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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Hmm, I've not played TLaD or TBoGT multiplayer in a long time, i'm up for either one.
  2. I think i read somewhere that JC2 is 400sq miles. GTAV is 20-30sq miles... JC2's map was so repetitive and lifeless though, you wont get that in GTA.
  3. I like the way GI explained the character switch. It reminds me of the car switch in the latest Driver - Time slows down sightly whilst you switch cars and orient yourself - which looked fine in driver. So I think R* would have nailed it.
  4. I wonder if save points will still be available in GTA V? They could use autosave only, like a lot of other games these days... (Which i'd hate if i'm honest, i like to manually save in GTA)
  5. Maybe thy asked more worthwhile questions and actually got decent answers...
  6. "we have it beat" I guess that means they have better preview material than everyone else... That's how i see it anyway.
  7. The image looks slightly round, but not 100% convinced it is a base. Your theory isn't very far fetched though, it's a real possibility.
  8. Hunting for dangerous creatures like in RDR. That would certainly make exploring the wilderness that much more enjoyable.
  9. I'm sure heists will play a major role in at least one multiplayer mode. Maybe you will be able to pick your venue, security risks and plan of action, a bit like Hitman Absolution, and share it with the world...
  10. I wonder where the final grand hiest will take place? Might be a bank or a casino, but it could be something more interesting like an art gallery or an abduction of a celebrity up in vinewood...
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQ7P9AG1cLE ^ Not weed, but i cba to post it anywhere else. Who'd try this? Seems to turn everyone into Arnold Schwarzenegger or a terrified girl...
  12. People have been talking about SF and LV being included as soon as they found out it was San Andreas. No shit. But i was talking about recent discussion above, since we've seen the new trailers, and read/watched the previews. People are again, starting to realise it is only LS and surrounding country (even though it was confirmed a very long time ago) and are trying to think of other ways for extra cities to be in the game, when it wont happen. There's people in this thread doing amazing analysis and have managed to construct a visually accurate (accurate being that they're using different techniques and finds, and still managing to get a similar outcome) map from images of the game, and there's no sign of any other city to date, so i don't expect we'll see much more... I'd be happy playing GTA V if it only contained what we've seen so far, and no more. The game already looks like it has enough to keep me playing for at least a couple of years.
  13. Can't believe we were talking about a new destination, 'V isn't even out yet... What happened, the hype wear off?
  14. Yeah that's understandable, but the tent thing didnt work whilst being pursued in RDR did it? Maybe something similar to that...
  15. Looking back at the OP, and the suggestion below it, i think R* may have listened to our wishes, i hope. Fromt he trailers and previews we already know there's Winnebago's and luxury yachts in the game. I emailed them about a year ago: They emailed back with the usual: (paraphrasing, but something along these lines) Fingers crossed that we get some portable safehouses, and that they actually respond to fan requests, but i wont lose any sleep if we don't.
  16. TLaD and BoGT was just a series of missions on the same map (which was still great). I meant a series of missions that incorporated Catalina island along with the main map, and a new bit of land... What i was trying to say was: R* wont waste their time creating a huge City for a DLC unless they intend to spent two or three years on it... Which may as well be a whole new GTA. A small island could be incorperated into the main map as a sort of extra desitination with slightly querky missions you may not have seen in the main game... For all we know, they could have already added an impression of Catalina Island into the main game anyway... Buy an ultimate safehouse on the rock, and store your luxury super yatch in the marina!
  17. Yeah, not really a theme that is needed in a modern world, unless you could create leather explorer clothes from their hides, and become one with nature.
  18. Tyrion, Arya and Jon are the most interesting in the books, for me. Daenerys is pretty good too. The series does it justice, but there's so much more details in the book, that it's worth reading the books even if you've watched the series, just for the extra bits. For example; Daenerys encounter with the warlock had so much more to it in the books, than it did in the series. And the wildfire scene at Kings Landing had more substance in the books, which wasn't even conceived in the series.
  19. I didn't just mean the island as dlc, obviously a gripping( R*) story section based within it.
  20. The closest thing to a new city we will ever see as a GTA V DLC is a smaller island. I always said a parody of Santa Catalina Island would make an awesome bit of content. They could have some awesome Shipwrecks around it, and some cool things to spend money on, including casinos. And i'd imagine some drug related Max Payne style shootouts wouldn't be bad either! A bit off topic, but cool non-the-less.
  21. Yeah but the difference is, you actually enjoy hating Cersei Lannister. Joffrey is just a douche.