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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r


    Here's more pics: Looks quite a bit better than the prototype imo... So Gaikai will stream games and demos to the player instantly? Friend assisted gameplay! Weird, but cool i guess. *owns PS4's ultimate companion device* *Smug mode* >_>
  2. DuPz0r


    Try here: http://uk.gamespot.com/features/playstation-meeting-2013-ps4-announcement-6403818/?tag=Topslot;PlaystationMeeting2013Live;WillSonyFinallyReveal
  3. DuPz0r


    This is it. Sounds bad ass!
  4. DuPz0r


    Great minds think alike.
  5. DuPz0r


    That thought has gone through my head a number of times... Dedicated gamers that play the core games that make the console its most money, and don't care about surplus peripherals. Players that bought the system for the games, not the extras.
  6. DuPz0r


    Yeah i'm slightly disappointed myself... This is the first stream I've found from gamespot. Not exactly full of content or anything. But at least we can see the venue... http://uk.gamespot.c...nyFinallyReveal And IGN will be having a discussion, and streaming over here: http://uk.ign.com/ar...on-event-on-ign Playstation evolution over at Game Trailers. Some of the best games of the last two/three decades. Worth a watch for that nostalgia!
  7. DuPz0r


    Just to let you all know. The event will be streamed live from: 6pm ET / 3pm PT / 11pm GMT
  8. DuPz0r


    Probably not. Digital Downloads only i reckon... It's how they make money. Every business in the games industry works this way now...
  9. DuPz0r


    http://uk.gamespot.c...-report-6404091 http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/sony-s-ps4-announcement-what-and-what-not-to-expect/0111070
  10. I assume this will be a next gen title... Watchdogs was also rumoured to be 'next gen'. Not sure if that got confirmed yet.
  11. That's not even an amusing video, that's a fucking dissertation. But you're meme is right, no time fo dat!
  12. DuPz0r


    If anything, these videos prove they're prepaing to show us a PS4... Found a couple of mockups of what the front pad is gonna be like: ^ Now that i'd buy. I like the look of this bottom one.
  13. DuPz0r


    Not sure. Does seem expensive though... A Retrosepcive reminder from Sony for the upcoming event on Wednesday:
  14. Or you can mod it for free on PC...
  15. DuPz0r


    Yeah i saw that the other day. Looks like a waste of time and money if you ask me. I hate misc-peripherals. lol V OMG, i hope that matte effect on the 'prototype' controller is this stuff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r5Qt8z2WJ4
  16. DuPz0r


    Mines not shiny.... To be honest though, the ps3 prototype they had was this: (looks like it was melted in the microwave) and then they decided to stick with the iconic PS controller for the release.
  17. DuPz0r


    You've got to be kidding? Those analog sticks look like hub caps. I liked the old soft leathery rounded ones.... And that d-pad's blocky, i like the rounded trim of the old ones.
  18. DuPz0r


    I agree QD, that dpad looks like shit. The whole prototype seems like some cheap knockoff controller made in china.
  19. DuPz0r


    Looks like an xbox conroller, all bloated.
  20. Blacksox9, you're entitled to your opinion, just do it in the right place. > http://www.igta5.com/forums/forum/17-rants-raves/ - Back on topic everyone. I'll probably get GTA V on every format i own...
  21. DuPz0r


    Nah they didn't. But technology experts are convinced it's the best and right time to reveal a new home console. And I'm confident it's a PS4 not a Vita slim or something.
  22. Would be nice. it would be cool with submarines, you go too deep, and the pressure is too much, then bam... implosion. Does the San Andreas fault-line continue into the sea, off the coast of Northern California? Or is that trench something entirely different? That would make a decent sized trench if they wanted to include one...