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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. So what trailer is your favorite (everyone)? Mine was probably trailer 2. I loved the vibe it gave out. Maybe the classic choice, but i'm pretty classic.I think it felt more like a Micheal trailer imo... I loved the rest, but that was the one for me.
  2. I thought i'd share this vista, with you guys. That ground fog in the background looks awesome imo.
  3. Wow, i forgot was Analog SD looked like. Was this game developed in the 80's or 90's?
  4. I beleive it's seasonal as in the weather system. .. I dont think they'd go to the effort of making a snowy environment and only use it in one place, when they could implement it into the weather cycle. You guys also reealise there has to be some sort of timeline within the game which could take place over several months. The mile high club sky scrapper was our first hint at that, with its different stages of completion.
  5. I've already reviewed it. IN MY MIND MAAAN! I score it one hundered million outta ten!
  6. @barry Not sure atm, I'd have to think about it. @Dalton - No not atm it's just an idea. I hope they add it though.
  7. I just noticed that this thread surpassed the "what are you looking for" thread... damn. Welcome to the most popular thread on this subforum Why is this not pinned, and Fakes & Pisstakes is? I'll be looking through the trailer again tonight and see if I can find some of the other less known locations In it.
  8. you need to sync your psn or xbl accounts in the settings.
  9. We should be able to rename our ranks. So muscle be 'hood rat', Rep be 'made nigga' then 'nigga makers', 'dogs balls' and 'top dog'... Or you could use the standard Mcdonald's crew system... ...or a classy crew could use an executive ladder.
  10. Looking at the trailers and screenshots over the past year you start to remember buildings/landmarks and places of interest all over the place, so, it's like putting a jigsaw together. As soon as i saw the opening scene as well as the armoured Gatling scene, i knew i'd seen those areas before, and i was 99% sure they were in the same region. I was right.
  11. I've been doing some mapping of my own this evening. Not the actual map project, but getting a better understanding of this town.
  12. I still haven't got around to finishing off the multiplayer journeys... They're the only trophies i need for Platinum as well. I might try and do this before GTA V or it'll never get done!
  13. DuPz0r

    Total War Series

    Meh, like Saints Row IV, i'll pick this up in years to come, i'm saving myself for GTA. I still have decent games to finish before GTA V anyway.
  14. So Micheal was pulled back into the organisation by Trevor, and helped by Franklin. That Armour better not be online in competitive modes, that would piss me off if it was like MP3!
  15. Takes like 2 minutes to make an account Vicey.
  16. Father & Son at the Barber's. I like how Intensively we're both staring into the mirror.
  17. Only a few hours until the trailer! To be honest I'm content with everything R* have shown us, an extra trailer is like the icing on the cake.
  18. I might start a Korean gang, and let them farm me money selling crank, and winning races for crew ranking, and then demote them if they fall below 100k a week. Then i'll supply them with the odd reward to keep them happy. Hell, they like being dictated, i revoke all rewards. Ranking only.
  19. It's nothing exciting really. It's basically crew moderation... But made to look cool, like rep'in' yo shit!
  20. I sorted out my crew Hierarchy, go check it out members of mine.
  21. I can't wait until we all get onto GTAO freeroam, WITH Massacre too, exploring the map in groups, finding good places to hold up and looking for glitches and exploits like the collision swings in GTAIV. So close now, i'm pumped.
  22. Would be nice to see new Bully with next-gen graphics. I think a Borstal wold make for an epic setting. Hell they should just make SCUM into a game! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLXDqcq80vI