&cbp=12,326.21,,0,34.48
  5. Is that their names in the corner? The asian dude is called Tao or Trio if that's the case.
  6. Do it! iGTA HD artwork exclusive! lol In other news - My wife loves Trevor /EDIT MOAR! ^ That's some really shitty postering skills...
  7. Can't you just upgrade your router if the problems persist with GTA V? I think this thread belongs in the geek central section as it's a hardware query more than a GTA V problem...
  8. It's not GTA, it's your ISP and your router that's the problem. I always had this problem with loads of multiplayer games, until i changed a few settings on my router, and allowed certain ports.. But yeah, it still happens occasionally even with the ports forwarded. It happens a lot in the UK from what i noticed. Crappy internet quality over here. I think my best internet was with Virgin in my old house. BT never did well for me, and I've been stuck with them for over two years because of an almost non fibre opticable area...
  9. I know right? Anyone know where this is? What's that landmark in the background?
  10. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    This week, developers are saying the PS4 is actually 50% faster than the xbOne... Whatever that means.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hw5t6EuRBxM Just watched all the trailers on a row. It's so close, i can smell that game case innards!
  12. They used to be able to back in the day. But cool, thanks for the link.
  13. Is this an official release or leaked music from GTAV?
  14. DuPz0r

    Dying Light

    Looks a lot like Dead Island, even down to the zombie mutants. It's essentially the same game with better graphics. Riptide (part 2) sucked balls, and i didn't even need to play it to tell you that. This looks like a "Dead Island 2". Should be good.
  15. @ReclusiveHitman I created the 3d map to get a sense of scale of the world, not to recreate the world. The landmarks are only for scale reference, as mentioned by others. The locations you mentioned we already know where they are on the map. For example; The prison is that big dark oval shape in the desert, and route 68 is that long road that goes past the prison all the way towards the Zancudo river.
  16. I has dat on my smartphone! Emulation is better than any app game!
  17. ^ Especially Lighting Technicians/artists. They work in all kinds of CG in films, animations & games. Very sought after in the games industry at the moment. A lot of the photo realistism in GTA V comes from lighting. They've learnt from the GTA IV graphic mods, and really done something special with the lighting in GTA V. Every moment of the day has a certain mood that accompanies it, and that's only something an amazing lighting artists can execute! Makes me jealous, i know a bit, i took a masterclass just in lighting, but i wish i learnt even more in Uni than i did, it's really quite an interesting area.
  18. Holy shit, i had to take like 6 double takes on this photo. it looks like RL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aom1GGsh1XE
  19. Yeah, this is animated way better than his rap video. Respect to him though, he's pretty good!
  20. oh. ...well that's two, it's confirmed lol Sorry, didn't read that thread properly, i just got in from work and reacted off the bat
  21. Anyone wanna take a guess at where this is? okay i will. My initial thought was that it's probably on the south east side of the map round behind those hilly mountains. But it could also be around the coast from Del Perro, as in "Pacific Bluffs" aka Malibu... There was a pier over there on the blueprint after all. Looking at the higher road and the shape of the beach, and the buildings, i'm going with Malibu side.