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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I just had a vision. Stunting with friends with motorbikes + mountains... Things could get gnarly!
  2. It's not like R* to fall short on narrative, I'm sure the story will be nice and lengthy even with three characters.
  3. No doubt, the game still looks absolutely beautiful, it just won't looks quite as nice as the screenshots. The characters still looks sweet, but the extra details from normals, light and spec maps you see in the screenshots on the characters don't show as well in-game. The environments wont look much different at all though.
  4. Yeah, it was quite boring really, but if you wanna hear him speak he's on the video here at around 12:15: http://clio.herts.ac.uk/ceremonies/2012-11-21-pm.cfm I swagger on camera at around 26:20. Felt like some Assassin's Creed scenario. I was sitting there before i went up, thinking how i would climb up one of the pillars and swing from the chandeliers then assassinate the guy in purple xD The music at the start had an assassins creed atmosphere to it.
  5. Some guy called 'lxr' posted this Grand Unified Theory on GTAforums a couple of hours ago. Thought it was pretty interesting: http://i.imgur.com/6TXFz.jpg And also, this is the mapping they've been working on over at GTAforums:
  6. Just had one of those moments where instead of going to just make something to eat because you're hungry, i had to go and see what i could eat - that was either out of date by a day or two or almost going out of date because this weeks shopping is closing in, and i didn't want to let much goto waste. A random concoction of chilli, sushi and gingerbread men made earlier in the week xD
  7. Any news yet on the VC collectibles in the R* warehouse? i'm still anticipating a Tommy Vercetti figure, but i doubt they'll do that again for some reason...
  8. I'm personally not surprised by this, but i thought i'd show you guys anyway. This is the difference between the phrases "in-engine" and "in-game" as some people expect the game to look as pretty as the screenshots. The screenshots aren't like cgi cutscenes, they're just beauty stills which can be tweaked in photoshop and other image software. in-engine: in-game:
  9. Those of you that are wondering what to expect in the wilderness, and hasn't seen or been to L.A.'s extended countryside (like me) then have a watch of some of the videos here i found. They really do give you a great perspective on things.
  10. I think he should get this tattoo
  11. Coz that's how we roll Lol, look at the venue, Hogwarts ftw: Shame about the terrible weather though. We had Sir Roger Moore (aka Jame Bond) address the proceedings, as well as receiving some high Honorary Doctorate achievement in the arts. And as it's post a picture of yourself thread, i'll get back on topic
  12. I graduated today. I'm finally a qualified First Class Honour - Bachelor of Arts.
  13. Probably not. That's probably the reason he bought season tickets
  14. Upgrades! The old servers had a good run. Thanks guys for maintaining my dwelling whilst i take residence here, You'll have to remove my corpse once i'm gone!
  15. I dont think so, look at RDR. They did a good job of making natural boundrys to limit the map. I think we will see something more like RDR, not an island. So there will be mountains so tall you can't fly over them? I doubt they'd do that. But i guess its possible. Seems like a step backwards though, anyone remember Smugglers Run? Every edge was surrounded by tall un-climbable mountain and hill slopes.
  16. I thought of a couple more films for the list: Sexy Beast (2000) Inside Man (2006) The Score (2001) - oops already thought of that one xD Mission: Impossible (1996) The Man Inside (1958) Fun with Dick and Jane (1977) See the Full list here: http://www.igta5.com...dpost__p__77034
  17. Yeah that would be good. Like when you finish a race in IV and watch the others finish the game. I liked this one the most:
  18. Good times. I have such fond memories of stunting back in the early days, and those videos brought those memories back! Vice City was the first game i started recording stunt videos on, and then i did a few for SA and LCS/VCS a couple of years on... I can see us lot doing multiplayer stunts on GTA V, and having them posted on iGTA5, canny' wait!
  19. "auf wiederscnitzzle penis trophy" - I think about 90% of the members here deserve this trophy. I tried so many times to beat this glitch, and failed. The amount of all nighters i did to try and do this... this is the reason i never did the 10 star trophy, because after realising i could never get that trophy above, i lost interest. GTA IV is one of only games i really feel i deserved to 100% but never got it. If a hacker decided to give me that trophy in a game, i wouldn't lose any sleep over regretting i never got it legit, because i pretty much did!