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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Yeah true, at least there's some sort of media to look forward to this week.
  2. I've waited long enough already, no harm in waiting even more... At least there is now structure to this madness! I can rest easy for a week now...
  3. In the order they were released of course Then you can appreciate the upgrades of each game...
  4. That DLC looks worth while.
  5. Yeah possibly. Here's the rest, anyone think they can match these to any of the faces we've seen so far:
  6. Water towers can be pretty generic, but the location looks almost perfect, so that's pretty much the it for the creepy guy background, good find!
  7. Yeah hopefully. They may only end up being radio voices or something, but i just read the article and instantly put their faces to the characters on he concepts.
  8. I have a small hunch on a couple of the concept characters. Remember the character casting we may have got last year, at least two of them sort of fit the bill imo. Jose (30-40 Male United States) A white creepy man who thinks that technology is a poison against the wilderness. Samantha (20-25 Female United States) A young female obsessed with sex parties, always dreaming of being a Hollywood celebrity. Just a hunch, what do you guys think? http://www.igta5.com/possible-gta-5-character-details-leaked
  9. Hmm, the view-finder could be a collectable in game, like the oysters, horseshoes, photo points in SA etc...
  10. Last special edition was all about the bank heist. The deposit box and the duffle bag wasn't it? I'd consider that GTA IV's main mission. Maybe GTA V's special edition will probably be something similar.
  11. Would be cool if the special edition came inside a diamond encrusted V shape.
  12. Yeah look at all the past cases. Almost always has a car on the bottom left corner as well as the helicopter in the top left.
  13. Lol, the tissue is a good touch, literally.
  14. if when im playing a mission there is some annoying asshole i have to protect the whole time, i swear i might not even get the game. Lol true, i think i'd find that annoying too. I personally don't think there's going to be a main story co-op, i don't see it working well. Just making suggestions. I'm still not ruling out multiple protagonists, that's been floating around since and maybe before that game-magazine article a year ago...
  15. The health and armour in GTA is partly the reason i explore the map, so i know where they all are for future reference. I like health pickups and i think they should stay. Nothing wrong with a health bar... HP>> HUD 'o death.
  16. Don't forget the German magazine guys called it a "new feature", whatever that means i do not know. But that hints towards it being something to do with gameplay rather than story... Talking on the subject of co-op again, maybe there is a drop-in feature, which allows players to join the 'Main' players story missions. The story stays the same, but whatever characters that would be along side the protagonist through-out the story, could be used as a co-op entry point without making it feel like a cheap co-op extra?
  17. Good find Fitty. that certainly looks like a train track. And the little overpass in the corner that you found gives it away.
  18. Yeah I guess multiple era's is nothing new. But it's never been done in a single GTA game. What about gelling era's together? We see that a lot in fashion and clothing, in culture. GTA is based on culture...
  19. I guess it could be bold, but it's nothing new in the games industry. R* Normally innovate, not copy tried features. Assassins Creed has pulled off multiple era's in the last couple of games, so maybe it's not something R* would do.
  20. I've been trying to think about this for ages. Since they released their post trailer #1 statement in fact. When you combine all the images, footage and information we've seen so far it's obvious there is no clear protagonist. Then I read something that somebody wrote which I also thought about early on after watching trailer 1. I put it to one side of my mind because I didn't think it was plausable. Anyway, the trailer music, the possibility of multiple characters, the viewfinder with retro looking postcard style pics... and the general feeling i get from all this information. Could GTA V be set in multiple era's? Maybe it's a little out there, but it's just a thought triggered by something almost identical I read on another forum. If more than one person has a similar though, I think it's worth sharing...