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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Stand up guys Not your usual gangster flick. Great acting from the start, which is to be expected from such a veteran cast. The story is original, sentimental and the narrative is a comfortable ride down memory lane (literary). There's not much i can say, other than it was a great film to watch. It's not violent, and not full of gun battles, or much other gang activity (just enough to grant it 'gansta'). But the script suggest a fruitful past, and the characters are instantly memorable. 9/10
  2. Shame, those games are hardly worth mentioning. Real Racing 3 is an pretty impressive smartphone & tablet game. Feels a bit like Gran Turismo or Forza, but on my phone. Insane! Graphics are well polished too... And its free to play.
  3. Well then, the episodic game was fun and interesting, I still replay it from tkme to time trying new answers to questions to see what happens. The FPS game looks utterly crap imo. It could have been so much more...
  4. Blogz0r; Working on the lid part atm. Every time i use Zbrush, i find a new technique for sculpting different surfaces, which is fun, because i'm constantly learning. Coin sculpt
  5. Yeah that was my plan. I was thinking of maybe doing a dried river-mouth to the sea between tall cliffs, And some scattered shipwreck assets. I wont be too ambitious though. I have a habit of quitting projects half way through, because i just don't have the time. But i'll do an object here and there when i can, and slowly piece it together in a game engine.
  6. Still playing with the textures atm. I was thinking maybe an old water-worn chest with barnacles attached to it would look cool...
  7. Lol wtf @ transformer choppers... Where's Fanboy at, this is jizz material eh? lol crazy mods.
  8. DuPz0r


    Discussion of GTA V on PS4
  9. I re-read it the other day. And It re-ignited my imagination. This is a great playlist of podcasts by CVG. Most of it is things we already know about GTA V, but it's pretty good to listen to every Wednesday:
  10. http://www.defiance.com/en/ It looks more like Rage and Borderlands than Fallout, plus aliens. It has potential. I'm hoping it lives up to it, but I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm all for Sci-Fi's. I love them. I was like the only person i know of, who enjoyed Terra Nova, and was so disappointed that they pulled it off after the first season, just when it got really interesting... This looks like it could be good. I'm not sure abut the game though. It looks like it was made in fallout 3 era. If it plays like fallout then i'll play it, if not, it doesn't seem that interesting. The TV series on the other hand, i'll probably give a chance.
  11. I've only ever heard 'rasher' used for bacon, but I think it was an old british/irish term that only really gets used for bacon these days.
  12. < Uploaded by ‘Joakim Mogren’ the lead developer on the Phantom Pain.Apparently the Morse code translates: "GENERATING IMAGE HOLD SCENARIO - LOADING HOLD - ACTIVATING PHANTOM PAIN DOT MEME HOLD - ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR" Also, there is a single frame at 41 seconds, which is almost impossible to stop on youtube on, which reads: "PROJECT OMEGA AI MATRIX: SECTOR 07-A942 VR PROGRAM. "PHANTOM_PAIN.MME" CONTRACTOR: MOBY DICK STUDIOS SUBJECT: REDACTED PURPOSE: TREATMENT OF NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE SUSTAINED IN COMBAT SITUATIONS TREATMENT OF COMBAT-RELATED PSYCHOLOGICAL STRESS ENHANCEMENT OF COMBAT ABILITY FOLLOWING IMPAILMENT IMPLEMENTATION OF (UNABLE TO DETERMINE WORD(S))" Omega could be a reference to “Camp Omega”, the base Metal Gear Solid’s Big Boss infiltrates in the debut Ground Zeros trailer. VR Programs/Missions have always been relevant to Metal Gear games. And one last thing to note. If you play the soundtrack backwards, the music playing during the sequence is actually the La La La sounds from the AI pods in MGS Peace Walker. https://soundcloud.c...-thing-reversed Original sound:
  13. Finished sulpting details into the main chest box. Next up is the lid.
  14. Just had 5 rashers of applewood smoked bacon with monterery Jack cheese and smoked bbq sauce between two sliced of toasted Danish bread. Damn, i can't think of anything more tasty!
  15. Yeah i wanted to make a little in-game scene that looks nice. So small but decent hopefully, that's the idea anyway. I got it into the Unreal engine. With a simple rig. But no reload animations or anything. Didn't use it for anything in the end, but it was fun to make, and is one of my favourite portfolio bits. And thanks for the kind words guys. It cost me a lot at uni to get to the level i'm at, so i should hope to come out with something half decent after that... Here's some progress on that chest. Just took this model into zbrush and started carving details into it ready for the lowpoly bake. It's an iron chest, so it's solid surface and will have some worn metal feel to it eventually.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRpbxBDA1-Q So... this is kinda silly, but i guess it's more proof it's a MGS game. I think it'll have something to do with the PS4's Cloud Streaming and the Vita... Just a thought.
  17. DuPz0r

    Saints Row

    If anything. SR4's release has been worked around GTA. They obviously think they will sell more if they release it before V than after... I'd do the same tbh.
  18. Cool, welcome back to MP bOnEs. Tanner, we'll let you know if any randoms drop out of the crew (as they do from time to time) Maybe we can get some Max Payne clan games on the go soon, like we did with GTA, but as a team rather than against each other?
  19. DuPz0r

    Saints Row

    The only reason i got SR3, was because it was a major update (was it a new engine also?) with decent looking mechanics and a graphics upgrade. Unless they prove this next game to be a big enough an update to grant it a 'IV' and not just a same game, new map, then i probably wont be buying it... GTA got away with it, because it's GTA. SR3 only held my attention until i got 100%. I played it the other day and felt very bored replaying missions.
  20. I could only see that happening as a GTA style sandbox. It wouldnt work any other way.
  21. Pixels & guitars = Indie wet dream.
  22. DuPz0r

    Tomb Raider

    Took some screenshots:
  23. DuPz0r

    Tomb Raider

    I recommend it too. There is classic Indiana bOnEs elements to the game, but there's also new elements, like the movie The Descent. I've clocked a good few hours on this game already, and i keep expecting a premature ending, but it keeps on going. I like that feeling.