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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. @Swoon - Does that poor dog have an shock collar? tut tut.. Moogle has plenty of confusing nicknames already; Mooge, Moca, Mooglealay, Mog-lea... Which he replies to all.
  2. Ahem, it's being developed in the UK. We gettin dat shit hot off da press! Feel the Pain, feel the pain. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CFqEqF4dfY
  3. I liked Bully, but i can't see a new one bringing anything new to the table, apart fro next gen graphics... A new Manhunt, now that's something i would find very interesting.
  4. Same. I've been alternating between them since they first appeared on the store.
  5. This was my old mouse before i got my R.A.T-9. It was very comfortable, and mid range, so not too expensive. I got it for £18 on ebay. Gigabyte ECO600
  6. Sorry guys, most of mine were too blury to show. Would have been better if my room was lit. Here's a couple though of the best i have... That middle one was where i landed after paragliding.
  7. Yeah, Home was meant to be the avatar of PSN, but it turned into a perv ring, because there wasn't much to do other than hassle female avatars... I actually had a female avatar when i first tried it, and some guy sent me a video chat request, i clicked it out of curiosity. And it was an old German guy fapping his small penis in the middle of my screen... He resembled QD but German, and old.
  8. I took a couple. I'll post them later.
  9. It is real, as in that is LS. All the surrounding landmarks match up with the layout of LS.
  10. Shiit it was daytime on your game! Fuck, i had darkness through most of the freeroam!
  11. I almost forgot how brutal that shotgun is... Fucking crunches cars up let alone people... Was a fun night guys. My headset ran out of battery about half way through free-roam, so i had to guess what everyone was doing.
  12. Well fuck, I better get good at Max Payne then... We should organise some crew games close to release...
  13. I understand what you're saying Fitty. I don't want GTA to be a endless role playing game. I was just summarising a lot of the general questions we've been seeing since the beginning. But what i do want from GTAO is something more than deathmatches and ghostroam. Clearly there will be a mixture of GTA IV, RDR and Max Payne 3 gameplay modes to expect. So i'm going to assume we'll be getting scenarios to fight out, which could cover co-op and Vs modes. But that still leaves freeroam, which left a lot to be desired in GTA IV.
  14. I played Max Payne 3 online yesterday after playing The Last Of Us for a month. The movement animation and mechanics genuinely felt terrible... Either TLoU has exceptional gameplay animation, or Max Payne never had decent mechanics to begin with. When I first played MP3 they seemed fine, so maybe it's just preferences. I hope GTAV doesnt handle too much like MP3 though.
  15. With Grand Theft Auto Online information looming, I'm pretty excited to hear what all the hype and secrecy is about... Can we expect a fully functioning world where you role play as your character within the crew, protect your assets from rival gangs, spend your hard earn't money on safehouses, businesses and other useful investments? Will it be a long term experience that we can expect to be playing for a long time after GTA V has had its run? Hell, we still play GTA IV multiplayer years down the line, and that was essentially basic GTA gameplay! GTA is still a unique style of game that no-one else has managed to successfully replicate. So why should GTAO be any different? For GTAO to be a success, it just needs to stick to the drawing board, and be what GTA has always been about. Stealing, racing, dealing, killing, and gang rivalry... Will there be ranks or ladders to climb in crews on GTAO? Showing exceptional skills, or cold killing techniques, will there be an experience system which can help gain respectable positions within your crew? Crews are clearly an important aspect for GTA V, and i really think that it was originally designed for GTA, and not Max Payne. Max Payne 3 just happened to be the experimental budgey (imo) between GTA releases. Will you be able to build some sort of empire, or crew presence withint the world of GTAO, not just on the stat screens? I didn't even get started on customization....There's so many questions to be answered, with such a small amount of time until release. I kind of want them to leave it til last minute to unveil it properly. Just as long as the hype is worth while.
  16. It's all portfolio work. I'm not making a blockbuster game or anything, that shit takes years with a whole team. I'm only making scenes of which can show my ability to work professionally. With all my work finished, i'll display it online, on a showreel disc, and send it to various development teams. When i show enough competence, i may get a job out of it. If you guys want to actually roam around in any of my finished game environments, i can upload a unreal.exe for you guys, but i'll only do that when i get to a semi-finished state. Maybe that'd be a good idea for feedback. You guys can tell me what looks good, what doesn't, and how i can improve it?
  17. Firm already did me. *(which i actually like) Gunsmith :
  18. Just testing this new app, You can view my models in 3d now! Slum (click to view in 3D)
  19. Well that'd good news, i may think about getting this, i have already pre-ordered the collectors edition, so there's a big chunk on GTAV already. I kind of have every GTA BradyGame guide since GTA3 though... I liked collecting them for the artwork, vehicle catalogs, and the presentation of them etc.
  20. We're all pretty much non-existent in the crew section until GTAV is out, so I wouldn't worry.
  21. In the gamestop link. Click more details down below.
  22. New artwork from Gamestop. Self explanatory but, It's an 'Exclusive Lithograph' for pre-orders of the BradyGames Guide. http://www.gamestop....8#bonusFeatures I like this artwork, i want a clean version of it!