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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. So, did you like it? First episode of season 8 went off to a pretty good start imo. Can't wait to see what kind of releasionship Dexter and that new psychologist/biologist woman have.
  2. Yeah ^ additional rigging, for free flowing hair physics. lol. I bet the people they picked look really thuggish, the sort you'd expect to be in a gang. Bald women with teardrop tattoo.
  3. I'm sure the bottom one already had. We had a very high-res magazine proportion crop of the bottom one, but not a PC wallpaper. OMG it sais July 13 on dat post0r in tha rite corner witch menes we goona gt a trailor in jully 13th!1!!!1!!11!
  4. Dexter is back... ...for the last time.
  5. It'll probably only be new mechanic examples like character switching and things to do in the world, like a sightseeing guide to los santos series. Or it could si.ply only be multiplayer gameplay not single player...
  6. They're probably going to do what the did with RDR & MP3 and have auto-aim matches followed by a hardcore free-aim mode.
  7. GTAO is the single most exciting thing for me. I've been expecting alot from Multiplayer for the last couple of years...
  8. What is so good about it? The drive to succeed makes the story one hell of a journey. The characters are so rich and have decent back stories, that make them instantly successful. Joel & Ellie are already Playstation classics imo.
  9. A little easter egg I noticed towards the end of the game:
  10. Well at least you got to complete t. Sucks that you can't get the most out of it though. The more I play survivor mode, the more it feels like I'm playing Manhunt. All those stealth kills from behind, it's giving me deja vu lol.
  11. Damn, I'm still let to experience any audio cuts or loading problems. Did you install patch 1.02 recently? I've had broadband problems this past week and haven't installed it. Was just seeing if that patch did more damage than good?
  12. Well I started my survivor run today. Funny thing is, you can use your plus game unlocks. I loaded my 100% plus game file and then went to chapter select ans chose the prologue chapter and then survivor difficulty... It loaded fine with my character and weapon enhancements. Survivor mode ia pretty crazy though. You literally need to learn all the AI routes and stealth everything. Unless you're Billy the kid and can headshot everyone in a heartbeat anyway...
  13. I found the second run on normal + really easy. I didnt realise how easy it was to sneak past clickers, especially with listen mode. I'm looking forward to survivor mode, but I'm not sure I'll enjoy being flanked constantly by bandits and all that.
  14. Normal + But I figured if I get all the upgrades by the end of this run, I may be able to use them on survivor? If not then it shall be a scary run. I'll probably stealth every chance I get.
  15. I'm almost finished on my second play-through. I've not the cusp of completing all of the upgrades. I still need around 30 collectables though... I really spent time looking around on this playthrough (not that i didn't the first time) Some of this stuff is really well hidden). I'm ready for survivor mode now!
  16. I don't think it affect those. It's only photo, music and video playlists saved to your HDD that need backing up. < That's with the Rebuild Database option anyway. I always use the Restore File System, at least once a month, it keeps my installed data cleaned up and neatly partitioned in one corner of my drive. You don't need to back anything up for that. Are you ready for Multiplayer gang rapes? I asked Psy to play multiplayer last night, but he just got back from a hard day at the office. >_> I will get him on soon though! I've had a series of bad games recently. I've not had enough supplies to feed my whole group. One of my facebook friends died, and i a few are sick xD When i saw it first pop up in the corner, i was like O_O hahaha i killed someone i used to know from school due to malnutrition...
  17. It's like blowing a balloon up and not tying the end. Letting it go and watching it unpredictably flail around.
  18. You've got to hold the on button until it double beeps when you first turn it on.
  19. Yeah it's called file system or something, but it does something similar to a defrag on PC.