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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Pretty damn good Tanner. This is literally how i'd imagine it to look. Obviously beyond the mojave area is a bit of a blur in our minds atm, but good work!
  2. Nah unfortunately not. I shared a few ideas with Psy, but in the end he created the banner, so I assumed he would have saved the psd on the webserver or something... /edit does anyone have a transparent png of the igta logo? failing that, we need to hunt down the font and recreate... not that bad really. /edit actually i had a look around my hdd, i found this. That is all. I don't have the font used for the links though... Shall we discuss this in 'gold'?
  3. Yeah. I agree on the update tho. could do with some decent screepcaps and screenshots in there! Do we still have the psd laying around? I also think the forum 'ips community' could be replaced with a logo too.
  4. If RDR is anything to go by, we'll probably see the majority of the animals from that in 'V. maybe not wild horses or anything from Mexico though...
  5. @datkid - San Andreas was in the ps2 (caricature era) of GTA... The citi s were so small and consisted of about 10 streets... Dan has already mentioned in interviews that there will b a few towns to explore in the map... and I bet they'll probably take up as much as half of one of the S.A. cities each anyway...
  6. Dan Houser did say they wouldn't use popular celebs anymore. But there's no harm in using voice artists/actors with similar voices to popular celebrities. I think Trevor sounds quite a lot like Jack Nicholson, as well as looks like him (crosses with Tarantino)...
  7. This must be just around the corner then right? If this's the town where Trevor lives, it doesn't seem that far away from Los Santos like suggested in the articles... They made it sound like it was the other side of the map, but it seems like it's just behind the hills and mountains...
  8. Is it just me or is there two different amphitheatres beside each other below the Vinewood sign?
  9. I think I see the cranes on the docks in both pictures, the line is above those so it can't be the coast. I doubt it's anything too exciting anyway. Ah maybe you're right. Could just be weird cloud formations in the distance? I think this screenshot shows the scale of the city far better. Downtown looks much further away from this angle. The closer to the ground you are, the more accurate the city scale will seem, as it's the perspective we will be playing from most of the time. Indeed, in this image from the trailer you can also get a sense of distance from the observatory to Downtown: Yeah there's not that many open shots from ground level yet, so everything looks small.
  10. Really? I thought it was the edge of the mountain decent we saw in this image, but with some weird eclipse halo:
  11. It's probably from the same mission/demo sequence. /edit Actually i just looked again carefully. It's no where near the same position lol
  12. I think they learnt from the Iv delay. And from what it sounds like in the articles, Dan pretty much mentions they're testing small things out atm, which is bells and whistles, meaning the main story is more than likely finished. I want to see that dual layered blu-ray disc jammed to the brims with data!
  13. I think this screenshot shows the scale of the city far better. Downtown looks much further away from this angle. The closer to the ground you are, the more accurate the city scale will seem, as it's the perspective we will be playing from most of the time.
  14. Definitely the Chateau Marmont. Yep, That's it. And to the top left of that screenshot beside the tall white tower, is Rockford hills aka Micheal's house location.
  15. Cool. You could even help make video guides for each mission, and collectables
  16. There isn't really many choices when creating a mobster/gangster character. There's a few archetypes that cover a gang characters persona, which obviously you could try and avoid, but wont actually be able to, because they are based on that kind of character (an ex/gangster)... Confused? i am xD It does make sense though. R* will try to be original, but we will always find some semiotic reference in the influence of the characters existence.
  17. There's quite a few buildings up in the hills, but yeah the city doesn't seem to stretch beyond the basin. Just thinking about the size of the map once again. There is clearly something huge left to reveal, that R* are still keeping quite. I have a feeling Mont chiliad is going to be the main spectacle on the map. With the possibility of a snowy environment at the peak. The Max Payne 3 code (GTA V) vehicle list had the cuban 800 (Trevor's red plane) in it, and there's a few snow vehicles. That's the main reason i think this.
  18. I actually think we got a glimpse of the first mission in the second trailer. This is how i think it will go down: Micheal has a row with his wife, and decide to take a walk. We take a walk to the beach and sit on the bench, when Franklin and friend walk past. This is the point in the trailer, i believe is the first contact. After Michael points Franklin in the right direction, something kicks off. Probably a fight, but Franklin (and friend) is outnumbered. So Micheal being the Fatherly type steps in and helps him out. At this point you can switch between the players fighting the thugs you're meant to be repo'ing the car from. And then after that Franklin drives Micheal back to his house in Rockford Hills. Micheal feels empowered, saying he could use a guy like him in his old line of work, as he's thinking of gong back into business. etc... Plausible?
  19. Maybe they'll have some sort of scuba minigame. And loads of collectables and hidden caves. How epic would it be to swim deep and find an underwater cave that leads out to one of those huge biome caves with a hole in the top - that you see in south america. And there's an old rusty seasparrow helicopter sat in the middle waiting to be flown! Who else still thinks there will be a tropical island?
  20. A civil war should do the trick. Can you imagine the battle with only sticks n stones? Half the population fighting 300 style, only difference would be that most of them can't even carry their own weight.
  21. Who actually remembers the first time they played GTA IV? The map isn't that small... People seem to think it's the size of GTA III's version or something. Fair enough it isn't huge like Just Cause or something, but Rockstar always go for quality over quantity, so if the entire map is bigger than all three of R*'s biggest games to date, then that's saying something amazing... If LS is around the same size as LC, I'm okay with that, that's a whole game space in it's own right. The rest is just a bonus imho...