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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. The Witcher 3 is being developed for next gen consoles and high-end PCs. thought i'd put that out there. No point in making a thread as there is no in-game footage yet. Anyone gets any small bits of info abut next gen titles, don't forget to post them here first! sharing is caring.
  2. Will probably get Skyrim on PC very soon! Been saying that for ages now, it's getting ridiculous lol
  3. Yep, GTA IV with what looks like the Redemption map.... The textures at least, it might be a custom map. Thought i'd share this as it came up in my suggested videos on youtube, and i had to see for my self. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh6nPZt7fA0 ...doesn't look as nice as either of the games, seems like a lot of the lighting and pp is missing. But cool never-the-less. These guys look like some hardcore role players though lol.
  4. I saw this yesterday or a coouple of days ago, and didn't think to post it, was well worth the shits and giggles. They should have had an alt blooper play-through after you competed the main story, so you could play through the entire story and spot the fuck-ups lol
  5. DuPz0r


    Just found this. Could be a hint towards the PS4 xmb/interface. It's pretty much what i expect if im honest. If they're saying the PS4 OS will be more like Microsofts, architecturally, then a basic tile xmb will be minimal to run, leaving loads of the system for gaming. http://www.product-r...2013-bravia-tv/
  6. Nice fake, once again. But it doesn't resemble 'V much at all... maybe 'VI will look more like that
  7. I liked the talk about unpredictable events, when they exampled the bit here they were stealthing, but one of the runners got too close, and even though they were stealthing, the npc decided to empower the situation, and take shots at it. Then the developer said if you were to run from that situation and hide, the npc would follow and hide too... Pretty cool. I like panicked and uncontrolled situations at times. @Kuzi - I think they adjusted her appearance a bit because she looked a lot like Ellen Page, and they wanted her to look like her own character, apparently. Hmm, hang on... *researches* http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-06-09-changes-to-the-last-of-us-ellie-and-announcement-of-ellen-page-in-beyond-are-complete-coincidence
  8. Cool preview. You should have given us a spoiler warning btw, as they do explain a little bit of the plot, and some purists like to go into some games without any idea what is going on until it happens. It's only small plot details, but meh.
  9. In Russia, shoe wears man. I buy a pair. Wear them every day and when they look shit, i get some more. I have other shoes and boots for different occasions/weather but same rules apply. They get dirty and old, i just buy new ones.
  10. The Last of Us - that's all i really care about at the mo...
  11. DuPz0r


    I agree, there's plenty of life left in current gen. But Sony have proven with the PS1 and PS2 that they're comfortable with multiple consoles out at the same time. For this consoles to make an impact now, they need something more than just graphics, as they can only really get around the same as high end PC graphics right now, and it's not really a huge jump ahead of current gen stuff imho. Some new technology is key to winning us over, and i don't mean gimmicky peripherals. Something essentially new, kind of like the HD format, and Bluray storage being the major upgrades for this generation. I expect a bit of a jump in storage, solid state drives being a good standard. I don't see the controller having a touch pad really necessary, but oh well. I can just invision the new xmb home, as Sony have changed the PS Store to be a bit more like the windows 8 slates. I can see Sony probably integrating the PSstore into home in some way. Sony's main issue i think though, is social interaction. PSHome was meant to be their social hub, and it turned out to be a fucking hubba hotel full of perverts waiting to get into websexchat with every female avatar they could see. They need to overhaul their concept of what makes multiplayer fun. I just hope we're in for a big surprise on the 20th, as they're holding an entire event for this instead of waiting for E3. They must be confident that they have something unbeatable in terms of winning over the population...
  12. DuPz0r


    If these consoles are meant to last 5-10 or so years, surely they need to be prepared for 4X resolution TV's which will probably be flooding the market half way through their life spans. Can't imagine how insane Uncharted would look with 3840x2160 pixels! 4x Resolution:
  13. DuPz0r


    One thing that's always pissed me off about new consoles is the games are like £50 and yet a PC version is superior and is only £30... Games like GTA, Fallout, Elderscrolls and Uncharted will ultimately make me buy the next gen console...
  14. I can't even be bothered to dl the dlc... I feel like we're getting a clapped out prostitute who's been used more times than one would ever wish to be used... I may get a goty edition fr PC if it ever happens. But i just feel the wait was unjustifiable.
  15. I can wank with both. oh wait this isn't the asylum I'm right handed.
  16. DuPz0r


    I don't think we'll have to buy a new console. It will probably come backward compatible though. But i think they may try to port it, in the same way they port the PC version, with slightly improved graphics etc... The delay could be completely unrelated, which makes the timing really bad for R*, knowing that their game will be released around the same time as the new consoles which will probably have some good quality release titles that are under wraps atm.
  17. DuPz0r


    From the way it sounds atm, the new consoles will be out before GTA V even hits the old consoles... This is all a bit strange.
  18. Hey mister moderator, we have a tech thread for consoles in the Geek room
  19. DuPz0r


    Well R* annouced this earlier on the newswire delay post: This is an interesting read. Wall Street Journal give the stats on the console game market. Consoles aren't doing too well atm. Hopefully the new wave of hardware is what we need to bring back the console! http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323701904578276672168365276.html?mod=rss_Technology
  20. DuPz0r


    So there's rumours that Sony are pushing for a 2013 release for the PS4. A change of tactics after a rocky start for the PS3 i believe. Only problem now is, knowing how M$ works, they'll catch the waft of the PS4 specs, and then make the "720" more powerful and release it a few months later. But will this work? Because that's exactly what Sony did with the PS3, and it didn't really pay off. source "Playstation 2013 event" On a side not - Could the next-gen of consoles be a reason for the GTA V delay? Could it be possible that they're making GTA V available on the next gen consoles along side the PC version too? It would make sense, considering any console to be released in the near future probably still wont be as powerful a PC, and depending on the structure of the new-gen of consoles, the RAGE engine could quite easily be run on them. Discuss.
  21. Dunno never tried. But i'm about to... lol
  22. I will have to try this at some point. I like challanges. I just thought of a challenge similar to this. At the same point in the game, Run to Cluckin Bell in Star Junction (on foot), buy something to eat, and run back to the safehouse without being killed.... Sound pretty hardcore?
  23. Eve Online is an MMO-RTS-PVP game. Looking at this though, i'd rather waste my life on Eve... The preparing for battles in space bit looks good, but the core gameplay on the planets looks so mediocre, it's not worth a second look. If you want decent scifi fps action stick to Crysis ihmo... Even Killzone is worth a shot.