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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. That's some cool looking stuff. Not sure i'd like it as a game case. A map though... now that would be something cool.
  2. I always thought it would be amusing if they made it so that if you went to far off the map north for instance, it would make you appear south of the map (provided it was surrounded by sea) like the old games for yesteryear.
  3. The car looks like something from SR3, but the location reminds me of the dock area in GTA IV in Broker. Oh after watching that video, it is sleeping dogs.
  4. I chopped together this wallpaper for my PC, thought i'd share it here too. Attachment looks crap lol"!
  5. What a waste of a first post, it almost made me break down in tears. But to answer your question: No. That guy is Michael, one of the three protagonists to be in GTA V. he was talking about the guy getting out the back on the right. the guy with the buzzcut Q. Do you start with a place, or with the qualities and themes you want to address? A (Dan Houser). The longest part of the process of making one of these games is making the world. If this wasn’t the right way to do it, which I think it probably is, anyway, just from a pure production standpoint you have to start building the world as soon as possible. We start with the place, and then the characters come out from the place. Yeah i read this part in the mag. But main characters don't just come from the world. That's not how it works. When you start building a city, that's called production. There has to be a loose plot and typical characters to build on, which is part of the pre-production process. Mission characters and other tidbits were probably what Dan was talking about. It would be far to expensive *(time wise, as well as resources) to just randomly chuck a story together after making the city. They probably did start out with only one of those three as the main characters, but at some point in pre-production decided to make that their core idea, and build upon it. They could have changed parts of the city to cater the story, and altered the story to fit the game. It's all an evolutional process. Trevor may well have looked different to begin with, but i don't think he would have changed at all from the trailer we got last year, that's way too late into production to make those sort of changes The only reason i stated this to begin with is because i have just finished a three year games course, of which we were taken through the entire process of game design. The three cores of this process are pre-production, production and post-production, just like film.
  6. Yeah that guy. Micheal is whiter With Franklin being a back dude, and Micheal and Trevor being white dudes, naming conventions are sort out of the question...
  7. Trevor could actually be driving, so we can't see him, but who knows. This could just be a specific Michael and Franklin duo mission. They did say there was going to be a LOT more heists, with planning and preparation being more important so I expect a lot of these robbery missions. He could be driving. I can 100% say he would have been designed way before the city was even built. You never start production without a well thought out pre-production, i.e characters, They're very important from the get go. Anyone even though that the bald guy is Franklin's 'crazy' friend Lamar?
  8. Could be cool, if the game ended in a mexican standoff between the three. And in the last second, you choose one of them to shoot the others. If that was three alt endings, that would suck lol Unless there was more to it of course.
  9. I'm not going to even try to imagine how they've pulled off 3 characters that can be switched between at any time out of mission. It seems like they'll have a repeatable ped routine when you''re not in control of them. If they say the got it to work though, I have faith in their innovation.
  10. Yeah when I wrote it I was thinking about the entire map not just the city area. so feel free to discuss the size of different regions.
  11. RDR is bigger than San Andreas. Sorry, dont understand this map. His calculations say otherwise. Check out his formula, it seems pretty accurate. He did say that riding on horses makes the map feel bigger because they're obviously slower than cars and jets, which does make sense...
  12. I put together this map scale image based on some calculations made by someone called RockStarNiko. Click his name to find his working outs. His calculations find that GTA V could be in the region of 30 sq m
  13. I was thinking about this protagonists/antagonist thing. They shouldn't have told us that... now we know its kind of inevitable that we will need to kill one of them towards the end. But will we get to chose which to kill off? There could be a chance of multiple outcomes through-out this game as well as alternative endings.
  14. So I take it they mainly take lnfuence from cinema and not TV. And old cinema not contemporary. Well I guess this rules out breaking bad, the wire and treme for influences... Good read though, cheers.
  15. after reading this, ive decided you belong in the "other" gta forums. please leave. does anybody remember the bank robber from "3 leaf clover" micheal? long shot since he was really irsih and looked alot different, but what if he survived the shooting, and got packie, niko, and derrick arrested. You talking about 'Saint Fuckin' Michael', wasn't he meant to be a bit stupid, and Irish, and died after the bank robbery went wrong? Yeah definitely a long shot lol...
  16. I cropped this from the cover if anyone is interested in using for sigs an what not:
  17. I don't think they'll do that for some reason. I thought about that, it obviously crossed my mind. But that's too predictable. Fair enough, they want to build a good ground for all the characters, but why wait a whole year to reveal a second character in a similar way to the first trailer? I think they know that most of the world knows there is three protagonists by now. They've probably decided to make an explosive trailer with all three characters this time around. Something that packs a punch like the Welcome to The Jungle trailer for San Andreas. That's my guess anyway. Yeah, you're probably right actually. You know what. I think they intended to do a 'suggestible protag 2 trailer' until 'Sandy' happened and screwed everything up. They probably wanted to show one of the other characters off before GI released their article. They may well be in the middle of re-doing the trailer to what i said above so it doesn't seem predictable now, as it wouldn't have been predictable if they released it when they intended too.... If that makes sense?
  18. I don't think they'll do that for some reason. I thought about that, it obviously crossed my mind. But that's too predictable. Fair enough, they want to build a good ground for all the characters, but why wait a whole year to reveal a second character in a similar way to the first trailer? I think they know that most of the world knows there is three protagonists by now. They've probably decided to make an explosive trailer with all three characters this time around. Something that packs a punch like the Welcome to The Jungle trailer for San Andreas. That's my guess anyway.
  19. Come on guys, not this shit again. We now know the map is going to be huge no matter how small the city is. That's the thing that matters right? If the rest of the map is huge, then there must be multiple towns spread out across it. We already know that there is a hick-vill, because that's where Trevor is located in the preview GI got. @UlanBator - Whatever it is it looks very circular.