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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I'm hyped, so i had a shot at making a case based on the flood of concept art we've recently experienced. Yeah i know it's the old PS3 case, but i got half way through and realised the dimensions are different for the new case and couldn't be bothered to redo it.
  2. Maybe they will release the second trailer tomorrow, to mark the years wait? I still can't get my head around the fact it's been a year already!
  3. Yeah the city ones are cool, but it's the farm and the mountain ones that i jizzed out upon.
  4. Damn, well i'm gonna have to pre-order in multiple stores for these!
  5. GTA Forums i assume: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=529486&st=0
  6. Hang on wait, SECOND TRAILER? OMFG when? The 5th?!
  7. So these eraser things, are those picture veiwers with hints of locations within the game, or DLC-only locations?
  8. Just finished the first mission in Boston harbor. Really liking the way the story is going so far. I'm glad i picked this game up today, i was in two minds whether to wait for Hitman or get this, that'll have to wait now though. also, i had the captain not move his mouth in a cutscene, it looked terrible.
  9. Wasn't it CJ being masturbated by chop? Back on topic: I think that dogs will be a strange asset to the game. Maybe Chop will be a unique, one-off character side kick?
  10. Did you look on the back of the posters, there could be an easteregg *cough*map*cough*
  11. Yeah lol true. I got funny looks from the staff when i was taking pics. But as a customer i guess they can't say anything to me. They're released now, there's no point in keeping quiet.
  12. Did you get to take some of the posters home? I want one of each!
  13. He looks like an old, balding, Johnny Knoxville imo..
  14. You know what. The girl with the cop reminds me a lot of Yvonne Strahovski, who's currently in the Dexter TV Series.
  15. Okay guys, here's something on topic I went to buy AC3 this morning (wait for it) and saw the GTA V promotional pre-order cases on display. I took a pic of them all. The dog one is now 100% confirmed, on PS3 and 360!
  16. We got heavy rain here last night. Maybe it was the absolute end of one of the spiral falloffs
  17. My guess is they will release a second trailer just before Black ops 2 is released, so that people may decide to hold onto their money for GTA. Or they'll play safe and release the trailer in January after Christmas hype is over, followed by a massive build up to spring.
  18. Stick to the topic dude, this is GTA V forget about GTA IV. Yeah i guess they could just be lifestyle concepts, to help get you in the right frame of mind for LS. Even if they are only for that, it's exciting, I've loved the build up to every GTA, all the concepts and trailers building more than a picture. R* get the fans encapsulated into the world before we've even set foot in it
  19. DuPz0r

    Mobile Devices

    Hey bOnEs, are you gonna wait for the 4g version to be released? or is the iphone 5 already built with that in mind? I heard that some phones will need to be traded in for new models when 4g is finally rolled out. Either way it's probably not worth the wait, as where-ever i go there is always a wifi hotspot to connect to...
  20. The latest episode was a fresh look on the situation. For the most part we were focused on just the group, so it felt so isolated. Then suddenly we have a full town of people, it certainly felt weird seeing loads of people walking through the streets as normal.
  21. The character art is pretty hot, is she the same person as the one on the car bonnet being cuffed?