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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Yeah sorry dude, i didn't really think about presentation until i was knee deep in jizz! Work in progress lol.
  2. I've got some more info to add to your map Fitty. Unless you've done that already? You see that tall building that i marked in white. It's on that big panoramic observatory image, to give you guys an idea where the mansion is located.
  3. I decided to do a little mapping myself. I think this is the location of the L.A. River/Drainage Puddle. The bridges are a dead giveaway lol... But i also tried to estimate the location of the screencap to the right, based on the position of a few landmarks around it.
  4. The plane Trevor was flying has 'Cuban 800' on the tail fin. This was apparently in the Max Payne vehicle code linked to GTA V a while back. Original Source: http://www.gtaforums...pic=510202&st=0
  5. Yeah Jamie, better draw distance combined with high mm lenses could fool anyone into thinking something is far closer than what it is. I just found this posted on GTAforums: Pelican Bay Prison. Anyone agree?
  6. Yeah, that's it. Focus on roads and windows that you can't see and ignore the sizes of the landmark buildings. Good job! You get an A+! Well it seems like you're focusing on just the landmarks (1 landmark), and none of the rules of perspective & lens size. Anyway, i don't wanna go over this again. I'm not trying to say it looks huge from this screenshot, because it doesn't. I'm just stating what i see, and what looks wrong with your paste over - in my opinion.
  7. Maybe they read our comments about their terrible foliage, and listened
  8. This is still scaled wrong i'm afraid. Look at the size of the roads on the LC image you pasted, and then the roads on the original picture...I know NYC has large roads, but not that big. You can also see the scale difference on the close windows on skyscrapers. /edit - Also, the GTA V image looks like a wide angle lens (55mm) and the GTA IV image looks like a lower angle lens (15-18mm)
  9. Hey look, i noticed they changed some assets around on Michael's mansion from the picture we got and the trailer released today. Including some trees and bushes, and even the doors.
  10. Well we know they'll still be using photographs of shop insides for the buildings you cant enter. Some things don't change lol xD
  11. Nice one fitty on spotting the airport in the yacht scene, that was a quick sequence. Where would that be situated geographically? I chucked together a gif in slow motion:
  12. I'm kind of concerned that by favouring a certain character, we may be taken along a different story branch. This is great for multiple play-throughs, but I'm much a completionist, I like to try and do everything in the first playthrouth on GTA.... maybe it's a sort of on ocd. 100% syndrome!
  13. Cool so i'm thinking there's docks to the left of the beach and possible over the bridge, along with the airport to the left? Also this?
  14. That new screenshot looks interesting. Very panoramic. I can't see much in the distance because of the fog, but i'm guessing it's only docks and possibly an airport as mentioned by Ulan on the other image. Also, is that a beach and coastline to the right?
  15. I totally agree with Franklin sounding like Ice Cube, i'm down with that, straight up! But i can understand the people saying 'CJ' coz it's that generic L.A. Compton accent. And from a non-American point of view, a lot of the thug lyfe nugga's sound the same!
  16. Cool, i'll add those to the list and hopefully people will also add, and create an ultimate pre-GTA V playlist! I'll be watching some of these as I've not seen them all. Ambush (1939) Rififi (1955) The Killing (1956) Seven Thieves (1960) The Big Snatch (1963) Topkapi (1964) Gambit (1966) Robbery (1967) The Thomas Crown Affair (1968) A Cop (1972) Charley Varrick (1973) The Brink's Job (1978) The First Great Train Robbery (1978) The Score (2001) Bank Shot (1974) Loophole (1981)
  17. And Dan Houser said he didn't watch The Sopranos ( LIAR! ). Hmm, actually i think he said "I only watched a tiny bit of "The Sopranos"." Which was obviously a hint.
  18. No Trailer #1 didn't reveal anything at all. Apart form the confirmation it was set in Los Santos.... Trailer #2 is epic! What did trailer 2 reveal that we didnt already know? i like the trailer i just thought the first one was better. Well first off, we got to see a fuck load more of the environment (as we did in the first). We got to see the protagonists in action, and how they interact among one another, as well as how they act in their own personal lives. We saw some awesome train/yacht/car stealing/heists. And other crazy looking stunts/mini-games. We saw parts of missions as well. Also, there's a chance that this trailer was due to be released before Game Informer, so the characters, and map locations would have been completely new information. Did i really have to point out the obvious?
  19. No Trailer #1 didn't reveal anything at all. Apart form the confirmation it was set in Los Santos.... Trailer #2 is epic!
  20. The Map is meant to be bigger than all three combined. The city is wasn't clear. Different mags said different things. But we are clear that the map is bigger than all three (SA, IV, RDR) combined...
  21. Jamie, you are adding these to the screencap page right?
  22. Is it me or does Micheal look even older in motion? I'm not that bothered. I just noticed he looked older than the concepts and even the still images...
  23. Well then, looking at the new trailer, the first shot shows more of Los Santos than i think we've seen before. From the observatory you can see quite a lot... Here's a few more decent environment shots