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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. bOnEs, do you ever go In to the ps3 bootup menu and fix hardrive consistency? sometimes a good clean up will fix parts of the HDD that games are stored and clear any issues it may have trying to load data Into the RAM.
  2. I like the little mission objectives you get on the side, it makes it feel like you're fighting for something each game. I'll be on after work 11pm(gmt) /edit - btw when it says day number, i'm assuming it means in-game day? So each game/match you play is classed as a day "in game". This seems like it might make supply needs more difficult than i first thought though.
  3. Not crazy good lol, I got the top score In a couple of games. Us lot should have a group game some time.
  4. I managed to get 40 people in my camp in 5 or 6 games. No-one has starved as of yet. You and Your faction grows based on parts/scraps & supplies found in-games. So always try and scavenge as many parts from those as you can. Also, kills drop supplies. As your faction grows, you need to be getting more and more supplies per day to feed everyone etc. So far one or two games a day seems to get me enough supplies to keep my group happy, but obviously it'll be more demanding further down the line.
  5. Yeah i loved that water droplet on the flower, with the grass reflecting in it. I took those on an old Olympus camera with a sepia lens filter on it, and 35mm film. I may post more later.
  6. @River - I did something very similar at college. For one of my finals, i chose reflections as a subject matter. I'll try and find my pics and post them later. (not digital) My cat
  7. Yeah agreed. The survival instinct is very clear in the MP, and everyone huddles together like you probably would in real life, unless you're a bowss. I'm currently doing re-runs collecting shit i missed. It's cool that you can cut in on chapters if you like. One thing i'm confused about though, does all the collectibles reset when you play a + game? because i swear i'm picking up stuff i already had...
  8. Is that what most people are calling it? I thought it was shrapnel doing the Tony-Stark's-heart thing with his brain. Then again, I haven't paid much attention to this, other than the two trailers. It is. People are calling it a horn like a metaphor, because of the way his personality changes.
  9. DuPz0r

    The Crew

    Yeah it did seem to get lost among all the many other driving game trailers at E3 this year. The only problem with The Crew was that all we saw was what seemed like a very polished cinematic trailer. Unless it has gameplay in it, people don't seem to take much notice. People are wising up and not trusting games on new generation platforms until they surface. I remember some of the E3 videos for PS3 and 360 reveals. Some of the cinematic videos were almost as good as some of the in-game graphics we see for the upcoming next-gen. I know you're going to say it's not just about graphics, because it's true. But racing games are probably the most competitive market for gaming, almost every AAA developer have tried one, and they either do really well or they don't. And the graphics does play a huge part in that. I do however love the concept of open-world of that magnitude. I don'y think it'll be nearly as big as the real USA, obviously, they'll probably compact it, so states are closer and only have a concentration of important or iconic areas in each state. But it's a nice idea, and i hope it turns out good. We all like a decent racing game!
  10. DuPz0r

    The Sims

    When i was hard on the sims, i went here: http://www.thesimsresource.com/ They seem to charge for subscriptions for some mods these days though, but the look like they still have some free mods.
  11. It would be good if there was a camera editor for multiplayer sessions, like replay editing. So we could record the best bits of our clan games from the best perspectives...
  12. DuPz0r

    Tomb Raider

    Number 2 was my favorite, but you can't beat the original feeling you had raiding that first tomb in number 1. I loved the easter eggs in the mansion in 2, and the more varied levels too, including Venice.
  13. I missed one shiv door right near the start because i didn't have any shivs at the time. After playing multiplayer a little more, i seem to like it more. Although it's very similar to Max Payne's multiplayer, the guns and ammo seem to be more fairly given. You earn ammo and gun upgrades for reviving fallen allies, and for kills and executions. So the only perk to leveling up is for different guns, which may not make a difference anyway... New ringtone maybe? (small sample only not full song) TheLastofUsStrings.mp3
  14. I completed it today. Here's my micro-review for those of you that haven't played: The Last of Us - The last survival horror you will need this generation! One of PS3's most anticipated exclusives of recent times, and one that doesn't disappoint. Story - This game is a brilliant ride down a gritty post-apocalyptic road, which is tense from start to finish. The story is gripping, and takes you down some unexpected routes. The character's performances are outstanding, one of the best of this generation (apart from maybe L.A. Noire, which is just too hard to beat), and portray real believable characters that everyone can relate to. Gameplay - The mechanics are polished, and animations are smooth, with the odd A.I. disorientation, but nothing that will make your experience disappointing. The enemies are smart, and do a good job of outnumbering you quick if you are found. No hiding behind boxes for cover for too long in this game, you will be flanked! Apart from the repetitive survival loot pick-ups, the game is balanced very well. Maybe i should try on survival difficulty next, to see if that makes a difference? The length is around 14-16 hours depending of how you play. But can carry over to a new game + mode, if you want to finish your grinds. The length of the game felt just right, with long distances traveled, and periods of time past through-out. Graphics - This game is nothing short of beautiful. Every area along the way looks jaw dropping, and just right for the setting. from the dilapidated buildings to overgrown foliage, it's perfect for a post-apocalyptic world. There's the odd asset repetition through-out the story, like cabinets, floating pallets, movable ladders and interior layouts. But they are dressed well, and fit with each location, and aren't of any concern. The character models look top notch for what is to be expected on current-gen, even the enemies look of decent quality, especially with the decent facial animations. Sound - The music, the voice acting, and the ambient sounds just make this game an atmospheric masterpiece. Sometimes the sound makes a game. This game is almost that. From ambient music, to the sounds of shrieking clickers in a dark flooded tunnel. It sets the tone, and wouldn't feel the same without those epic sounds. This game is a one of a kind, and has to be played before you jump into the next generation. It's just too damn good to miss. From my personal experience, I'm gonna give this game a 10/10. (Not given lightly, i don't think I've rated much in the past at 10, apart from GTA games). And for those of you that have finished the game:
  15. I've not had a single glitch in this game. That sucks that you had loading issues and stuff bOnEs... Maybe your PS3 is showing its age. If I used my 60gb FAT for this game, it probably would have keeled over before I completed it (ylod three times). My slim seems to be running it flawlessly atm.
  16. DuPz0r

    Mad Max

    Road Warrior ftw! I'd hate for this game to resemble Just Cause 2 game mechanics wise. It's just not right. I also hope to god it's not going to be as repetitive as JC2. Fair enough JC2 was one of the biggest sandbox games out there. But because of that, they had the same side missions every square mile... And every couple of miles, you'd see an exact clone village or harbor. I want Mad Max to feel like where ever you go, each place you visit feels new and exciting. Maybe I've been treated too well recently. The Last of Us did a great of job keeping things fresh all the way through the game. And felt almost like an open world survival, what with scavenging and looting every place along the way.
  17. DuPz0r

    Mad Max

    Yeah this is definitely one to watch. I loved the films from all those years ago. A classic, and one of the first of the Post-Apocalyptic genre, which has influenced so many other films and games. I hope they pull this off, and keep the tone that the films had. Like R* with The Warriors, i can only hope.
  18. DuPz0r


    No, I don't work for Sony. I'm just trying to provide some facts. And if you can't see that PS Plus is great value for money, then you must be a fool... Here is a list of Free PS3 Games ( Euro & US PS Stores ) just going back to about June 2012 ( even though PS Plus started in 2010 ) ~ ~ Uncharted 3 ~ Red Dead Redemption ~ Batman Arkham City ~ Mass Effect 3 ~ Sleeping Dogs ~ Demon Souls ~ Dead Space 2 ~ XCOM: Enemy Unknown ~ Infamous 2 ~ Battlefield 3 ~ Saints Row: The Third ~ Deus Ex: Human Revolution ~ Hitman Absolution ~ Little Big Planet 2 ~ Saints Row 2 ~ Just Cause 2 ~ Crysis 2 ~ Vanquish ~ Resident Evil 5 ~ Lord of the Rings: War in the North ~ Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning ~ Borderlands ~ Darksiders ~ Bioshock 2 ( very underrated for a solid game ) ~ Mortal Kombat ~ Gotham City Imposters ~ Motorstorm Apocalypse ~ Bulletstorm ~ Starhawk ~ Dead or Alive 5 ~ Catherine ~ Okami HD ~ Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection ~ Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time ~ Limbo ~ Ratchet & Clank: All for One ~ Super Street Fighter lV ~ Mega Man 9 & 10 ~ Payday: The Heist ~ Lara Croft Guardian of Light ( Tomb Raider Game ) ~ Lara Croft & the Guardian of Light ( another Tomb Raider ) ~ Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine ~ Retro City Rampage ~ Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD ~ Outland ~ The Cave ~ NBA Jam On Fire Edition ~ NFL Blitz ~ Virtua Fighter 5 Plus more, but these are the best... Notable PSP/Vita Titles~ ~ Metal Gear Solid HD Collection ~ Super Stardust ~ Rayman Origins ~ Final Fantasy Tactics ~ Uncharted Golden Abyss ~ Gravity Rush ~ Wipeout 2048 ~ Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny ~ Plants Vs Zombies ~ Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus ~ Chronovolt ~ Unit 13 ~ Mortal Kombat And more, but these are some of the better games. ^^So yeah, not many good games here .... And in regards to todays news about Microsoft's Backflip on Online DRM and Used Games, it seems that a lot of people have changed their mind about the Xbox One. I can already see this next generation being just as competitive as the last one. Hopefully the PS4 will keep up with Xbox this time around and do better in the US, Britain and Australia... About 90% of those games i bought myself over the last few years... So that's not really value for money unless you want to wait for the most popular (games that have been bought more times than prostitutes) games to become free two years down the line when not many people are playing them anymore. I'm not defending Microsoft in any way at all btw, as they're doing the exact same thing with Xbox One's Gold Sub, as Sony have been doing for years now. I just wish Sony would give more new games away, or at least the games that haven't done too well on the market. Not platinum titles that only farmers and their mothers haven't played...
  19. DuPz0r


    Well from what Sony have said. Plus is the way of paying for online multiplayer for Ps4. So it's not like you pay a one off pass per game anymore. You're committed to a subscription just like Xbox Gold... I tried PS Plus, and i wasn't overly impressed with it on PS3. The free bits didn't make up for what i spent on it. And the free games were always games i had already spent good money on. I guess paying for Plus and getting multipayer free on all games would be a better deal, especially if "next gen" will be heavily focused on multiplayer games.
  20. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    I agree. It's better than making changes later down the line, when the console is already released though. But still very unprofessional.
  21. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    Wow, the internet changed the minds of Microsoft... Good lol. Although "No additional restrictions on trading games or loaning discs" sounds a little miss-leading. As if they mean no additional restrictions other than what was announced at E3... Or they could mean No additional restrictions compared to the 360, but i doubt that's what they meant.
  22. Seen any decent film trailers that have stood out recently? post them here. I'll start us off with a couple: (i thought a thread like this existed, i guess not)
  23. ^ Yeah, i had some women-i-knew-from-school's pictures popping up in the corner saying they collected things. Totaly non-gamers. I was like what O_o at first. I thought they had the game... lol