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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Oh snap! LEAKS! lol I wasn't on the achievement page long because of fear of spoilers. So i didn't see it. Nice find. Looks pretty damn close to what we've been doing. That's good to know (if it is in fact real).
  2. So... this is real... or not? Kinda looks legit, obviously without a source. How does one simply leak achievements from R*, or do they get loaded into xbox live's database, and then people leak them from there?
  3. Just started mapping some of the screenshots, i may have a last ditch attempt at finishing my map... i just want to play it now though, but we'll see.
  4. That's a misconception from people who go purposefully looking for the worst pictures/video they can. A method I hope to try very soon. TAZ FUCKING FROZENED!1
  5. I'm wondering if the little rocks and islands have significance, either on them, or under the water around them...
  6. It's still a possibility. GTAO may well carry over to PS4. Also, something Lezlie Benzies said to CVG got me thinking this even more... "A dream of ours is, when you finish the game, you press a button, and it's made a film of your game. Maybe one day. It depends on lots of things... ...It's all doable" That just seemed like a hint towards the PS share button...
  7. Lezlie Benzies said that you will get a bad sport point for killing teammates and ripping them off. Before you join a game with someone you can veiw their stats and see if they have bad sport points and decide before you join them. He also said that you can switch in and out of passive modes at different points online so you can't shoot eachother.
  8. From everything i've read today, i see the point of GTAO being this; A world where you slowly grind your RP to unlock new missions activities, creation tools, and use them to share ideas, races or eventually missions you've thought of yourself. And then there's money which works close to a real life representation, meaning you will also need to slowly grind that in order to get the best houses, garages, outfits, vehicles, weapons, and whatever R* decide to add in the future and use it to brag about... Overall that sounds like a fucking awesome way to waste all my time!
  9. CVG's GTA V o'cock are releasing an interview with Leslie Benzies on youtube today or tomorrow.
  10. JeuxActu.com Preview (French): http://www.jeuxactu....ortie-88888.htm http://www.jeuxactu....gta-5-88886.htm http://www.jeuxactu....gta-5-88887.htm Screens: (also looks like they have new artwork on the website) And this:
  11. Gamestar GTAO preview (German): http://www.gamestar.de/spiele/grand-theft-auto-online/artikel/gta_online,49971,3026663.html Screenshots:
  12. CVG GTAO Preview: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/424264/gta-online-first-look-rockstars-persistent-online-world-is-its-most-ambitious-project-in-years/ Screens:
  13. R* will constantly be adding content online, as expected. I wonder how often, and for how many years...
  14. Best of Screencaps part 2: I like the fact that they are launching GTAO in October. It means people online wont get well ahead in the stats grinding, and possibly dominate by the time the single player people move in.
  15. Best of screencaps part 1 (for those of you that can't view the video right now, for whatever reason):
  16. Something's happening on the online page! no video yet though!
  17. http://www.rockstarg...com/V/GTAOnline ✔ http://www.youtube.c...r/RockstarGames✔ Photoshop ✔ http://www.igta5.com/forums/topic/3944-gta-online-gameplay-video-2013-08-15/ ✔
  18. If you've never read the books, you're in for a shock. Don't get attached to any character, because you may regret it.
  19. 3pm GMT. Yay I get to watch it before my evening shift!
  20. DuPz0r

    New TV.

    Can't you adjust the picture settings? Blur reduction, refresh rate, sharpness, contrast etc? Movies and stuff are filmed normally at 24/25 fps, but newish screens refresh normally at 120mhz. Turning the smoothing down or off will reduce the refresh rate and make it look less like floating/home made footage.
  21. Alamo Sea has its own version of the Loch Nes monster. When we dive deep in the sub, we'll make it stir, and it'll be a multiplayer boss battle with 1 million hp!!1
  22. It's Baw-laz nigga, not Bal-ers! One quick look around in Compton on google maps, and i spotted a cul-de-sac that looks just right Nah, but honestly, there's literally hundreds of exactly the same looking cul-de-sacs along the L.A. River/ freeway which R* used to generalise Grove street.