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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Yep, internet seems to be working fine now. I'll host then, but at the possibility of it failing again, who wants to be backup host? lol Which location have we not played in a while, and what combination of settings will make this interesting?
  2. This a brilliant 3D zbrush model!
  3. Count me in. I dont mind hosting if you're going to be late bOnEs?
  4. Here's some more: Warp Pipe (Super Mario Bros. Cocktail) Master Chief (Halo cocktail) Hitman: Absolution cocktails - Head Shot - Cut Down - Drowned - Burned Dishonored Elixer and Remedy Shots Green, Red, and Yellow Herbs (Resident Evil shots) The Portal Two (Portal 2 cocktails) Uncharted 3: Drinks Deception (Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception cocktail) Elderflower Scrolls: Skyyrum (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim cocktail) Deux Ex on the Beach (Deux Ex: Human Revolution Cocktail) Liberty Carbomb (GTA Drink) Ingredients: 1 oz Baily’s Irish Creme 1 oz Jack Daniel’s Whiskey 1 glass Guiness Stout Directions: Drink like any other “bomb” drink. Best before or after drinking Hot Coffee.
  5. Apparently the tonic water has quinine in it, and is actually florescent in the dark (under a florescent black light of course) But it's pretty much a blue colour. Example:
  6. Not sure tbh. One measure? as in a shot maybe.
  7. Bastion – Leechade Fallout: New Vegas – Sunset Sarsaparilla Abe’s Exoddus – SoulStorm Brew The Sims 2 – Love Potion Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door – Zess Frappe Diablo – Health Potion Gourmet Gaming Drinks Special - Nuka-Cola Quantum - Fallout 3 - Lon-Lon Milk - Legend of Zelda - Adam and Eve - Bioshock I'd personally like to try and make the Nuka Cola Quantum and the Soulstorm Brew!
  8. My internet is finally working *fingers crossed*. An engineer came out and replaced all the wires to my house. The green box is over a kilometer away from my flat, that's why i have such low speeds for fiber optics, a km of copper wire between me and the box... Seems to have stabilised at around 12 and a half mbs now
  9. Are you guys serious? It's only a fan art... A good one at that. The dog is clearly stylised, like a lot of other PB' work, it's his style. I understand that it's in your face, but i think that's was intended. Bear:
  10. I dint think its that bad. I agree it takes centre stage, but it's quirky like pb's style.
  11. It's awesome lol. Chop is fucking hilarious. Sums up an angry Rottweiler imo...
  12. Very nice. They could have done with a weather or an ENB mod on top of that, to make it feel less grey than LC. But very visualising non-the-less. I might DL this map when it's out and try it with ICEnhancer, see if it fits.
  13. Yeah then glossy photo-print paper is the way to go. I use Kodak 180gsm photopaper. Perfect for scoring angles which you'd need, making an Exia lol.
  14. anything above 120 gsm is more than sufficient enough to hold its own weight, folds and scores. I have both photopaper which give a you that sheen, and matte card, both look good depending in what it is you're making.
  15. After playing it for a while now, and completing it, i still find the game great fun. Like Synch, i couldn't get the 100% because of the 'missed collectable', so i'll be playing through again, whilst vacuuming up any remaining trophies. Just go in with an open mind, and don't over-hype it as that always disappoints, even with the best games.
  16. I know right? Too many copper lines ruining our chances of decent internet! I know loads of people with near 100mbs virgin broadband though, i don't get it... Maybe i know a lot of internet dwellers lol.
  17. I made some Nuka Caps lol. Not exactly papercraft. But i cheated and printed a 'cap sheet' rather than hand painting the writing. I couldn't find a small enough brush, otherwise i would have...
  18. Glad you guys had fun. WlfGodfather was pretty good at max payne online too, played a couple of games with him. Hopefully I'll be able to attend the nxt game... I still dont have any internet at home, im sat on my phone using 3garbage.
  19. Sorry guys I got back from work to no internet "( Spent hours on the phone to provider to ckme to the conclusion I have a fault in my line since they upgraded my Internet. .. Was well pissed I missed the game!
  20. Just about double speed. Nothing major, but i can't complain, i didn't have to pay anything extra.
  21. I refused to change my internet package and pay £20 more a month for the last two years. I finally got a letter through the other day saying that we were entitled to an upgrade free of charge onto fiber-optics. And my monthly bill doesn't change either. So my guess is that it's costing them more money to keep me on the old copper wires, so they're dong it for themselves more than for me. But meh, i get an internet boost at last. Even an extra 10mbs i'll be happy with! Just doing a speed test now to compare for tomorrow.
  22. This guy may as well wait a year and get one of the next wave of consoles. Unless he has games in mind that he already wants to play. (Other than GTA V)
  23. How many years has it been now since GTA IV release, and i still haven't reached Level 10 in multiplayer?! I probably never will, i don't play it enough anymore. GTA V around the corner, hopefully they fix the leveling system, and trophy glitches. See you guys on Monday, DuPz x