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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. NP GF. Check your Socail Club inboxes (for non-members) for your invites.
  2. Louis C.K and Bill Burr make me laugh. I think it's just the melancholy outlook on life, but with a New York Accent. New Yorkers' are almost as depressing and moany as the British.
  3. @Craze - I watched How I Spent my Summer Vacation on Netflix a couple weeks ago, I thought it was a great film. Had a sort of Max Payne feel to it for some reason...
  4. Kinda sucks that there is such limitations to begin with. It's not like it can't be done, that much is clear.
  5. I just noticed the top clans have MANY members.... Does that mean we can unlock more than 300 members somehow, through xp achievements or something? IGN Crew - 31041 members RDRustlers - 45870 members Payne Killers - 146854 members
  6. We've never tried playing Max Payne as a party before... (iGTA crew i mean). We might play better together.
  7. Yep, just request an invite and i'll accept.
  8. DuPz0r


    Yeah more than likely a possibility. I think they shelved it to make way for GTA V, not realising the production length that GTA would end up being. Poor game didn't look in a good state when we saw it in the guys portfolio, i'm sure they will be building it from the ground up for Next Gen.
  9. I'm good for next week, but i'll be on holiday the two weeks following that.
  10. ^ GTA London in this era.
  11. I got a new phone a year ago, with a new numb0r. I think your service provider should send you new sims at least every 5 years to avoid this though, like what they do with bank cards.
  12. @bOnEs - Rparker posted I already on the last page. I like tbe way tbey did the bit of land between the rivers, it looks mlre organic, like an island, compared to everyone else's maps so far. I have to agree with Fitty though, the northern town seems like it fits better more to the east. - Smartphone spelling ftw!
  13. Might as well get this thread on its way. I'll be rep'in' iGTA most of the time, but if you fancy joining my (racing) crew "Genetically Superior" Then hit me up with a request baby! Compete with crew mates or against other crews, create crew specific tracks, polish those driving skills. Click the Emblem to view the Crew Page. Genetically Superior Stay Alpha, Bro!
  14. @Ray - All the answers are in the screenshots and trailers. When we watch these trailers and see these screenies, all we see is a 3D layout of the world...
  15. When this screenshot first popped up, i mentioned that i thought there was some sort of off-road mountain valley between these two mountains, but i obviously had no proof from that angle, it just kind of looked like it had open space between. Now we can see from this top-down angle, that there is in fact a valley road there. I wonder if this winds up the left mountain, which could be the possible location of our trailer one hike...?
  16. It is the prison. The military base is to the mid-west of the map. You can see it here:
  17. The last project hit some technical problems, so i shelved it for now. It's always there if i want to go back to it though. I've now dedicated a big portion of my free time to a new project which will make it onto my portfolio reel. It's a little in-game scene of a local favela in Rio called Santa Marta. I'm planning on focusing my efforts on all the small details, like the odd things laying around the street, the washing haning over the walls and flapping in the wind, the water leaks from the rusty pipe work, and so on. Here's a sample of what i've started, i hope you guys can give me pointers along the way. I'm setting myself a deadline for end of September. Hopefully it'll be done before that because of obvious reasons.
  18. I think a modern day GTA could hold its own if set in rural country with just a handful of villages. I don't think GTA has to be all about the city. It's about stealing cars, stealing drugs, executing gangs, and making money. That can all be done without a city.
  19. Kavinsky is going to be in GTA V i believe...
  20. If i were to chose a modern theme tune, it would be this:
  21. Hold your color was a masterpiece imo.
  22. Already been mentioned, it is a good idea, one that could be used for missions outside of the city.
  23. The World's End Considered the final part to the "Cornetto Trilogy" with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. This story takes more sci-fi into the real world, and creates a Doctor Who fan's wet dream. The story is simple, but effective, and appeals to fans of past films from this funny duo. There is plenty of Easter Eggs and guest appearances, for those of you that remember Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz well. The structure follows suit, which carries the iconic trilogy - relatable characters, comical humor with a melancholy undertone, with an eventual purpose to ensue. If you enjoyed the other films, you're pretty much guaranteed to like this one too. 9/10