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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r


    Yeah, i don't think we're ready for fully digital games. That will end the high-street shop. Bluray films are probably considered a big market by now, it's not worth losing a popular format. Even the '720's' rumored to have a blu-ray drive. Although i guess there is a chance we could get SD or USB slots for 1 terabyte and above capacity, giving us mass storage for our games, meaning the games companies wont be as limited in disc space. Our games may well go back to the cartridge era, but much higher capacity.
  2. Great, now what.... I hope they carry on showing the bros' storyline as much as the main group's.
  3. DuPz0r


    Source: http://www.mcvuk.com...e-hints/0110705
  4. I was thinking about the release date today, and i got thinking. They need around 240 extra days (from the announcement) to polish the game... That's pretty long for polishing. What else do you think they're gonna need to do in that time? They may well be adding a ton of things wanted by the fans along the way too. Here's a couple of things i thought could be in the works: (come on guys, we need a positive attitude): Graphics - post-processing performance/quality - framerates - player (google) zoom polishing Side missions - random ped actors/scripting/coding - extra collectible items/photoshoot points/rewards - more variety in side missions/minigames - extra vehicles/misc weapons/ Multiplayer - player models/clothes/uniqueness - co-op missions/variety - more competitive game modes/scripting/coding - social club integration/gang activities/interaction Think of anything else they cold be working on?
  5. DuPz0r


    I had some weird dream the other night, where i was walking down a city high street that I've never seen before. I go to cross a road, and a 'couple' walk in front of a bus looking into each others eyes instead of the road. I step back on the curb as i witness them being crushed together under the wheels opposite me. Then i woke up.... ...it appears that I watch too much liveleak. :S
  6. I bet that pool table has a lot of stories to tell, looking at the state of the cloth.
  7. incest, a game for the whole family!
  8. Unreal engine 4 title named Daylight. Read about it here: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/02/08/zombie-studios-unveils-unreal-engine-4-game-daylight
  9. DuPz0r

    360 vs PS3

    For those of you that say "I 0nly prefuur de exb0x bcoz iT hass BIG Ctrl" This is for PS3. Ye have no excuses!
  10. DuPz0r


    Source: http://www.engadget....laying-options/ So Sony's main selling point will be its 8-core cpu... Not exactly revolutionary. They better show some outstanding tech demos/game trailers at this feb 20th event if they want my full attention. But... Then there's this: Source: http://www.pocket-li...tions-not-specs It's all rumors at this stage, but what do you guys think the main selling point will be this time around?
  11. DuPz0r


    double phail lol... you get the idea.
  12. DuPz0r


    Or do it for no apparent reason... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8Z9wgY1INM
  13. Guys, chill. Game informer among other game mag critics have played GTA V on PS3/360. Enough said. There is a chance it will be ported to new consoles though, like they do with the PC version. And just up the texture quality and other graphic settings.
  14. I hope the game doesn't feel too linear. I know Uncharted is linear, but they make it in such a way, that it doesn't always feel that way, seeing as there is so much action and tension to guide you through the story, it feels natural. It's the same dev team, so i have confidence in them. It's just post-disaster, and those sort of games usually work as open world. Did they ever mention to us that this wasn't open world? I doubt it, considering the quality of graphics.
  15. I agree. Things like this make the game feel more belivable/realistic. They should have put them In the game after completion. 'Enable bloopers' mode lol. The disc was completely full though from what I heard, So it probably wasn't financially necessary.
  16. DuPz0r


    It's not the size, it's the way you hold it (uses that line in the misses >_>)
  17. Those screenshots look very, very slick. If that is 100% gameplay, and not rendered stills (game engine), i will be a happy gamer! *reads blog post*
  18. igta watermarked Yeah not only will the bleed make it fit better, it makes the end of the graphic look neater and straighter, even if you use a white border.
  19. For Beach Lady, where did you get the right hand? Not the iFruit hand, but the other one? I painted it in photoshop.
  20. DuPz0r


    Found an interesting artist's impression of the 'PS Four' http://kotaku.com/5981999/an-artists-impression-of-the-playstation-4
  21. Lol, mocking worlds wildest police chases whilst drunk, fun times.
  22. Yeah these guys must have a really boring time communicating whilst role playing..
  23. Bethesda are hiring for a next gen title, so they could be working on a fallout 4 *fingers crossed*.