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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Would suck, but GTA V is being developed @R*North so there's nothing really to worry about where GTA V is concerned.
  2. Ah well man. I just hunted down all the best quality images from the viewfinders, and enhanced them best i could. They look far sharper than the ones on the front end of the website anyway...
  3. I'm so struck by the beauty and freedom of the rural maps. I've just been exploring and hunting a lot, instead of playing through the sequences... okay it's not quite RDR, but it's still rich in foliage and game. Also, i wasn't quite sure how they'd pull off the tree climbing in this game, but it's really well done imo.
  4. You must have 'acquired' a few thought right, working around them? You could do something good for the community and donate a couple to iGTA5 and we could do some competition or something?
  5. That would have sold me the game back in the day. But non of them can beat the 'Welcome to the jungle' trailer!
  6. Didn't the Japanese or Germans get small exclusive information about GTA IV before release? I think i recall a random country getting something cool in magazine...
  7. Apparently Rockstar Games asked them to take the podcast and blog/article down because of the #Sandy dilemma. This tells me once again, the second trailer should have been released already. Ah well, *Waits patiently*
  8. Hey guys, just found this floating around: Translation of the important part: A podcast by Games Aktuell (Anyone Speak German?) http://soundcloud.co...335/gta-podcast Someone translated the good bits: Source
  9. Very gd match, I'd say that's him for sure...
  10. Fitty you might have better judgement on this, living in the same region. But according to this, power to Manhatten will be back up by Saturday, by the looks of it. So i wouldn't expect the trailer to come out any time before then, unless R* North somehow get a greenlight to post it. http://www.ctpost.com/news/article/NY-utility-Manhattan-power-back-on-Saturday-4001463.php
  11. I thought i'd make light of this semi disastrous event, and found a couple of mods to make GTA IV fun whilst i wait for m0ar GTAV information/trailers! Powercut mod: Flood mod: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqYoLJHomOY And just use the weather cheat and you end up with this: xD fun times!
  12. lovefist are in IV too, they're playing Star Junction. Sorry for the small image: Sweet, i never knew that... Well i guess that means it could just be reference rather than them actually being present/playing on radio in the game.
  13. That is a very important question. I doubt it would cause much of a delay. Damn, i knew it. I just had that feeling! Well at least we knew to expect something good. A second trailer is probably the best news we can ask for.
  14. Exactly, that's the conclusion i came to. My guess is they intended to release it on Halloween, but never got the chance. /edit, can a mod add this thread to the back end of the spring thread or something? save us from switching between topics, which are pretty much the same?
  15. I'm having trouble viewing the newswire comments atm...
  16. I'm thinking evening time for US... So they can get as much traffic as possible flood there website.
  17. The girl being arrested is wearing a Lovefist t-shirt I just this second said the same thing in the other thread xD I think we should have these merged or something?
  18. http://media1.gameinformer.com/imagefeed/screenshots/GrandTheftAutoV/GTAV_poster_2.jpg She's wearing a lovefist t-shirt, is the band coming back? hmm.
  19. Nice, Jamie. Where did it come from? Rockstar haven't released any other than the beach girl yet have they? hax?:
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Ana_River Looks very very close indeed?
  21. The police officer is named Vasquez. The Vasquez family appeared in GTA IV, a rich family, and involved in a cartel. http://gta.wikia.com/Alfonso_Vasquez