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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. SMFH. When will you ppl realise you blaming religion for most of what's wrong in the world is a COMPLETE FUCKING LOAD OF SHIT. Humans fight, humans will always fuck shit up, no matter the cause. Money is a FAR more frequent cause than religion. Without religion, ppl wouldn't even have the will to do some of the shit they do today. Without religion, ppl would have NO hope in times of turmoil. Religion is fine. It's ppl who suck. Take some "bloody" responsibility. The main cause of war and friction between certain countries/races, is because of politics & religion/beliefs, it's an old-age fact.
  2. That is the size of Los Santos man, accept it. When you've sat there looking at screenshots for as long as some of us in this thread, you notice that the city does feel bigger in-game (from the screens and footage) than it does on the map. I'm happy with the size of it. I know the story and exploration will still be amazing, it's GTA after all. I couldn't care less about the size. GTA III's map was small, but the first time you played it, was it really that small, did it even matter? There is also a little more of LS, not much but it's obvious some parts are cut off from that map. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure there will be quite a few other towns in the game, like Blueberry and stuff in SA. Perhaps they will be quite sizable as well. Also from this, do you guys think it will be a simple cut-off point of the land below the city, leaving the ocean to explore there? Or perhaps there is more countryside down there, or maybe the city continues slightly more down there. I think it's be lower than that tbh, more like this:
  3. That is the size of Los Santos man, accept it. When you've sat there looking at screenshots for as long as some of us in this thread, you notice that the city does feel bigger in-game (from the screens and footage) than it does on the map. I'm happy with the size of it. I know the story and exploration will still be amazing, it's GTA after all. I couldn't care less about the size. GTA III's map was small, but the first time you played it, was it really that small, did it even matter?
  4. No shit. They will release the map very soon now, before people speculate too much and complain it's too small and stuff.
  5. The map is pretty much shaping up as we've been mapping it so far... They still seem to be hiding to top end of the map from us. Here's another good quality version of the blueprint map based on it's real dimensions:
  6. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    All friendly banter aside, I do expect both consoles to consistently produce parallel games by third party developers. My point is, they will both be as good as one another, it's just fun messing around with the competition. It will come down to loyalty and preferred exclusives.
  7. Lol that video has been shared around the net by every outlet. In this particular video the colours of both blooded hands have been corrected purposefully by some crazy theory nut. It's true though that I've not really heard or seen evidence of a full beheading. But they obviously viciously chopped away at his kneck until he died.
  8. What I still don't understand is whether they planned to murder this guy or just decided to run him down after they spoke to him on the street, then proceeded to behead him purely on impulse...
  9. They shouted aqua-snackbar after the killing. lol but seriously it's stated on many news reports: http://www.ibtimes.c...bra-meeting.htm
  10. All the nationalists are popping their heads out of the woodwork to have a free bash at Muslims atm, my facebook is pages full of patriotism. Some only being respectful of the dead soldier mind you.
  11. We have a bank Holiday in the UK, which also coincides with memorial day.
  12. Eyewitnesses say one of them was recording it, like a political statement. So, pretty much like it is in the middle east. It's social media gone crazy, we should never have given them allahsnacktube to post all their mental deeds.
  13. Britain has slowly been intruded by Islamic extremist over the years, much like the US. But yesterday in Woolwich, London, an off-duty soldier was run down and beheaded with a knife and machete, middle eastern style. One of the killers had the cheek to try and justify the killing on camera as a bystander recorded... He sounded like he grew up in London as well, these extremists converting mo'fo's! The police proceeded to shoot them after they pulled a gun i think. Allah snackbars be taking over, someone help us! To be fair, they were Somalian bred, so i'm not gonna single out middle easterns, it's Islam as a whole, i think the whole religion is fucking mad. What do you think we should do? Operation National Front? What would Obama do? discuss. Lol dis nigga:
  14. 25 minute technical rigging blog/overview. Pretty cool if you're interested in how the game's built.
  15. I wasn't even aware it wasn't being aired? Something to do with memorial day maybe?
  16. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    I've seen tons of VHS games for Xboxone on instagram, including GTAV boxart on one of those VHS labels lmao: #xboxone #ps4 #consolewar One of my old games art tutor's posted this on my facebook page
  17. DuPz0r


    I said i'd leave it at that, but i changed my mind lol. It was bugging me that i had a couple of details missed out. So i went in for round 3. I'm done wid dis shit now! lol /edit Wow, just found this full 3d model mock-up... Pretty similar to mine >_> http://imgur.com/gallery/XHs8q
  18. DuPz0r


    Yeah they mentioned this in the conference. Each player can have different coloured lights, which can also act as physical health bars too or some shit.
  19. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    My Xbox mock-up:
  20. DuPz0r


    For this particular image i used a bit of 3DSMax and Photoshop. I could have done it all in Photoshop, but i knew i'd make the basic shape quicker in three dimensions. Then i just decorated it in Photoshop.
  21. DuPz0r


    I made some final tweaks to that mock-up, i can't do any more to it if i'm honest. Probably looks nothing like the final outcome though. Was fun though, and i think it looks like a Playstation lol Looking forward to seeing how the real thing will look now!
  22. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    it is... but you're talking about the 10% of TV that is actually decent... 90% of it is reality shows, pawn shows, kardashians, gator catchers, ice road truckers, honey boo-boo... yea, TV here sucks balls... Ah right well, we have even less premium shows, in fact i don't even think we have a premium TV channel that US doesn't already have, other than sports channels. So that's 10% more TV worth watching than we have. That's the only reason i watch Netflix, it has films (i'm a film junkie), but it also has some hit US shows which i would have never watched otherwise. British TV has gone to shit, and i wouldn't benefit at all from using xbox one's integrated TV service.
  23. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    "Xbox go home" "internet explorer" "Trade yourself for a PS4 on ebay" Win Okay banter aside, I think Microsoft's presentation was aimed at the wrong audience at the wrong time. Only core gamers really watch game conference and events, and they didn't deliver a core presentation. They talked about its features and such, which only a general gamer would care about. They should have saved the gimmickry for E3 and focused on what the 'One' could do with gaming this time around. This ia why I tip my hat off to Sony, their conference was solely focused on the core gamer, and it showed the tech. They didn't need to show the physical console, because they explained what is can do a lot better than microsoft managed to.