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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I'm also working in a Wal-Mart store atm. So I''ll go chat to my friend on home & leisure, see if there is anything worth taking pics of
  2. Is there any new concepts? also was that dog one there?
  3. What's your Imageshack profile name? Can you just copy the links? Someone will correct them for you.
  4. scan them if you get the chance. So that we can see them in detail
  5. We've now seen a couple of women in the concept art 'leaks'. If there is multiple protagonists, who expects a woman lead in this GTA?
  6. The new PS3 slim 8gb model is really cheap atm. If you''re looking to buy a console on the cheap just for GTAV, then imho that's the way to go. .
  7. Imagine San Andreas with a large Los Santos and no San Fierro or Las Venturas. One downtown area in the whole game with miles and miles of sprawl around it. Nowhere to fly to except some little town with a dirt airstrip. Most ambitious game? What exactly is this in the marked area? It kind of looks like two big tires with some kind of backrest or something. I don't know what the hell I'm looking at. Someone help me. Maybe they mean the most ambitious of this generation, or co op... That's quite clearly that women's handbag btw, probably on a car bonnet.
  8. OMG I'm late to the party. Why did it have to pop up half an hour after I start work! Just read all the comments here, what do I say first aaaaahhhhhh *Head explodes with joy* *Penis also explodes with joy* Best news so far!
  9. There is never a PC version release at the same time as consoles. Maybe they learnt from IV and developed V on PC along side consoles instead of porting it.
  10. Ast you said they were poster sized. I doubt they are otherwise there would be a variation in screenshots. I believe these are simply pre-order game sleeves for PS3.
  11. haha does look pretty big, but I'm sure this just perspective and foreshortening... Either way it does stand out. /edit I just realised, uf this is real, we got female cops in GTA V!
  12. The artwork look sweet. I hope this shits real!
  13. I think I just saw fitty in NJ putting out a fire via BBC news. Fitty, my he-row <3
  14. *Wonders if R* HQ has been flooded* Also wonders if this will affect information/cause delays regarding GTAV*
  15. Fitty, busy at work? Flooding sounds pretty bad. We get regular floods every year in the south west of England, but never hurricane inflicted.
  16. I'd laugh if the GI cover was the same concept image released this week... Just have a feeling.
  17. I wouldn't expect a co-op GTA experience to be anything like SR...
  18. Thanks to Marcus for pointing this out: http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/45851/celebrating-the-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-10th-anniversary-plus.html PleasebeTommyfigurePleasebeTommyfigurePleasebeTommyfigurePleasebeTommyfigurePleasebeTommyfigure!
  19. I think the opportunity to play as either single player or co-op with up to 4 players would be great. I'd obviously play through the story alone first just to get maximum immersion from it. But i do not oppose a co-op story one bit. I think it would make playing GTA with friends a lot more fun, and would probably entice some people into completing the game more than once or twice, that may not have otherwise... Saying that, i don't think local co-op is a viable option, it'd most likely be online co-op if at all... As long as you could have private games with friends, i'd play it.
  20. GTA V is going borderlands style - cell/ink shaded
  21. Also, i dunno why people are trying to compare concepts from previous GTA games. R* are very cultured in the arts, and like to use unique digital painted art styles for each game they make. This new style for GTA V looks pretty crisp, and stylised, and i like it.
  22. Just got home from work and i JIZZED IN MY PANTS! Old out of 10? It is pretty nice, automatically became my wallpaper on many devices. Can't wait for the next month of information!
  23. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is $2.49 on Steam today /yesterday - but still is now. £1.49 in the UK. I bought it, as that's peanuts, that's cheaper than bottle of coke. I'll still end up getting an anniversary edition for my phone if they decide to release one.
  24. Brian you're a fucking mutt. /edit Oh this isn't the asylum >_>