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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r


    ^ That's great news. Also, as a Vita owner I'm pretty happy that almost all PS4 games will play on it with the exception of pseye games. The reason I got my vita in the first place was because Sony said we'd get remote play with PS3, which didn't turn out to be as good as I'd hoped. Especially with shit resolutions. I really hope I'll be able to play any of my PS4 games anywhere, with decent resolutions.
  2. Well if you did that in PowerPoint, I'm sure you could make us an awesome iGTA emblem . To be honest I think we should make a competition out of it...
  3. Hey gregers, what did you say you made those in again? Have you had a go at making something like this in the Social Club Crew Emblem editor?
  4. - Los Santos does not appear to exist in our systems sir, where did you attain this ticket? - You will not be able to stop me, whether in this dimension or another, KIFFLOM has spoken. I will ascend in due time. Join my Journey, and be my sister -sister. - *dials* Security, i think we have a terrorist.
  5. Full credit to Fitty for the road map in the HUD.
  6. Lita was there. And so was Gillian Anderson. Go female stars from GoT though.
  7. Are you taking the piss or not? if not where's th source? If you are, fuck you! It's actually a pretty good layout.
  8. Yeah same, seems like a generic (whoever applied) email. Good luck my brothers.
  9. Nice Mass. Good to see some animation around here.
  10. There's one major thing we haven't discussed in this thread so far, and that's the sea. I can see this thread being very useful even after the game is released. There could be plenty of treasure mapping to be done, unless R* release a full treasure/sea chart... I'm going to keep an open mind to this. Now that 95% of Los Santos is revealed, i think this thread needs to be directed more towards Blaine County, and the ocean floors once the game is released. (If possibru)
  11. Troll Hunter. It's a Norwegian film, with Subtitles, but it's probably one of the only foreign Sci-Fi films (other than REC) that i actually enjoyed watching. After i got over the fact i had to watch a film with subtitles, i was actually really into it. When a film grabs you in even in a foreign language, you know it's got to be good. The film's about a group of college students trying to report the goings-on behind the death of protected bears. They soon find the culprit, and end up getting more than they bargained for. The only thing that really makes this film work is the handycam documentary style they use. Otherwise the film would have seemed too low budget. Great film, completely different from anything else i know of. And more importantly, you don't have to endure them chasing the shadows of a single troll the entire way through the film, which i feared it would be like (cloverfield). 8/10
  12. Nah they wanted me to pay £20 a pic in private photography rooms, andthe queues for those were 100's of people long, so I just had a quick chat with them. Not as laid back as Jason M imo.
  13. My phone battery was low and on charge, so I couldn't take pics this time. I will try and remember to take pics next time.
  14. I'm in South Sheilds in august. Visiting family. Meet you on he beach for a console war dance off, SA style...?
  15. Max payne online was only ever fun the first week it was out because everyone was equal...
  16. Zidane's picture is my only recollection of the SA special/collectors edition. Funny how he became the pinup. Remember my deepthroatin' gif competition entry? xD
  17. The weekend felt empty without GoT... On the other hand, I met Theon Greyjoy's actor and Tywin Lanaster's actor at collectormania.