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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. TreeFitty challenged us to make a mock-up of the GTAV HUD, so here's my mock-up based on the description from the preview articles:
  2. Same here. I played dota for a while, but in the end it just felt like a long waste of time. One specific video game is a waste of time? What about all the others? I know all games are a waste of time. But games like this have no rewarding longevity. It's like playing chess... Plus other games feel time well spent.
  3. DuPz0r

    Gran Turismo 5

    Kinda strange that GT6 is coming to PS3. I guess that's Sony saying PS3 isn't dead yet...
  4. This I think our clan signature thing should be scotch tape: Tanner: Firm: bOnEs: DiO: gtagirl: jizzin: Massacre: DuPz: Cuda: http://www.designsoa...tch-tape-faces/ I'd love to actually be able to do this on heists missions!
  5. Same here. I played dota for a while, but in the end it just felt like a long waste of time.
  6. The only thing I care about is: unique faces and threads that say this is my clan colours etc, and that has our crew logo on it.
  7. You can change it In the mic settings on the xmb. I think someone said I was really loud at first, I went and changed it from 5 to 3.
  8. Bush is my last name. I went with BushkaUK on PSN because I'm British, but also it sounds like BushCock which I found amusing at the time.
  9. I like the GTA IV driving mechanics. It's something that reminds you of real driving because of the slow response to the brakes and the acceleration, yet it doesn't feel like a driving sim. The only improvement I think it needed was the weight distribution, and some vehicles felt heavier than they should have been. And finally the traction needed some work. But only tweaks. I tweaked the handling files on the PC version, and cars handle well...
  10. A brief history of DuPz0r: I think I posted in the 'how'd ya get your username' thread. I found a glitch to dupe weapons and items online on an old gamecube game. This was the "rox0r" era. I was known as the duper, and eventually DuPz0r stuck. "Bushka" on the other hand is my real nickname among friends from school onward. If I were to lose my iGTA account I may well be Bushka instead.
  11. yeah It was dupe-zor but so many people pronounced it dup-zor so either i don't mind.
  12. Nice pics bOnEs. I could tell who was who except I wasn't sure if the squeaking guy was Kuz or Godfather. Pretty sure it was Kuz though, coz he said he had a real smooth voice or some shit, and came In with it real deep at first, then switched to chipmunk later. Bronson was the loud one, his voice stood out tbe most. Not sure how I sounded from across the pond, but I don't think people understood me half the time. I would have stayed longer but it was 2am and I had to be up at 7am. I can't even begin to Imagine how many hours I'll be spending on 'V multiplayer...
  13. Well the main event was nothing short of intense. I haven't played BoGT (online) in likely two or so years, and I played the first 30 minutes of the match manual aiming, until I realised everyone else wasn't and then turned it on... I crept from near last back to third after that. GF you're a fucking beast at this game, I will surely keep you close in GTA V lol. Did anyone get any pics? The freeroam ended up being more fun than I expected. Good game guys.
  14. We used to use headsets alot at the start of IV. Me, b0nEs, vicey, marney, dio, firm and others that I forget right now.
  15. Yeah these:
  16. With the potential of 'Crews' in GTA V, i hope we will be able to customise our gang outfits and our gang vehicles. This would especially make a team-freeroam more enjoyable. For example: Two crews of 8 join a freeroam. The server recognizes you're in crews and spawns you in separate locations. You either hold up at your location, fortify it with vehicle road blocks, and wait. Or take to the road in your clan vehicles to attack the other crew/gang. Imagine how much they could do with this? With a decent amount of customisation, you could make your crew look; hood, biker, mafia and so much more, just from having gang clothes and vehicles. This is essentially Red Dead Redemption freeroam set in a modern world, with more customisation...
  17. They would use PC textures on PS4. Probably a 4k limit though. If the Ps4 is going to be structured much like a PC as they said it will be, then game modding may be more easily accessible, allowing us to add bigger or even custom textures. Hack Watch Dogs just to be ironic.
  18. Actually i think the shape has changed over the years: Still not saying it is a hint at the shape of the map though.
  19. Someone on GTAForums suggested the kifflom cartoon's birthmark could represent the GTA V map shape. I'm not convinced, but i thought i'd chuck it in here for discussion anyway.
  20. Saying they are the voice actors, I think R* learnt from Ned Luke. Because he looks a lot like his va, and for the first year after the first trailer Micheal was known as Ned. I think they probably made the other two look less like the VA, to avoid that happening again.
  21. I've seen about 90% of those films, but only a couple of them recently. I may make a playlist of films to watch up until the release. I like it when i play a GTA mission, and see like 10 different movie references/influences in one mission, some more subtle than others, but some almost down to the lines they say. I watched Point Break again the other day, Italian Job last night. Tonight maybe; Dog Day Afternoon (1975), or the Original Ocean's Eleven.
  22. Yeah, rendering at a crazy high resolution and compressing it back down removes some aliasing, so it's kind of like a cheap anti-aliasing trick.