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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    I'm not really sure the Xbollocks or the Gaystation gimmicks will get used by as many developers as they think. Look at the Wii now, it's obsolete. The Kinect and PSMove had hardly any games to be proud of, and shit support from most developers. You'll get the odd game designed for the movement functions, and that's it... They'll probably tie into accounts as rumored which is a bunch of shit anyway. Nothing good will come from these camera/movement techs.
  2. Proteus - Available on Steam. Although i'm not entirely sure what this game is about, the pixelated environments do look pretty. GunSlugs: Looks like a fun little phone game. Platform games still have a heavy impact on today's gaming world if done correctly, Mario is an ever-present reminder of that. Gunslugs seems to capture what's god abut platformers - shooting and having fun! Teleglitch: looks like a gritty little rogue space game, with puzzles and shooting and aliens! Why do so many indie games look pixely? I understand indie pretty much means 'neo-retro', but not all indie games are pixely, just a lot of them follow suit. It's become a pixel genre, where-as it used to be a non-defined group of random low budget games.
  3. DuPz0r


    Plus he's such a fake n00b. He's always like "i love gaming, i'm such a geek" Yet you put any game in front of him and he plays it like a stroke victim with one arm...
  4. Didn't see anything that fits these descriptions, so i thought i'd make a thread and put them together. It's easier than making individual threads for games that, lets face, not all of us are going to play, but would like to share with everyone else anyway... You never know, you may find a diamond in the rough. If you find an indie game or iOS/Android/whatever that looks interesting to you, and doesn't deserve it's own thread (i.e. not GTA Vice City, minecraft etc) then post it, simple. I'll start. Just seen this trailer/pitch, for a simple 8bit looking smartphone game called RIOT. It looks pretty fun for what it is, and is being developed for iOS/Android, PC/Mac. I think it's really early in development, but it's definitely one to watch imo. Remember, not just smartphone games, indie games on any format. Post as you please.
  5. DuPz0r

    XBOX One

    I'm convinced the PS4 is the console for me. I own a Vita too, so hopefully i'll benefit from that. I am however intrigued to see if Microsoft will out perform compared to Sony's event, now they have the upper hand.
  6. DuPz0r


  7. Used to be much longer! i miss my mullet, kept my neck warm Nice nipples obviously you haven't seen QD's... These nipples like baby squirrel . QD's nipples like fleshy woodland.
  8. okay it's not my pet, but i had a pitbull-mastiff a few years ago, and it reminded me of it.
  9. DuPz0r


    Only problem with 4K in gaming is that all textures have to be made at 4x bigger than current PC textures to look crisp, and that's a real killer on GPU's. Current gen consoles use maximum 1024x1024 textures. PC games use 2048x2048 and for 1080p some games even use 4096x4096... So that means 4k games would need at least 8192x8192 to be as sharp and crisp as 1080p textures. Then you have 8k in development too... 16384x16384 pixels... Now that's some extreme texture sizes... The PS4 GPU wouldn't be able to keep up with that unless they use some really revolutionary tessellation and LOD software... They could make smaller object parts with smaller textures, and overall the whole scene will be crisp. But this is still GPU heavy. Games can run at 4k already. But the textures aren't nearly as sharp as at 1080p. So this is where camera/film has taken another leap ahead of gaming again, because it's easy to create 4k film... They'll have to think of another way to make games look good until graphic cards are capable of reaching 4k properly. Kind of reminds me of the 8 bit days all over again!
  10. DuPz0r


    Who was that in response to? This just in: The PlayStation 4 supports 4K resolution output, Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida just told us – but only for video that was recorded in the format. He clarified that games do not play in 4K. http://www.joystiq.com/2013/02/21/ps4-will-output-video-in-4k-but-not-games/
  11. DuPz0r


    Which bit? the Specs? http://uk.ign.com/ar...shock-4-and-eye I've updated the OP, as it was a bit out of date. High-res Images of the DS4:
  12. DuPz0r


    I think they're the same colour, they're just glossy instead of the matte surface of the rest of the controller. Also: Specs: Main Processor Single-chip custom processor CPU : x86-64 AMD “Jaguar”, 8 cores GPU : 1.84 TFLOPS, AMD next-generation Radeon™ based graphics engine Memory GDDR5 8GB Hard Disk Drive Built-in Optical Drive (read only) BD 6xCAV DVD 8xCAV I/O Super-Speed USB (USB 3.0) 、AUX Communication Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Bluetooth® 2.1 (EDR) AV output HDMI Analog-AV out Digital Output (optical) *Specifications are subject to change without notice. And one of the other things people were worried about is the second hand market. Sony will still be supporting second hand/used games... http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-02-21-sony-tells-eurogamer-playstation-4-will-not-block-used-games
  13. DuPz0r


    Most likely Agent, and they probably have distant plans for GTA VI. Yeah, i wouldn't mind seeing another RDR though for ps4 The amount of time needed to make a GTA game, i wouldn't be surprised if R* N became a 'GTA developer' only, and leave the other projects for other studios. If they did do that, and had all the free time they wanted for GTA titles... Just imagine It would only be good if they continue with the same hard work and quality as they currently do. Making annual games like CoD or even Assassins Creed now would be a HUGE step back. It wouldnt be an annual game.. i'm sure their would be a 2-4 year break in between each one. Just realized this, where the hell are the start and select buttons? I guess they will be on the touch pad? The left button it 'share', the right button is 'options'. I'm guessing Options is the new Start.
  14. DuPz0r


    Most likely Agent, and they probably have distant plans for GTA VI. Yeah, i wouldn't mind seeing another RDR though for ps4 The amount of time needed to make a GTA game, i wouldn't be surprised if R* N became a 'GTA developer' only, and leave the other projects for other studios.
  15. DuPz0r


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGnJCxrXeOc The DUP is in control >_> My tags are everywhere!
  16. DuPz0r


    R* appeared on the board of third party developers currently working on PS4 titles...
  17. DuPz0r


    No physical console... okay. Was sort of expecting something....
  18. DuPz0r


    Bungie also... Destiny looks pretty intriguing.
  19. DuPz0r


  20. DuPz0r


    Deep Down, Capcom's answer to Skyrim? Does look shiny! We've already seen this tech demo from Square. They could have at least given us something new... *hopes Hideo Koijma makes an appearance with ground Zeros*
  21. DuPz0r


    30,000 poly characters. That's a decent bar to compete with
  22. DuPz0r


    So much buffering and audio drops.. it's hard to understand what's being said half the time... Driveclub did look pretty though!
  23. DuPz0r


    Killzone Shadowfall Screencaps!
  24. DuPz0r


    yeah i'm getting it now to. There's too many people watching...