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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. ^That's a better theory. But it's still thinking too much into it. I'm not gonna think much about the story until i play it. It's going to be a long ass game as usual anyway, no point in guessing the story ahead of time.
  2. I'm slowly making my way through this beautiful world. I'm at 48% and have been playing for almost 8 hours. Not sure if that percentage includes collectables or not though, as I've found 31.... Great game so far, it's felt like an epic journey already, can't wait to see what is still to come. /edit - I also tried some online earlier. Can't say i fared too well against some of the higher level players. Hopefully Level doesn't mean better gear like MaX Payne 3... I like the facebook team function, makes the team feel more personal. I had DiO & bOnEs collecting supplies lol...
  3. Cool theory. Probably thinking to much into it though. If it was a clone, why would it be as old as BB? I know they have raid growth, but not that rapid. 50 years old in 9 years... Solidus would be the best candidate, being the perfect clone and all.
  4. It looks less silly. (still ridiculous though)
  5. DuPz0r


    MS will claw back a fanbase with time. Just like Sony did with the PS3... It's all banter and Interhype/trending. Only a small percentage of the gaming community are the vocal ones.
  6. The games getting pretty interesting now! I still haven't gottennone single trophy yet, I can already see an Uncharted style progression happening with the collectables. I like that. The small things.
  7. I don't tend to talk about spoilery thingw until the majority of members here have completed. Even then I tag that shit! What an arsehole. Play it anyway dude, its unique and fun!
  8. One thing that's kind of disappointed me before I've even played the game is that on the back of the case it says the game runs at 720p, when it's a PS3 exclusive... and every Uncharted game ran at 1080p... What's the deal with that?! Or does it mean minimum of 720p. I can't remember if Uncharted had 720p on the case or not. But I know I hqd it running at 1080p. Anyhow, minor detail really. Time to get this masterpiece fired up!
  9. My wife kindly paid for my game from her hard earned cash. As long as I buy her something of equal value when I get paid she will be happy. So happy right now, it was out of stock everywhere. I trapced all around town and found a place with one left in stock!
  10. Fucking jealous right now. Legoland this month left me out of pocket. So i have to wait two more weeks!
  11. I'm still anticipating. Still got ages to go!
  12. Found that on gtaforums. It's the same mountain i suggested. But i'm not sure about the placement. As there is no higher peak , that looks like the highest part. I do believe this is the right area though.
  13. If the majority of multiplayer games look this good on PS4, and the openwolrd element isn't faux openworld, i'll be more of an online gamer this generation...
  14. DuPz0r


    The game is open-world set across the sol system. Confirmed Planets are Earth, Venus, Mars, earth's moon also has been confirmed. They've been pretty vague about the story. Apparently it will be told in chapters like in a book, or sort of like the Live-action trailer above, but whether the story will go along a set a quest lines for each class like TOR or something cooler we don't know. I guessing something different because they've said that the most important element of this game is the coop play. It's too shiny? Really? Okay, the E3 gameplay demo swung me. The CG trailer i posted, was very artificial, and shiny looking. Like early CG film. But, the gameplay is the important thing here, and i like what i saw. It looked like an open world mix of Halo and Borderlands.
  15. E3 was like a rush of dream open world multiplayer titles... This and Destiny will probably be the only multiplayer games i'll need for a while.
  16. *converts into igta speak* I'll join if Mass bOnA jump with me.
  17. I've got to wait a week and a half to get paid before I can get this!
  18. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    In before the lock!
  19. Well this game turned into something i didn't expect after watching the first trailer... lol Still looks good though.
  20. DuPz0r


    Out of those exclusives above. I would probably only buy Killzone, possibly The Order, but i don't know enough about it yet.. inFamous looked almost unchanged apart from the graphical perspective, and new character skillset... That wouldn't keep me playing for long. I just read that the PS4 comes with a standard 500gb HDD, if that hasn't been mentioned yet.
  21. It's true that we don't know what's in the northern most part of the map, particularly behind the big mountains in the north west.
  22. Snake Eater, Heavens Divide and this new Sins of the Father all have James Bond elements to them imo. It feels like a genre which they only use for title sequences or credits. That's how i hear it anyway. Either way, i like them a lot.