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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Truth looks boss-eyed to me... I know he soft of looks that way on the cover art, but i thought that was just him pulling a popeye face. Didn't think they'd make him like that.
  2. The giant looked cool ^Nice cover. I love the GoT theme song, also reminds me of Skyrim strangely.
  3. Damn you reminded me, i forgot to chuck in some spic playing cards! Fuck!
  4. Okay i bought some. I pretty much used the same process of elimination as you did gtagrl. Plus i realised that 80% of the SA ones are black, and 60-80% of the GTA 3 ones are Italian American. so i got the VC ones based on ethnic variety.
  5. Already news'd on igrandtheftauto.com, but i thought i'd start a discussion on it. http://www.igrandthe...-sets-and-sale/ So, these things are normally on sale for a limited time. And after they go off sale, they increase in value by a lot, and i'm talking 3-4 times RRP. I've been wanting these for a while, and i think now is the time i should purchase. I may well buy that Blue VC Infernus Tee whilst i'm at it. The Shipping cost to the UK and last page VAT is colossal, so i may as well make the purchase worth while... Plus the 15% off helps. So, come on, persuade me which set to buy? I've always liked the look of the Vice City ones, but I've been swinging towards the San Andreas ones because I've not seen them before... Metal Gear Solid ones are also available, but only second hand and very expensive. I wanted some, but not at the price they're asking. GTA however is a different matter. I'm not personally bothered by value of collectibles, i just like them. Does anyone here own any kurbrick figures? Even if they're not GTA related, share them here if you have any.
  6. DuPz0r


  7. Yeah, IF Solid is in the game, i would prefer him voice Solid Snake, But if not, then i prefer he voices BB rather than not at all. Hayter did a good job of Old Solid, so i'm sure he could do a middle aged BB just as well. Anyway, the petition is for Snake/Big Boss, so either. I think the point is, Hayter has publicly announced he wasn't even contacted about the role (April fools or not, it's mindfucked lol) Btw the prologue is GZ (Ground Zeros), GW (George Washington i believe?) was the Patriots neural AI system which controlled all the soldier's weapons etc in MGS4 Sorry, but i noticed you use GW a number of times above.
  8. DuPz0r

    Crash Bandicoot

    The first 3d era aged terribly. PS1 games mostly looked jaggered amd pixelated. Especially after coming from tje 2D era where everything looked smooth colourful.
  9. That's nice dude. I used to have a bearded dragon a few years back, eventually it died so I got terrapins. What's the average lifespan of a skink?
  10. https://www.change.o...-in-mgs-v#share ^ Petition for proDavid Hayter. *Signs*
  11. DuPz0r

    Crash Bandicoot

    The Last of Us > Crash Bandicoot. And it's not even out yet... I liked Crash for its era. But it hasn't aged that well imo.
  12. Although slightly late to the party, i finally got to see this flick. I expected it to be quite cheesy if i'm honest, but it did its self proud. The stylisation of the era works perfectly, and really makes me want to replay LA Noire. The film isn't short of big shootouts and 'ardmen looking... 'ard i guess. The core story although pretty generic, is tried and works a well rounded story arc. If you love gangster flicks, then this isn't one to miss. It's the classic cop vs mob story, with a modern take, and brilliant lighting. 9/10
  13. IDK man I've seen my buddy play minecraft a few times. Didn't see what was so special about it The first ep aired. Surprised no one has posted yet. It was pretty good. I felt they should have started off with more epic battles or something. Just to start strong Thr first episode played out exactly as it does in the book, so they're just keeping it real, which I like.
  14. w00t! I wasn't far off. It's nice to finally see those new artworks properly!
  15. I'm still unsure If the bottom guy is gonna be Franklin or some other black guy. Franklin's trunk art was the closest I could find, but the image will obviously look very different. I reckon it will be finished today.
  16. Damn straight! LOL I think these guys are the ones painting the mural: http://colossalmedia.com/ Same guys who did the GTA murals/scavanger hunts with IV. May be wrong though...
  17. Yep. Ishmael even calls Big Boss Ahab right at the start of the gameplay video i posted above. "okay Ahab, time to go". Kojima clearly used the Moby Dick's characters as a core archetype for Big Boss's persona change. Which is great. Moby Dick was a great example of English literature. I wouldn't be surprised if the game had references to the 1956 Moby Dick film in it too. David Hayter has something to say about MGSV: http://www.twitlonge.../show/n_1rjhhf9 Hmm, as much as i want to believe that, it was posted on 'April fools'. Not a great time to post a heart felt message. I still have hope lol.
  18. The show has become tepid. The end of this season didn't leave me on edge wanting more like it did after the first and second seasons. But it didn't have any closure either. It's like they purposely want people to be uninterested in the plot by dragging it out too long. I almost lost interest in the mid season of season 2 when they were on the farm. I'll still watch the show, of course. But i'm not as hyped about the next season as i would have like to have been...
  19. Okay this is a more accurate high-res image of what i think it'll look like. Still haven't got those new concepts though.
  20. This was made by someone on gtaforums. I saw it yesterday.
  21. I haven't watched the final episode yet so i'm not reading anything. I just saw this and lol'd. Probably the biggest spoiler though.
  22. It's a fake. in the mural, Chop has a dog tag on its collar : We know, i was the one who made it xD it was only a rough estimation, and someone obviously came here and thought it was real it went slightly viral. This is the original image, which i put together - pasted onto the wall. I may have a go at being more precise after work. and try and upload a high-res version before they release the real one. Hopefully...