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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. That was pretty dramatic for a Resident Evil Trailer. Looks like they're taking film cinematography seriously in this one!
  2. DuPz0r

    GTA 3

    I'll probably just buy this on Ps3 for the hell of it. I already own many copies of it, on different formats. But meh, It's GTA 3!
  3. I'm actually growing a beard atm lol. Still pretty short. But i'm not normally the bearded type.
  4. I took a load of pictures in London a few months back. I decided to rush together a quick panoramic just now. Forgive my terrible photoshopping, i'm not normally that bad, i promise! Click for enlarged:
  5. Is you monitor square or widescreen? Sometimes if you lose/corrupt graphic drivers it has fail native resolutions.
  6. Tha's a good point. People here think that LS will be small (based on some screenshots/caps we've seen so far). Jets were not implemented into IV because the map was just to small, it would have exposed to much of the map too quickly. With the use of Jets in V, this means the map has to be at least twice the size of IV imo... So LS has to be a decent size in comparison to LC, not forgetting a probable large overall map.
  7. USA: Which state is yellowstone in? Idaho? Wyoming? It would certainly be different... Seattle - Seems like the perfect place in the US which hasn't been done already. Other: Hawaii - Honolulu - Drugs, gangs. + Paradise Cuba - Havana - same as above wo/Paradise Jamaica - Kingston - " " Haiti - Au-Prince - " " UK - London - Just because i live here, and they've not been back there since '69!
  8. DuPz0r

    GTA 3

    I hope this is available to play on vita!
  9. Mutant rabies, flu viruses could lead to havoc. June 25: The rabies season has just receded. And it’s time now for the human influenza or common cold to make our lives miserable. Rabies and the common cold, though their effects on our health are very different, are both caused by viruses and there is no known medical cure for either. While the common cold subsides within a week without causing much harm, rabies has always proved to be lethal. Of late, with rabies and influenza, particularly the type of influenza caused by the H1N1 virus, creating panic in the state, scientists took time off to imagine the sort of scenario we see in those Hollywood flicks in which viruses mutate or hybridise to emerge as dangerous pathogens. The question they are now asking is: what happens if rabies and the influenza viruses exchange their genetic make-up and emerge as a new hybrid strain that has the properties of both rabies and flu pathogens? Continue reading :here: Is about a year old, but quite an interesting read. I heard about something like to this a few years ago, and I think 28 Days Later is sort of based on something along these lines. Although it isn't the classic zombie virus, it's still the closest thing we could expect to a zombie outbreak in the near future.
  10. DuPz0r

    Hitman Series

    I watched this ages ago, but never saw it posted here, so here it is: I heard there was some speculation and controversy over the hit-nuns, and they had to edit some of the game to develop the characters so they have more purpose. Some religious nut probably tried suing them or some shit.
  11. DuPz0r

    Saints Row

    I wanna play the Scarface game now. It's probably not aged well, but it was a great game for its time, considering it already had GTA, The Godfather and Mafia franchise to compete with. (only GTA was above it back then though)
  12. xD i lol'd Also, Artist - PSY...wtf?
  13. DuPz0r

    Saints Row

    I did about the same amount on PS3, and then I've replayed and completed IV again too many times to count with multiple mods on PC, not to mention the many amount of random freeroams and multiplayer sessions I've attended over the years. Saints Row 3rd i completed twice, and don't have the urge to play anymore since i got 100% platinum. i co-op'd once or twice, but it didn't feel like an important aspect to me.
  14. DuPz0r

    Saints Row

    The first 1 minute i was on his side. But when he got to the shitting on GTA part, it was bullshit. He's just a 'reward me content for free' QD, who likes to get all the content for not putting much effort in. It's true that this game had a lot more to do than GTAIV , but GTA IV by far had a better story, with a proper gritty gangster feel - which is what GTA is all about. Saints Row is about goofing around with loads of novelty vehicles and weaponry. He obviously doesn't enjoy serious gameplay. That's what i love about GTA IV. If IV was like Saints Row, it would have been shit imo...
  15. Anyone played Crackcraft lately? i've been on the Game of Blocks server too much. I've added a graphic shader mode for minecraft. Things look good
  16. Just start with a few random questions of interest. If they do not have a good enough answer. Walk off, and never speak to them again...
  17. Find a common ground with people. Talk about something that you feel comfortable with, like gaming? I seem to start many convo IRL using the game card...
  18. DuPz0r

    360 vs PS3

    I'm not sure if the new PS3 slim has had any hardware upgrades.
  19. DuPz0r

    360 vs PS3

    I cba'd to start a new thread for this. Looks like Sony have redesigned the PS3 slim. I wonder if it's gonna be an upgrade in hardware like the 360 core - 360.2 elite etc... I hope not. I don't think consoles should have hardware upgrades half way through their life cycle. That normally means the older consoles wont keep up with the newer games developed... anyway pics:
  20. I got this years Halloween party costume sorted. I'm also wearing it to eurogamers con. I'd love to grab a cardboard box and sneak up on random people like that assassins creed guy did!
  21. Oh i see. This' why marney left? Kind of stupid. Cuda's post made me lol hard btw...
  22. Sorry guys i worked till 12am tonight, i had unexpected overtime. Will be up for it in the next couple of weeks.