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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. try using another link rather than /V/ seemed to work for me. http://www.rockstarg...m/V/lifeinvader http://www.rockstargames.com/V/screenshots
  2. The traffic is queuing. I can't get on some of the pages now.
  3. I'm sure someone will dissect the website soon, and find some new shit.
  4. Some exciting news. Now then, how many players can be in each lobby/server?!
  5. Red is green's complimentary colour. GTA V is green, so we assume it would b e green. R* are telling us this isn't just a Multiplayer add-on like IV, it's its own thing, but it comes with GTA V, so it's complimentary. That's my guess. We're treating it like it is GTA V, so the green looks right. Also the screenshot with MrMister81's news post!
  6. What is everyone's thought on the 'ONLINE' logo? Looks kind of strange to me. Why did they use red? And why a different font? The only time they do that is when it's a separate game name (like Vice City, San Andreas, Chinatown Wars. etc). They really seem to be going out of their way to make GTAO sound like a completely separate game from GTA V. Even though it's clearly set in the same "game world". It has me intrigued.
  7. I think the main goal for R* is to make GTAO a living breathing world, just like the main games. To do this, they need a lot of activities to do in the world other than a few multiplayer match modes, and keeping loading screens to a minimum. Like RDR's gambling games, they need things to spend money on, and appreciate, to take with you every time you go back to play. Activities mentioned in single player could also carry over to multiplayer/Online. Imagine animal hunting, scuba diving, bounty hunting, racing, with your close friends, and not like a separate loading screen to set up the game, it all happens in the world from the moment you enter it. I think this trailer will show side activities and grindable purchases along with the main match games.
  8. Was a great film. Looks interesting, i like sci-fi's.
  9. Trance A psychological journey through the eyes of a man with amnesia caused by a botched painting robbery. The structure of the story, the editing and the script make this film and interesting, and confusing mysterious inception. You'll spend half the film thinking 'what the fuck', but in a good way, wanting to know more about this person's lost memories. Overall it was a great watch, and one i really recommend. (Otherwise i wouldn't have reviewed it). So go watch it! 9/10
  10. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    All this change with XbOne imo makes Microsoft look weak and desperate...
  11. That deathmatch was pretty intense. It's been a long time since we had that many people in a deathmatch. The amount of three or even four way shootouts i encountered was crazy, and scary. There was one time i remember being in the center between Godfather, Kuz, Blaze, and bOnEs by some industrial pipes on the floor. And i managed to take Kuz and Blaze out who were shooting each other, then i had Godfather and bOnEs shooting at me between the pipes, i think bOnEs got me in the end. Either way i couldn't move, i was pinned. Fun times.
  12. Brian, did you only record the freeroam? There were some epic moments in both the deatchmatch and the races i would love to see again on video. bOnEs & Brian were constantly runing over my body at one point and i was like a rag doll, it was amusing as fuck. I think my favorite moment was in the GTA Race, me and gtagrl blocked the freeway roads, and Kuz was winning, he came to our blockade and couldn't get around. (It was like The Last of Us Pittsburgh trap) So he got out of his car and i chucked a Molotov in his face, he ran around in a blaze and died. Before he died though he dropped about 5 grenades, and blew gtagrl off the map. I was actually laughing out loud, i found it that funny. I wish i could have seen that again! That was up there in my top 5 favorite multuplayer moments.
  13. I gave up trying to connect and turned it off. CBA to turn it back on again. Have fun guys, gals.
  14. yeah. Must be maintenance or some shit.
  15. My bluetooth headset is still dead from last time, so i might come on mic mid game.
  16. Didn't we read somewhere that all of R* Games' studios have had a part in the making of GTA V. It may well be that GTAO has been worked on just has hard as GTA V single player, but by the the other dev teams. So judging by th last 'gamplay' video, what does everyone expect from this trailer?
  17. DuPz0r


    That's a pretty new poll though. GTAV seems to be taking the lead now. Watch Dogs isn't going to be as amazing as everyone thinks. Too many people hyping it imo. I probably wont get it until it's cheap, and on Next Gen console.
  18. I didn't. That's The Division, by Ubisoft. Was the most pretty image i could find to display on it
  19. This was a speed build, to test my knowledge. I made it in 1 hour. Here it is in 3D: https://sketchfab.com/show/dc1400c51aca4cc5b452b6b2695db64e